Friday, August 31, 2012

The island

So...since when did a country need to buy islands from a private citizen, especially when said islands are part of an ongoing international dispute? Today in Japan, it seems.

尖閣:国の購入条件は 避難港の整備…石原 都知事

毎日新聞 2012年08月31日 20時31分

東京都の石原慎太郎知事は31日の定例 記者会見で、尖閣諸島(沖縄県石垣市)の 購入を巡って野田佳彦首相と会談し、漁船 の避難港(船だまり)の整備などを条件に 国の購入を認める考えを伝えたと明らかに した。

石原知事によると、会談は政府側の要請 で19日に首相官邸で行われた。知事は「 できるだけ早く、国も一緒になって所有 し、国の責任で実効支配をやってくれ」と 要望。その前提として「自衛隊を置けとは 言わない。最低限、船だまりや無線の中継 基地を造ってほしい。できれば灯台や有 人の気象観測所も」と話した。その際は、 14億円以上が集まっている都への寄付金 を全額渡す意向も伝えたという。

一方、政府は尖閣諸島を国有化し、現状 のまま第三者の立ち入りを禁止して管理す る方針を固めている。石原知事は野田首相 から回答がないと説明したうえで「いい返 事が来ることを願ってますが、来ないん じゃないか」と話した。【佐々木洋】

Senkaku: According to Tokyo mayor Ishara, the country must prepare an evacuation port as a term of purchase

Tokyo’s mayor Shinjiro Ishihara spoke at his regularly scheduled press conference on the 31 st concerning the Senkaku Islands (Okinawa Prefecture, Ishigaki City). He revealed that in a meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda he agreed to the country purchasing the Senkaku islands provided that they build a shelter harbor for fishing boats (safe harbor).

According to Mayor Ishihara, the meeting was held at the request of the government on the 19 th at the Prime Minister’s residence. The mayor expressed his desire that “as quickly as possible unite the islands with the country and demonstrate your effective control over them.” By way of explanation, he continued “I’m not saying deploy the defense force to the island. At the very least, I’m asking for a safe harbor and radio transmitter. Also, if possible, a lighthouse and manned weather station.” He also noted that the more than 1.4 billion yen that had been donated to the city could be handed over to the national government.

As it is, the government is finalizing an administrative policy of nationalizing the islands and, like the current situation, forbidding the entry of third parties to the islands. Mayor Ishihara said that he didn’t receive an answer from Prime Minister Noda, and that “I asked for a positive response, but I wonder if it won’t?”

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bringing it home

It's not often I go to Japanese for analysis if the American election and, truth be told, there isn't much new in the below commentary on Representative Paul Ryan and his impact on the election. That said, it is interesting to read such commentary in a second language and see how they frame things.

超保守 イデオロギー色濃 い論争に 共和党副大統領 候補のライアン氏

2012.8.30 20:48

【タンパ(フロリダ州)=古森義久】米 大統領選の共和党副大統領候補にライアン 下院予算委員長が指名されたことで、今後 の選挙戦は政策論争のイデオロギー色を濃 くして、オバマ大統領への挑戦も議論をよ り先鋭にしていく見通しが強くなった。

42歳のライアン氏の登場はロムニー陣 営に若さや活力を増す形となり、29日の 副大統領候補受諾の演説でも会場は沸きに 沸いた。

ライアン氏は演説でオバマ政権の景気回 復策や医療保険改革策での巨額の支出を具 体的な数字をあげて批判し、財政赤字の膨 張への基本的な反対を表明した。

ライアン氏は共和党の中でも財政面の保 守主義の最も強烈な旗手として活動してき た。この点でのライアン氏の保守度は大統 領候補のロムニー氏を上回る。

このため、ライアン氏の参戦は共和党側 のオバマ政権攻撃をこれまでよりも鋭く し、イデオロギー色を強くするとみられて いる。

保守派の政治評論家のフレッド・バーン ズ氏は「両党の論争はライアン氏の参加 で、『政府の役割』とか『政府と国民の関 係』という国家のあり方の基本レベルにま で引き上げられるだろう」と述べた。

ロムニー氏も保守主義を唱えるが、論争 の主題はオバマ政権下の経済運営や同政権 の過去の実績という次元にとどまりがち だったというのだ。

ライアン氏が緩急を操る論客である点も 今後の大統領選の熱気を高めることが予想 される。民主党現職のバイデン副大統領は 国政経験こそ豊富だが、討論では失言も多 く、冷静に相手を攻撃していくとされるラ イアン氏との対照がすでにメディアで報じ られている。

Moving towards ultraconservative ideological tint – Republican Party vice-presidential candidate Ryan

As chairman of the House Budget Committee Ryan accepted the Republican nomination for vice president of the United States, it seems that he will drive the political debate in the presidential election to take a more deeply ideological tone by strengthening his challenge and arguments aimed at President Obama.

The selection of 42 year-old Representative Ryan by the Romney campaign was aimed to increase its youth and vitality, and his acceptance speech for the vice-presidential nomination had the meeting hall overflowing with excitement.

In his speech, Representative Ryan criticized the Obama administration’s economic recovery and medical insurance reform policies by naming concrete figures for their large expenditures and voiced a fundamental opposition to increasing the financial deficit.

Among Republicans, Representative Ryan has been active as the most passionate standard-bearer of fiscal conservatism. On this point, Ryan’s conservative is said to exceed that of presidential candidate Romney.

Because of this, it appears that since Ryan has joined the campaign, the Republican side’s attacked on the Obama administration have grown sharper and even more ideological.

Conservative political commentator Fred Barnes said, “Since Representative Ryan joined the campaign, the parties’ debate over ‘The government’s role’ and ‘the relationship between government and the people’ will rise to the very foundational level of the existence of the state.”

Governor Romney has also been emphasizing conservative principles, but the debate has tended to stay focused on the Obama administration’s handling of the economy and record in office.

Representative Ryan’s reputation as operating his campaign on controversy is expected to heat up the enthusiasm of the campaign. The Democratic Party’s Vice-President Biden has far more political experience but has had numerous gaffes in debate and this contrast between him and Representative Ryan who can calmly attack his counterpart is already being reported in the media.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bad Prime Minister! Shame on you!

Another day, another opposition party causes trouble in the Diet. If there's one thing Japanese politics is known for, it's being able to not get along, almost as poorly as our own Republicans and Democrats at this point in our not so storied history. 

That said, translating the article was pretty straight forward. There was one sentence the required a little interpretive guesswork  but hopefully I captured the meaning correctly.

首相問責を参院可決= 今国会解散に応ぜ ず―民・自党首選に突 入

参院は29日夜の本会議で、新党「国民の生 活が第一」など野党7会派が提出した野田佳彦 首相の問責決議を、7会派や自民党の賛成多数 で可決した。問責決議に法的拘束力はなく、首 相は自民党が求める今国会での衆院解散には応 じない方針。野党は参院での審議拒否に入り、 9月8日の会期末を前に、国会は空転状態と なった。政局の焦点は、9月の民主党代表選、 自民党総裁選に移る。

首相は先の谷垣禎一自民党総裁との会談で、 「近いうち」の衆院解散で合意した。しかし、 民主党内では早期解散に反対する声が大勢。同 党の輿石東幹事長は29日、記者団に「今回ほ ど不思議な問責はない。自民党が賛成した意味 が理解できない」と自民党を批判。別の民主党 幹部は「これで『近いうち』解散は白紙になっ た」と明言した。

首相は9月21日の党代表選に出馬する意向 を示唆、再選が有力視されている。ただ、原発 再稼働や環太平洋連携協定(TPP)参加に反 対する議員の間には「反野田」候補の擁立を模 索する動きもある。

与野党には、首相は再選されれば10月前半 にも臨時国会を召集し同月中に解散を断行。1 1月に衆院選挙が行われるとの見方が広がりつ つある。

一方、谷垣氏は記者団に「一日も早く解散 し、しっかりした政治運営の体制をつくる責任 を首相は受け止めなければならない」と強調し た。しかし、首相が今国会の解散に応じるそぶ りを見せないことから、党内では谷垣氏への不 満がくすぶっており、石破茂前政調会長や安倍 晋三元首相らを次期総裁候補に推す声がある。

Prime Minister censure passes Upper House -LDP DPJ rushing to leadership elections with no response on dissolving the Diet

On the evening of the 29 th , a motion to censure Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiro submitted by 7 opposition parties, led by new “People’s Life First” party passed on the support of the 7 parties and the LDP. The censure motion has no legal binding force and the prime minister is continuing his policy of not responding to the LDP’s demand for dissolution of the lower house. The opposition in the upper house has moved to complete legislative denial, and the Diet has entered a state of stalemate leading up to the 9/8 session end. The parties’ focus is moving to the September leadership elections of the DPJ and LDP.

The Prime Minister, in a previous meeting with the LDP party chief Sadakazu Tanigaki, agreed to dissolve the lower house “in the near future.” But, opposition with the DPJ to an early dissolution has gained strength. Party Secretary Higashi Koshishi told reporters on the 29 th that “there’s never been a more confusing censure. I can’t understand the intent of the LDP in voting for it.” Another DPJ executive said “With this vote, “the near future” has become a blank slate.”

The Prime Minister has hinted at running in the party leadership election on 9/21 and is the likely strongest candidate. That said, among party members who opposed the nuclear reactor restart and Trans Pacific Partnership, the search for an “anti-Noda” candidate is on. For both parties, if the prime minister is re-elected, it is expected that he would take decisive action to call a special session in the first half of October to dissolve the lower house. Expectations for a November Lower House election are spreading.

Tanigaki told reported, “The Prime Minister must take responsibility and dissolve parliament as soon as possible in order for a robust governmental structure to be built.” However, due to the Prime Minister not showing any intention of dissolving the Diet during this legislative session, dissatisfaction with Tanigaki is growing within the LDP and former prime minister Shinzo Abe and former party policy chief Shigeru Ishiba have been mooted as candidates to run in the party leadership elections.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How dare they!

In the ongoing saga of poor Sino-Japanese relations, the ambassador can't catch a break.

大使車襲撃、北京市公 安局「重視し迅速に捜 査」

【北京=大木聖馬】丹羽宇一郎中国大使の車 が27日に襲撃された事件で、在北京日本大使 館の斎藤法雄公使参事官は28日、北京市公安 局に対して事件の再発防止と警備の強化を再度 申し入れた。


大使館は27日の事件直後にも公安局に対し て文書で申し入れをしていた。斎藤公使参事官 は、大使の車の中から大使館員らが撮影した男 の写真なども公安局側に改めて提供した。公安 局は今回の事件について「遺憾の意」を表明し た上で、「本件を重視しており、迅速に捜査を 行っている」と回答し、捜査に着手したことを 明らかにしたという。

Ambassador’s car attacked, Beijing Public Safety authorities to investigate with all speed and focus

Ambassador to China Niwa Uichiro’s car was attacked on the 27 th and an embassy source revealed that Norio Saito, a minister-counselor at the Japanese embassy in Beijing submitted another request to the Beijing Public Safety Authority asking that they strengthen their security and prevent a reoccurrence of the incident.

Right after the incident, the embassy submitted a written request to the Public Safety Authority. Counselor Saito stated that pictures of a man taken by embassy staff in the Ambassador’s car were also submitted to the Public Safety Authority. The Public Safety Authority said that this was a regrettable incident and announced, “We will investigate with all speed and diligence,” signaling the start of the investigation.

Monday, August 27, 2012

I got a job...maybe!

Today's article is on the exciting world of education and employment statistics. Looks like nearly 2 out of every 3 Japanese college graduates this past March ha as managed to find a job, not a small task in today's difficult economy.

大卒就職率2年連続微増の 63・9% 文科省調査、 2割余りが派遣やアルバイ ト

今春大学を卒業した人のうち就職した人 の割合が、昨年より2・3ポイント上昇し 63・9%だったことが27日、文部科学 省の学校基本調査の速報で分かった。 リーマン・ショック後の雇用悪化により下 落幅が過去最大を記録した2年前から2年 連続の微増。やや改善傾向を示す一方、派 遣社員やアルバイトなど安定的な雇用に 就いていない人は2割余りの約12万8千 人に上った。

調査によると、今春の大学卒業者55万 9030人のうち、就職したのは35万7 285人で、就職者を卒業者で割った就職 率は63・9%だった。

今回は、就職者のうち契約や派遣など 正社員でない非正規雇用の調査も初めて実 施したところ、2万1990人で3・9% だった。アルバイトやパートなど「一時 的な仕事に就いた人」(1万9596人、 3・5%)と「進学も就職もしていない 人」(8万6638人、15・5%)と合 わせ、22・9%が安定的な雇用に就い ていなかった。

進学も就職もしていない人の内訳も初め て調べ、「就職や進学準備」が5万305 4人(9・4%)、就職や進学準備もしな い「ニート」が3万3584人(6・ 0%)だった。

College graduate new hire rate continues 2-year marginal improvement trend at 63.9% according to Ministry of Education report -- more than 20% on contract or part-time jobs

The Ministry of Education reported in its Basic Education Survey report on the 27 th that 63.9% of individuals graduating college this past spring found permanent employment, an increase of 2.3% from last year. This continues a 2-year trend of marginal increases after the huge decrease in employment after the Lehman Brothers collapse, the largest ever recorded. While this shows an improving trend, the number of individuals without stable employment, either on contract or working part time was above 20%, rising to 128,000. According to the report, there were 559,030 college graduates this spring, and 357,285 found permanent employment, giving a new college graduate employment rate of 63.9%.

The report also investigated non-permanent employment, contract, temporary, or otherwise not permanent employees, for the first time, recording 21,990 individuals or 3.9%. Part-time employees (individuals engaged in temporary work), 19,596 people or 3.5%, and individuals not continuing education or working (86,638 people or 15.5%) together amounted to 22.9% of graduates not engaged in permanent employment.

In this first-time break-out of individuals not engaged in education or employment, those preparing for work or education were 53,054 (9.4%) and those not engaged in work, education or training (NEET) came to 33,584 (6.0%).

Friday, August 24, 2012

Survey says...

Now, it's time to review public opinion on whether to have nuclear power in Japan. What do you think they said?

原発比率:民主党の調査 会が議論開始

毎日新聞 2012年08月24日 21時53分

民主党は24日、将来のエネルギー政策を議 論する「エネルギー・環境調査会」の初会合を 開き、将来の総発電量に占める原発比率を巡る 議論を始めた。今国会期末の9月8日までに結 論を出す方針だが、原発ゼロの是非とその実現 時期が最大の焦点となる。

会合では、会長の前原誠司政調会長が、政府 が2030年時点の原発比率として示した 0%、15%、2025%−−の三つの選択肢に こだわらず、目標時期などを変えた党の独自案 をまとめることもあり得るとの考えも示した。

一方、出席議員からは、政府主催の討論型世 論調査などで、原発ゼロ支持が最多だったこと から、「国民の方向性はゼロ。政党としてゼロ にした方が分かりやすい」との意見が出た。【 小倉祥徳、鈴木美穂】

Nuclear power percentage: DPJ’s research committee begins discussions

On the 24 th , the DPJ kicked off the opening meeting of their “Energy & Environment Research Committee”, focused on discussions about future energy policy, opening with a debate over what percentage of total power output should come from nuclear sources. The plan is to put out a conclusion by the end of the current Parliamentary session on 9/8. The principal focus is on the pros and cons of eliminating nuclear power and the time period in which that could be realized.

At the meeting, committee chairman Seiji Maehara indicated that the party might submit its own proposal with a different target timeframe, without regard to the options the government suggested of a reduction in reliance on nuclear power to 0%, 15%, or 20-25% by 2030.

Based on the government sponsored discussion-format public opinion research, complete elimination of nuclear power received the most support among attending parliamentarians as displayed in the generally vocalized opinion that “The population’s support is for zero. As a political party, it is most intuitive to pursue a policy of complete elimination.”

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It gets better

The Korean president's comments about the emperor are getting a lot more play. We could be seeing the making of another low in Japan-Korea relations.  Enjoy.

韓国一流紙に「トンデ モ」コラム 天皇陛下 は「膝をついて謝罪す る写真を歴史に残すべ き」

竹島(韓国名・独島)や天皇陛下の訪韓をめぐ る李明博(イ・ミョンバク)大統領による謝罪 要求で日韓の緊張が高まる中、韓国で日本批判 が先鋭化している。これまでその主な舞台は ネット上の掲示板や、市民が投稿する形式の ネットニュースだったが、2012年8月20日、つ いに大手紙のコラムにまで、天皇陛下に「膝を ついて謝罪する写真を歴史に残すべき」と要求 する論調が飛び出し、日本側も反発を強めてい る。

コラムが載ったのは、韓国で最 も部数が多い「朝鮮日報」

問題のコラムは、朝鮮日報のウェブサイトに掲 載された「記者手帳」。朝鮮日報は1920年に創 刊され、中央日報・東亜日報と合わせて「朝中 東」と呼ばれる3大紙の中でも最も発行部数が多 い。韓国を代表する新聞だと言える。

コラムは、「『日王、独立運動家に謝罪せよ』 何が間違っているのか」と題して掲載された、 政治部の李河遠(イ・ハウォン)記者の署名入 り原稿だ。「日王」とは、天皇陛下に対する韓 国での呼称だ。コラムでは、

「韓国の立場からすると、天皇批判に日本の政 界がこれほどまでに敏感に反応する理由が理解 できない」

と語り、天皇陛下の父親にあたる昭和天皇につ いて

「日本が朝鮮半島を統治した時代に民族全体を 迫害し、弾圧した人物で、太平洋戦争では韓国 の若い男性を銃の盾とし、若い女性を日本軍の 性的奴隷とした」

と断じた上で、「特別A級戦犯」だと表現。この ような経緯を根拠に、李大統領の謝罪要求を

「ある意味当然の要求」 「時期的には問題があったかもしれないが、決 して言ってはならない言葉というわけではな い」


旧西ドイツ首相のホロコースト への謝罪を引き合いに…

さらに、1970年に旧西ドイツのヴィリー・ブ ラント首相(当時)が、ポーランドの首都ワル シャワの、ユダヤ人ゲットー跡地で跪いて献花 し、ナチス・ドイツ時代のユダヤ人虐殺(ホロ コースト)を謝罪したことを引き合いに、

「今上天皇は手遅れになる前に、ブラント首相 のように膝をついて謝罪する写真を歴史に残す べきだ」


なお、ブラント首相の謝罪をめぐっては、「ホ ロコーストに対して謝罪したのであって、戦争 や侵略行為について謝罪したものではない」と いう説もある。さらに、コラムでは、天皇陛下 の訪韓を求めているのは韓国側だということに ついても触れられていない。

コラムは日本語版にも転載され、21日夕ま で1300回以上ツイートされている。1記事に対す るツイートの数としては異例の多さだ。その内 容のほとんどが、

「韓国の日本に対する理解不足の標本的な見 本」 「教育とは恐ろしい」


Korea – Top newspaper’s outrageous column –Emperor should leave a photo for history of himself apologizing on his knees

In the midst of heightening tensions between Japan and Korea over a request for apology from President Lee Myun Pak regarding his comments about Takeshima (Korean name: Dokdo) and the Emperor visiting Korea, criticism of Japan within Korea is trebling. Till now, it has mainly appeared online on message boards or “net news” sites where citizens can post news. However, on 8/20/2012, it reached a major newspaper column with the eye-popping demand that the emperor “should take a picture of himself apologizing on his knees for history,” which strengthened the backlash from the Japanese side.

The Chosun Daily News, Korea’s largest newspaper by circulation, carried the column

The column at issue was posted on the Chosun Daily News website “Reporter’s Notebook.” The Chosun Daily News was first published in 1920, called along with the DongAng Daily News and the Dong-A Daily News the “big 3” of Korean news, and of them is the largest by circulation. It is called Korea’s representative news.

The column is titled, “ ‘King Sun, apologize to the independence activists!’ What’s wrong with that?” and is attributed to reporter Lee Ha Won of the government desk. “King Sun” is the what the Japanese emperor is known as in Korea. The column says, “From Korea’s standpoint, it is impossible to understand the reason for such a sensitive reaction from Japan’s government over criticism of the emperor.” Regarding the emperor’s father, Emperor Showa, he writes, “When Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula, they persecuted our whole race and oppressed our people. During the Pacific war, they used Korea’s young men as shields and forced its young women to be sexual slaves for the Japanese army” and uses the expression, “He was a special class-A war criminal.” With these particulars as his foundation, he says of President Lee’s demand for an apology, “It’s a completely natural demand.” “The timing could have been an issue but to say that it can’t be said at all is ridiculous.”

In referencing the apology of the prime minster of former West Germany for the Holocaust…

Also, the author references how in 1970, prime minister Willy Brandt of former West Germany knelt at the site of the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, Poland and laid a wreath to apologize for the Nazi era genocide of Jews (the Holocaust). The column ends with, “Before it’s too late, the emperor should kneel like Prime Minister Brandt and apologize and leave this picture for history.”

That said, it can be said of Prime Minister Brandt’s apology that it was “an apology for the Holocast, not for war and invasion.” Furthermore, the column doesn’t touch on the point that the whole Emperor seeking to visit Korea story is something that only Korea has been saying.

The column is carried in the Japanese edition and was retweeted more than 1300 times as of the evening of the 21 st which for one article is an unusually high number of tweets. The contents was almost all of the following type, “A good example of Korea’s lack of understanding of Japan” or “His education is terrifying,” focusing pointing out the author’s lack of knowledge on the topic.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A dubious fight

Sometimes, intra-party discord totally loses me. In the case of this article, I'm uncertain of the actual meaning of a couple of areas so took a guess on the actual meaning based on the surrounding context. So...your guess is as good as mine if anything was lost in translation.

自民党:林芳正氏の衆院 くら替えめぐり内紛 山口で

自民党の林芳正政調会長代理(参院山口選挙 区)の衆院くら替え問題が、山口県連から党本 部を巻き込んだ内紛に発展している。林氏は9 月の党総裁選への立候補をにらんで次期衆院選 で山口3区からの立候補を探るが、3区選出の 河村建夫元官房長官が猛反発している。党執行 部は22日、くら替えは認めないと県連幹部に 伝えたが、総裁選の構図にも影響を与えかねな い事態になっている。

「現職の参院議員の衆院へのくら替えは基本 的に認めない。これは党本部の方針だ」

自民党の大島理森副総裁は22日、党本部で 石崎幸亮(よしすけ)・県連会長にこう通告。 だが、石崎氏は会談後も記者団に「河村氏が比 例に回り、林氏を3区から出してほしいという のが県連の主張だ」と訴えた。河村氏も記者団 に「3区で全力投球でやってきた」と真っ向か ら反論した。

山口2区は党支部長が7月の山口県知事選に 立候補を表明したのを受け、林氏に2区での出 馬要請があったが、林氏はこれを拒否。父であ る林義郎元蔵相の中選挙区時代の地盤に3区が 重なるとの事情もあるが、こうした林氏の態度 に河村氏が一層反発する構図だ。

LDP: Internal struggle over Yoshimasa Hayashi changing jobs to Lower House in Yamaguchi Prefecture

The internal discord over the issue of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)’s policy research council chairman’s representative Yoshimasa Hayashi (Upper House Yamaguchi district)) changing seats to the Lower House has grown from the Yamaguchi regional party branch to involve the party headquarters. Hayashi is seeking to be the candidate for the Yamaguchi 3 rd District seat in the next Lower House elections, with an eye towards candidacy for party leadership elections in September, but is being hotly opposed by current 3 rd district seat holder former Chief Cabinet Secretary Tateo Kawamura. On the 22 nd , party leadership notified the prefectural party executive that a change of jobs will not be permitted but the reality that this may have an impact on the composition of the general election can’t be denied.

“It is a foundational principle of party policy that a currently standing Upper House member is not permitted to move to the Lower house.”

Tadamori Oshima, deputy president of the LDP delivered this message to prefectural party chairman Yoshisuke Ishizaki at party headquarters on the 22 nd . After this meeting, Ishizaki told members of the press, “Representative Kawamura is supported by the majority and the prefectural party chapter wants Hayashi out of the 3 rd district.” Kawamura also showed his direct opposition, telling reporters, “I’ve given everything in the 3 rd district.”

When party leadership received the Yamaguchi’s 2 nd district representative’s announcement of his intention to run in the Yamaguchi prefectural governor race, it requested that Hayashi run in the 2 nd district but Hayashi refused. During the era of Hayashi’s father, former finance minister Yoshiro Hayashi, his support base was centered around the current 3 rd district and this is another key element driving Hayashi to oppose Kawamura.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A familiar theme

Moving back to more familiar climes, here's yet another announcement about another meeting on nuclear power that's been scheduled. Huzzah.

原発再稼働抗議:首 相、22日に市民団 体メンバーと面会

毎日新聞 2012年08月21日 21時01分 (最終更新 08月21日 21時13分)

野田佳彦首相は22日午後、原発再稼働 への抗議活動を毎週金曜日に首相官邸前で 行っている市民団体のメンバーと官邸で 面会する。官邸ホームページでインター ネット中継する。当初は8日を予定してい たが、消費増税法をめぐる与野党対立の余 波で延期され、日程を再調整していた。

市民団体側は関西電力大飯原発(福井県 おおい町)を含めた全原発の停止や、脱原 発政策への転換などを求める見通し。首 相は政府の新たな「エネルギー・環境戦 略」に関し、将来的に原発依存度をゼロに する場合の課題を検討するよう指示したこ となどを説明し、当面の原発再稼働に理 解を求める考えだ。【岡崎大輔】

Protests against nuclear restart: Prime Minister to meet with members of citizen’s group on the 22 nd

Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda is scheduled to meet with members of the citizen’s group that is holding rallies every Friday in front of the ministerial residence to protest the restart of nuclear reactors. This was announced online via the residence homepage. The original plan was to meet on the 8 th , but was postponed in the aftermath of the confrontation between the government and opposition over the consumption tax increase law and then rescheduled.

The citizen’s group is expected to seek the halting of operations of all nuclear reactors, including the Kansai Electric Ooi Reactor (in Ooi town in Fukui prefecture) as well as a change in government policy to abandon nuclear power. The prime minister is planning to explain his directive to study the topic of moving the country’s reliance on nuclear power towards zero in the government’s new energy and environmental strategy and ask for understanding of the present nuclear power restart.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Sometimes, I confess that I pick an article because it's the first one I come across. That doesn't mean I really understand it. In that sense, I think I captured the meaning correctly in the translation before, but I still honestly couldn't tell you what this article is about. That works require an interest in international baseball competition that I don't have. But, that's a price that translator often pay.

代表者会議で対応協議、再 び選手会と交渉へ

2012.8.20 21:01

来年3月に行われるワールド・ベース ボール・クラシック(WBC)の出場問題 で、12球団による代表者会議が20日、 東京都内で開かれ、日本代表のスポンサー 権などが日本側に帰属することを大会主催 者との交渉で確認したことが報告された。 選手会と近く事務折衝を行う。

日本野球機構(NPB)の国際関係委 員長を務め、大会主催者と交渉を担当した 日本ハムの島田利正球団代表によると、W BC開催期間中の日本代表のスポンサー 権などについて、主催者との契約書で曖昧 になっていた点が明確になったという。島 田代表は「代表ライツ(権利)は得られる と再確認できた」と話した。

Negotiation and second players meeting discussed at representative’s meeting

Delegates from 12 baseball organizations met in Tokyo on the 20 th regarding the location of next March’s World Baseball Classic (WBC) and announced that it had been confirmed through negotiations with the event sponsors that the Japanese organization’s sponsorship rights belong to the Japanese side. Negotiations with the players’ group will follow.

According to Toshimasa Shimada, Japanese Baseball Organization (NPB)’s international relations committee chair and Nihon Ham’s representative to Japan Baseball who led negotiations with the event sponsors, it has become clear that terms of the contract with the sponsors are vague on the Japanese representative’s sponsorship rights during the WBC. Shimada said that “We reconfirmed that we can gain representation rights.”

Friday, August 17, 2012

What if it happens again?

Sometimes the government gets concerned about nuclear safety, especially after a disaster happens. Hence, this perhaps unusual request.

複数の断層、連動の揺 れ評価へ 東海第2原 発

経済産業省原子力安全・保安院は17日、日 本原子力発電に対し、同社の東海第2原発(茨 城県)周辺にある複数の断層が連動することを 想定し、地震の揺れを再評価するよう指示し た。

連動の想定を求めたのは東海第2原発の海側 にある「F1断層」や原発北方の陸側にある 「車断層」。再評価後の揺れが、耐震設計で想 定する最大の揺れ(基準地震動)を上回れば、 原子炉の重要施設がそうした揺れに耐えられる かについても評価を求める。

福井県の美浜原発や高速増殖炉「もんじゅ」 周辺の断層についても、これまでに連動の想定 を求めた断層とは別の複数の断層についても連 動を評価するように求めた。

Towards an estimate of shaking of multiple fault lines moving together at Tokai #2 Reactor

The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry’s Nuclear Safety and Security Agency directed Japan Nuclear Power Company to re-evaluate earthquake impacts based on hypothetical linked tremors in multiple fault lines around the Tokai #2 Reactor in Ibaraki Prefecture. The scenario that was requested is the linked movement of the F1 Fault which is on the seaward side of the #2 Reactor and the Wheel Fault on the shore to the north.

After re-evaluation of the tremors, if the largest hypothetical tremor (for a standard earthquake) exceeds the design limits of resistance to seismic activity of the reactor, NSSA is also seeking an evaluation of the ability of the reactor’s critical facilities to withstand such a tremor.

The ministry is also seeking similar evaluations of the impact of linked movement in multiple fault lines not previously hypothesized of fault lines around the Mihama Reactor and the Fast-breeder reactor “Monju” in Fukui Prefecture.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rush to judgment

We move to Indian automotive issues today. Nothing terribly exciting but a far cry from the political drama in East Asia.

スズキのインド工場、厳戒 下で21日再開 暴動から 約1カ月、生産回復にはな お時間も

スズキのインド子会社であるマルチ・ス ズキのバルガバ会長は16日、暴動事件で 閉鎖中のマネサール工場(ハリヤナ州)を 今月21日に再開すると発表した。州警 察が500人規模で警備にあたる厳戒下で の操業となる見込み。18日で暴動から1 カ月になるが、従業員確保などでも問題が 残り、生産を回復させるには、まだ時間 がかかりそうだ。

「本音では、時間をかけてもいいから、 問題の完全解消を優先させたい。再開させ たはいいが、また、問題で稼働停止するこ とが、最悪のシナリオだ」

スズキの首脳は、マルチ・スズキ社の早 期の生産再開に懸念を示した。

マネサール工場では昨年6月から9月 まで大規模なストライキが断続的に起き、 やっと生産が正常化した直後に発生したの が今回の暴動だった。現地の発表などに よると、インド人人事担当者が足を折られ たうえ、放火されて死亡するという残虐な 事態が発生。「従業員のショックは大き く、安心を確保すると同時に、十分なメ ンタルヘルスが重要だ」(スズキの鈴木俊 宏副社長)と、再開を急がない考えだっ た。

急(きゅう)遽(きょ)、21日再稼働 が決まった背景には、州政府からの強い要 請がある。海外からの投資を呼び込んでい るインドだが、州政府の力が強く、州政府 ごとで「(ビジネス)案件の取り合いを演 じている」(自動車部品首脳)のが実態 だ。

ハリヤナ州政府としても、「暴動の解 決が長引くことで、今後の投資に悪影響が 出ることを懸念」(スズキ首脳)してい る。そこで、スズキの鈴木修会長兼社長 が来週のインド入りまでに再開するよう強 い働きかけがあり、安全の担保として50 0人の警察官派遣に至ったもようだ。ただ 安定した操業が持続できるかは疑問で 「見切り発車になる可能性も高い」(スズ キ幹部)との声がある。

Suzuki’s Indian plant to re-open under heavy guard on 21 st . One month since the riot, it will take more time to restore production

Suzuki’s Indian subsidiary, Maruti-Suzuki’s chairman Bhargava announced on the 16 th that the Manesar plan, (Haryana state) which was shuttered due to a riot, will re-open on the 21 st of this month. It is planned to begin operations under heavy guard, with the state police deploying approximately 500 guards as security. The 18 th will mark one month since the riot, but concerns about worker safety remain and it appears that it will take more time to fully restore production.

“Truthfully, it’s fine if it takes time because completely resolving the problem is our highest priority. Re-opening is fine but we may not operate due to the issue in the worst-case scenario.” Suzuki’s leader also expressed doubts about the early restoration of Maruti-Suzuki’s production.

Last year, large strikes occurred at the Manesar plant from June through September and this most recent riot occurred just after production had normalized. According to local reports, the Indian head of HR had his legs broken and then it is said that he was burned to death. Suzuki’s vice president Toshihiro Suzuki explained that “the workers were greatly disturbed and along with preserving their peace of mind and mental health is important” so there is no hurry to reopen.

The rushed decision to restart on the 21 st comes with the backdrop of the state government’s strong request. India is calling for foreign investments but state governments have a lot of power and automotive parts leaders have to compete on a state by state basis for projects.

According to Suzuki’s leaders, even the Haryana state government is concerned that delaying resolution of the instability may have a negative impact on future investments. Because of that, there is a strong impetus to reopen by the time Suzuki’s president and chairman Osamu Suzuki visits India next week and so the state is dispatching 500 policemen to insure safety. Still, there are doubts stable operations can be maintained. Suzuki managers have voiced fears of this being a hasty decision.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Smells like backpedaling

As a file up to yesterday's article, here's what appears to be some backpedaling on the part of the Korean press. I could be wrong though.

韓国大統領発言「陛 下、訪問したいなら」 に訂正

【ソウル=中川孝之】韓国の李明博(イミョン バク)大統領が14日に天皇陛下の訪韓に謝罪が 必要と発言した問題で、韓国の大統領府は同日 午後、「(天皇陛下が)韓国を訪問したがって いる」とする李大統領の発言を訂正した。

大統領府関係者によると、李大統領は実際 は、「(天皇陛下が)韓国を訪問したいなら ば」と仮定の話と述べており、「独立運動をし て亡くなられた方々のもとを訪ね、心から謝罪 すればいい」と発言していた。

発言を代表取材した韓国記者が、誤った発言 内容を大統領府が運営する取材記者団専用サイ トに掲載してしまったという。記者が誤りに気 付き、発言内容を差し替えた。

(2012年8月15日20時08分 読売新聞)

South Korean president’s remarks revised, “If the emperor wants to visit…”

After South Korea’s President Lee Myung-Bak stated that the Japanese emperor should apologize in order to visit South Korea, the presidential office issued a correction on afternoon of the 14 th to his comment that “The Emperor appears to want to visit South Korea.”

According to sources at the presidential office, President Lee actually said that if, hypothetically speaking, the emperor wants to visit South Korea, he should visit the grave of the independence activists who died and offer a sincere apology.

The Korean pool reporter who recorded the remarks reported the incorrect statement on the website run by the presidential office for media organizations. When the reporter noticed the mistake, he corrected the error.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Still asking for apologies

South Korea's president continues to stoke anti-Japan sentiment with more provocative comments, this time about the Japanese emperor.

天皇訪韓、独立運動家 への謝罪が条件…李大統 領

【ソウル=中川孝之】韓国の李明博(イミョン バク)大統領は14日、天皇陛下が「訪韓した がっている」との認識を示した上で、訪問の条 件として「(日本の植民地統治期に)亡くなっ た独立運動家を訪ね、心から謝罪すること」を 挙げた。

忠清北道の大学で、教員と会合した席上で発 言したもの。大統領による天皇陛下への「謝罪 要求」は極めて異例で今後、波紋を呼びそう だ。

大統領府によると、李大統領はまた、「『痛 惜の念』との言葉だけなら、来る必要はない」 とも述べた。

「痛惜の念」は、1990年5月、当時の盧 泰愚大統領来日時、宮中晩さん会での天皇陛下 による「お言葉」の中に含まれている。

大統領は、10日に強行した竹島上陸につい て、参加者から質問が出たのに対しては、「日 本は加害者と被害者の立場をよく理解していな い」と、改めて対日批判を展開。「私は(日本 を)国賓訪問したくない」などと語った。

President Lee sets condition of apology to independence activists on imperial visit to Korea

South Korea’s President Lee Myon Pak, indicating awareness of the Emperor desiring to visit South Korea, gave the condition that he “visit independence activists who died during the period of Japanese colonial rule and apologize sincerely.”

He stated this during a meeting with faculty at Chungcheongbuk-do University. The President’s call for an apology from the Emperor is extremely unusual and will likely have repercussions in the future. According to the presidential office, President Lee also stated that “If he only has ‘words of deep regret’, there is no need to come.”

“Words of deep regret” were among those addressed by the Emperor to then President Roh Tae-woo at an imperial banquet in his May 1990 visit to Japan.

In response to a question from participants in his visit to Takeshima on the 10 th , the president expanded on his anti-Japanese criticism, “Japan understands neither the point of view of the aggressor or the victim.” He also declared, “I have no desire for a state visit to Japan.”

Monday, August 13, 2012

Since it's over...

Just for fun, here's one Olympics article with absolutely no relationship to Japan, aside from being written in Japanese.

オスタプチュクの金 メダル剥奪=女子砲 丸投げ〔五輪・陸 上〕

【ロンドン時事】国際オリンピック委員 会(IOC)は13日、ロンドン五輪の陸 上女子砲丸投げで優勝したナジェヤ・オス タプチュク(ベラルーシ)がドーピング (禁止薬物使用)検査で陽性反応を示した ため、金メダルを剥奪すると発表した。今 大会では、入賞者がドーピングで失格した 例はあったが、メダルが剥奪されるのは 初めて。 競技前日と競技後の尿検査で、筋肉増強 効果のあるメテノロンが検出された。オス タプチュクの失格で順位が繰り上がり、バ レリー・アダムズ(ニュージーランド)が 金メダル、エフゲニア・コロドコ(ロシ ア)が銀、鞏立※(※=女ヘンに交。中 国)が銅を獲得することになった。 オスタプチュクは31歳で、2005年 の世界選手権優勝者。アテネ五輪4位、北 京五輪では銅メダルを獲得。6日の決勝で 21メートル36を投げて1位となった。 (2012/08/13-20:41) spo_30&k=2012081300806

Ostapchuk’s gold medal in shot put revoked (Olympics – Track & Field)

[London Jiji] On the 13 th , the International Olympic Committee announced the revocation of the gold medal of Nadzeya Ostapchuk (Belarus) after she tested positive during a doping exam. In this tournament, there are cases where prize winners have been disqualified, but this is the first time a medal has been revoked.

Urine sampled taken before and after competition, the muscle building drug metonolone was detected. With Ostapchuk’s disqualification, the new rankings have Valerie Adams (New Zealand) receiving the gold medal, Evgeniia Kolodko (Russia) the silver and Gong Li Jiao (China) the bronze.

Ostapchuk, at the age of 31, won the world championship in 2005. She placed 4 th at the Athens Games and won the bronze medal in Beijing. In her victory on the 6 th , she through the shotput 21.36 meters for first place.

Friday, August 10, 2012

History in the making

This one is a somewhat rambling piece, maybe an op-ed, about Japan and Korea fighting over a small islet.  The big translation issue here is that I'm not sure if I captured the tone of the article well. It's hard to say since despite all my reading of Japanese news, it still feels like sometimes I understand what they're saying without feeling the intended emotion, though they may be clearly trying to communicate it.  In this case, I think I've delivered the intended meaning of the article relatively well, though some of my translation is still a little clunky towers the end. But how does the writer actually feel about this whole dispute...vaguely pro-Japan from what I can tell.  Thoughts?

李大統領、すがる「愛国」 任期中の関係修復難しく

【ソウル=黒田勝弘】韓国の李明博大統 領の竹島(韓国名・独島)訪問は、日本へ の外交的配慮をまったく無視した、きわめ て挑発的で非友好的な行動だ。韓国は1 950年代以来、竹島に対する“実力支 配”のためあらゆることを一方的にやって きた。「対日強硬策で残るは大統領訪問と 海兵隊駐屯だけ」といわれてきたが、李 大統領は、その一つをやってしまった。

政権末期の李大統領が大胆な行動に踏み 切ったのは、ひとえに「独島を訪問した初 めての大統領」という業績を歴史に残した い政治的計算からだ。

この結果、日韓関係が最悪の状態になる ことは間違いない。李大統領は現在、政権 末期で人気は底をついている。「個人的な 強い思いから」といわれるが、あまりの強 硬外交で来年2月の任期切れまで対日関係 修復は難しい。

日本と領土紛争になっている「独島」 は、韓国人にとっては日本への対抗心から 常に全国民の関心の対象であり、愛国主義 のシンボルになってきた。

竹島問題をめぐっては大統領やマスコミ をはじめ、与野党、左右両派、保守・革新 を問わず、みんなが愛国者であることを世 論にアピールしようと、いつも対日強硬論 で“愛国”を競ってきた。

韓国は1945年、日本が敗戦で朝鮮半島か ら撤収した後、日本の意向を無視し半世紀以上 にわたり竹島を支配してきたが、「奪われた立 場」の日本が比較的静かだったのに比べ、 「奪った側」の韓国の方が逆に騒ぎ立て、「独 島はわれらのもの」と叫び続けてきた。

竹島について日本は「日韓併合(1910~ 45年)とは無関係でそれ以前から日本の領 土」「日本が戦後、国際社会に復帰した際、米 国はじめ国際社会は韓国の領有権を認めなかっ た」などを根拠に反論、抗議してきた。

これに対し韓国では「日本の領有権は植民地 支配の産物で独島は韓国が取り戻したもの」 「日本がまたわが領土を奪いにくる」などとい う“扇動”が平気で行われ、周辺での軍事行動を含 め、ことあるごとに官民挙げての反日・愛国運 動が展開されてきた。

韓国側は今回も半世紀以上にわたる自分たち の“実力支配”の行為をよそに、日本側の教科書や 政府文書における領有権主張や島根県の「竹島 の日」制定など原則的な立場表明を「限界を超 えた日本の挑発」などと大げさに非難。政府・ マスコミ一体で反日感情をあおっている。

李大統領の“愛国パフォーマンス”はとりあえず 世論の拍手喝采を受けている。しかし看板の“経 済大統領”はどこへやら、日本にとっては最悪の 大統領として歴史に残りそうだ。

President Lee, leaning on “patriotism,” makes relations more difficult to repair

The visit by President Lee of South Korea to Takeshima (Dokdo in Korean) displayed no diplomatic consideration towards Japan is an extremely provocative and unfriendly act. Since 1950, South Korea has done everything unilaterally, to show “actual control” over Takeshima. It has been said that “the only remaining strong tactics to use against Japan are a presidential visit or stationing marines” and President Lee went and did one of them.

President Lee, who is at the end of his term, decided to make an audacious move, desiring that his historical political evaluation be solely that he was the first president to visit Dokdo.

As a result, relations between Japan and South Korea will undoubtedly be at their worst ever. At the twilight of his presidency, Lee’s popularity has hit rock bottom. It is said that “it was from strong personal feelings” but repairing relations with Japan using hardball diplomacy before the end of his term next February will be hard.

According to Koreans, the territorial dispute with Japan over “Dokdo” is a reflection of the continuing national concern driven by antagonism towards Japan and has become a symbol of patriotism.

The Takeshima dispute has become rallying point where everyone, from the president and the media, to government and opposition parties, across the political spectrum, conservative and progressive, is appealing to public sentiment as being patriots, always fighting over “patriotism” through hard-line anti-Japan rhetoric.

After Japan lost the war and withdrew from the Korean peninsula, in 1945, South Korea ignored Japan’s wishes and has maintained dominion over Takeshima for half a century. Compared to Japan “the one dispossessed” and its comparatively quiet stance, South Korea as “the one possessing” noisily complains that “Dokdo is ours!”

Japan’s objection is based on the grounds that Takeshima “has been Japan’s territory well before the Japan-Korean Union (1910-1945) which is unrelated” and that “after Japan lost the war and returned to the international stage, the international community, starting with America, did not recognize South Korea’s territorial rights.”

As compared to this, South Korea, through statements like “Japan’s territorial claim is a product of its colonial dominion and it has been returned to South Korea” and “Japan is trying to seize our territory again,” and military activities in the surrounding areas, has been willfully agitating for anti-Japan patriotic activity in the public and private sectors at every turn. Despite its more than half a century of actions showing “actual control,” Korea has given exaggerated criticism of Japan’s position of territorial rights expressed in its textbooks and government papers and Shimane Prefecture’s declaration of “Takeshima Day”, saying “Japanese provocations have crossed the line.” As one, the government and media are stirring up anti-Japanese sentiment.

For the moment, President Lee’s patriotic performance is receiving public approval. Still, however this “economic president” may look, to Japan, he will remain the worst president in history.