Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Coming out swinging

A Chinese newspaper publishes some incendiary commentary on Japan.

中国:日本地図にきのこ雲 週刊紙に全面広告

毎日新聞 2014年07月08日 21時20分(最終更新 07月08日 21時35分)


 紙面には「日本に対して友好的すぎたのではないか」とする論評も掲載。「戦争被害国の感情」を強調し、 集団的自衛権行使を容認した安倍晋三政権の閣議決定を批判した。「過去40年間の対日政策は感情や行動の上で寛容過ぎた」とも主張した。同紙は共産党の青 年組織「中国共産主義青年団」(共青団)系の新聞で、地図は全面広告の形で掲載された。


China: Weekly newspaper displays mushroom clouds on map of Japan in full page advertisement

In the Chinese city of Chongqing, it was reported on the 8th that the weekly newspaper “Chongqing Youth Daily”’s July 3rd edition carried a map of Japan with mushroom clouds drawn over Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the headline “Japan wants to go to war again.”

On the page, a commentary saying “Have relations with Japan gotten too friendly?” was also carried.  Emphasizing the  “feelings of a country victimized by war”, it criticized the cabinet resolution of Shinzo Abe’s government approving the exercise of the right to collective self-defense.  It also asserted that, “On the grounds of feeling and action, there has been too much toleration in government policy towards Japan over the past 40 years.” The paper  is a newspaper published by the Communist Party’s youth organization “Chinese Communist Youth Organization” and the map was displayed as a full page advertisement.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Protesting Collective Defense or War

After many months off, I, Mogura, have been digging through the news and am back with a new translation for you.

集団的自衛権:首相官邸前で抗議デモ 数千人が参加

毎日新聞 20140701日 2119分(最終更新 0701日 2122分)

 東京・永田町の首相官邸前では、集団的自衛権の行使容認に反対する市民団体「戦争をさせない1000人委員会」などの呼びかけで、抗議の集会やデモが続いた。  参加者は時間がたつにつれて増加。閣議決定が迫った夕方には数千人が沿道に長い列を作り、太鼓を打ち鳴らしながら「集団的自衛権反対」「閣議決定今すぐやめろ」と声を上げ続けた。
 「いてもたってもいられない」と午前中からデモに加わった東京都目黒区の主婦、竹内節子さん(75) は、「自民党と公明党が密室で行使容認を決めてしまった。国民を愚弄(ぐろう)している」と憤った。戦時中に疎開を経験。「子や孫を戦場に駆り立てるの か。国民の声に耳を貸さない安倍政権に怒りを感じます」

Right to collective defense: Opposition demonstration in front of Prime Minister’s office has several thousand participants

In front of the Prime Minister’s office in Nagata-cho in Tokyo, an opposition gathering and demonstration occurred, called by citizen groups like “Committee of 1000 who won’t allow war” opposed to the approval of the exercise of the right to collective defense.

The number of participants grew as time passed.  As the evening of the cabinet resolution approached, several thousand people formed a line along the road and shouted “Down with the right to collective defense!” and “Stop this cabinet resolution!” while banging drums.
 When cabinet deliberations started after 5 pm, the opposition reached a fever pitch.  When the decision was delivered before 6 pm, the demonstrators shouted “Repeal this resolution!” and “We won’t give up!”  There were brief skirmishes between agitated participants and police as well.

“Even if it’s enacted, it can’t last,” said housewife Kotoko Takeuchi (75), a housewife from Meguro Ward in Tokyo who had been participating in the demonstration since the morning.  She said angrily that “the LDP and Komeito decided this behind closed doors.   They’re mocking the people.”   She had to evacuate during the war.  “Are we going to drive our children and grandchildren to war?  I’m angry with the Abe government that won’t listen to the voice of the people.”

Tomoko Horaguchi (25), a college student from Edogawa Ward, said angrily, “We shouldn’t go to war.  It will completely change what I learned in school about not using weapons.”  She said that the change of constitutional interpretation was clearly “nonsense.”  Her face showed a fear that “My generation are the ones who will go to war.”