Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So who really wants Ishihara?

That’s a good question. In all likelihood, it was Ishihara himself who volunteered to be a putative coalition representative in the event that all these new parties that are popping out of the woodwork in Japanese politics. Does anyone want him? Somebody must, at least “Stand Up!!! Japan!!!?!?” (extra punctuation added). You have to admit, that’s a great name for a political party. But…still, it’s all he said, she said (or really just he said he said, since this is Japanese old-boy politics we’re talking about) until someone stands up (pardon the repetition) and actually volunteers to start a new party, or something. 日本維新の会:「たち あがれ日本」とは信 頼築けず…橋下氏

毎日新聞 2012年10月31日 20時06分 (最終更新 10月31日 20時15分)

日本維新の会代表の橋下徹大阪市長は3 1日、大阪市役所で記者団に、東京都知事 を辞職した石原慎太郎氏が新党の母体と して想定している「たちあがれ日本」につ いて「信頼関係を築けない」などとして党 としての連携は難しいとの認識を示した。 一方で「石原さん個人とは一緒にやりた い」と述べ、連携の対象を石原氏個人とし たい考えを示した。

橋下氏は「石原さんの力は必要だと感じ ている」と強調。そのうえで、たちあがれ 日本について「保守ということで全部政策 決定されるというところで世代間のギャッ プを感じる。グループ、党となると(連携 は)難しい」と語った。

一方、石原氏が第三極の「大連合」がで きた場合には共同代表に就くよう、橋下氏 から提案されたと話していることが31日 分かった。たちあがれ日本の藤井孝男参院 代表が同日の記者会見で明らかにした。

関係者によると、石原氏は新党結成を表 明した25日に同党議員らの会合に出席し た際、「橋下氏から『共同代表でやろう』 と言われた」と述べたという。ただ、藤井 氏は「一つの表現として出た話だ」と述 べ、具体像は定まっていないとの認識も示 した。

しかし、橋下氏は31日、共同代表案に ついて「話題には上がったが、僕は持ちか けていない」と自分から提案したことは否 定した。【中井正裕、茶谷亮】

Japan Restoration Society: “Stand Up Japan” unable to build trust says Hashimoto

The leader of the Japan Restoration Society, Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, told reporters at city hall on the 31 st that he thought it would be difficult for his party to cooperate with Stand Up Japan, the assumed parent of the new party of retired Tokyo Mayor Shintaro Ishihara, saying “They have failed to build trust.” On the other hand, he said that “I would like to work together with Ishihara personally,” showing a willingness to cooperate directly with Ishihara.

Hashimoto highlighted that “I feel that Ishihara’s strength is necessary.” That said, regarding Stand Up Japan, “In conservatism and all of their government policies, there is a generational gap. As a group, a party, it would be difficult to join forces with them.”

If Ishihara were able to construct a grand coalition as a third pole in Japanese politics, Hashimoto has voiced the idea that Ishihara could serve as the joint representative, according to an interview by Stand Up Japan’s upper house representative Takao Fujii.

According to sources, during the meeting where Ishihara announced the formation of a new party on the 25 th , Fujii said, “It’s been said that Hashimoto challenged him to be a coalition representative. But that’s only one way of putting it.” He showed recognition that there is not yet concrete agreement on any structure for the coalition.

However, Hashimoto said on the 31 st regarding the coalition representative suggestion, “The subject did come up but I did not suggest it,” denying any personal responsibility for the suggestion.

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