Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So who really wants Ishihara?

That’s a good question. In all likelihood, it was Ishihara himself who volunteered to be a putative coalition representative in the event that all these new parties that are popping out of the woodwork in Japanese politics. Does anyone want him? Somebody must, at least “Stand Up!!! Japan!!!?!?” (extra punctuation added). You have to admit, that’s a great name for a political party. But…still, it’s all he said, she said (or really just he said he said, since this is Japanese old-boy politics we’re talking about) until someone stands up (pardon the repetition) and actually volunteers to start a new party, or something. 日本維新の会:「たち あがれ日本」とは信 頼築けず…橋下氏

毎日新聞 2012年10月31日 20時06分 (最終更新 10月31日 20時15分)

日本維新の会代表の橋下徹大阪市長は3 1日、大阪市役所で記者団に、東京都知事 を辞職した石原慎太郎氏が新党の母体と して想定している「たちあがれ日本」につ いて「信頼関係を築けない」などとして党 としての連携は難しいとの認識を示した。 一方で「石原さん個人とは一緒にやりた い」と述べ、連携の対象を石原氏個人とし たい考えを示した。

橋下氏は「石原さんの力は必要だと感じ ている」と強調。そのうえで、たちあがれ 日本について「保守ということで全部政策 決定されるというところで世代間のギャッ プを感じる。グループ、党となると(連携 は)難しい」と語った。

一方、石原氏が第三極の「大連合」がで きた場合には共同代表に就くよう、橋下氏 から提案されたと話していることが31日 分かった。たちあがれ日本の藤井孝男参院 代表が同日の記者会見で明らかにした。

関係者によると、石原氏は新党結成を表 明した25日に同党議員らの会合に出席し た際、「橋下氏から『共同代表でやろう』 と言われた」と述べたという。ただ、藤井 氏は「一つの表現として出た話だ」と述 べ、具体像は定まっていないとの認識も示 した。

しかし、橋下氏は31日、共同代表案に ついて「話題には上がったが、僕は持ちか けていない」と自分から提案したことは否 定した。【中井正裕、茶谷亮】

Japan Restoration Society: “Stand Up Japan” unable to build trust says Hashimoto

The leader of the Japan Restoration Society, Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, told reporters at city hall on the 31 st that he thought it would be difficult for his party to cooperate with Stand Up Japan, the assumed parent of the new party of retired Tokyo Mayor Shintaro Ishihara, saying “They have failed to build trust.” On the other hand, he said that “I would like to work together with Ishihara personally,” showing a willingness to cooperate directly with Ishihara.

Hashimoto highlighted that “I feel that Ishihara’s strength is necessary.” That said, regarding Stand Up Japan, “In conservatism and all of their government policies, there is a generational gap. As a group, a party, it would be difficult to join forces with them.”

If Ishihara were able to construct a grand coalition as a third pole in Japanese politics, Hashimoto has voiced the idea that Ishihara could serve as the joint representative, according to an interview by Stand Up Japan’s upper house representative Takao Fujii.

According to sources, during the meeting where Ishihara announced the formation of a new party on the 25 th , Fujii said, “It’s been said that Hashimoto challenged him to be a coalition representative. But that’s only one way of putting it.” He showed recognition that there is not yet concrete agreement on any structure for the coalition.

However, Hashimoto said on the 31 st regarding the coalition representative suggestion, “The subject did come up but I did not suggest it,” denying any personal responsibility for the suggestion.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Or so say the leaders of small Japanese political parties with corny names. If we can’t stand up Japan, let’s at least join Ishihara! So, goodbye Stand Up Japan, hello new and improves Ishihara New Party. たちあがれを衣替えへ =「石原新党」

たちあがれ日本は30日の全国拡大支部長会 議で、同党を衣替えし、石原慎太郎東京都知事 を党首とする政党に移行する方針を決めた。当 初は解党して「石原新党」に合流することを検 討していたが、たちあがれの政党名や代表者を 変更する形での結成に軌道修正した。


Stand Up! Facelift – “Ishihara’s New Party”

At its meeting of national expansion branch managers, Stand Up Japan changed its form. It decided to remake itself as a political party with Tokyo Mayor Shintaro Ishihara as its party leader. Originally, it was studying disbanding and join with “Ishihara’s New Party” but it ended up with a course correction to just combine and then change names and leader.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The ghost of Koizumi!

The privatization of the Japanese Postal Bank continues unabated, if very, very slowly. 10 years after Prime Minister Koizumi pushed the privatization through the government, it looks like it might finally happen. 郵政民営化委、金融 2社新事業の審査本 格化

日本郵政は29日、2015年秋に同社 の株式を上場する計画を政府の郵政民営化 委員会に示した。計画を踏まえ、民営化委 は日本郵政傘下のゆうちょ銀行と、かんぽ 生命保険の金融2社が申請した新規事業の 本格審査に入る。

計画は、政府が100%持つ日本郵政株 式について「3年以内をめどとし、上場可 能となるよう体制整備を図る」と明記。市 況を見て順次売却するとした。金融2社 の株式の扱いは売却時期などを盛り込ま ず、「(日本郵政の)株式の2分の1の処 分までに方針の明確化」とだけ示した。

民営化委の西室泰三委員長は記者会見 で、日本郵政株の価値への影響を避けるた め、「(計画に金融2社の株式売却日程 を)出せない現状は理解できる」と述べ た。学資保険、住宅ローンなどの順番で新 規事業の審査を進めていくとし、年内に結 論が出る可能性を示した。

Postal Savings Privatization Committee, 2 financial companies formalize review of new operations

Japan Post submitted its plan for initial public offering of stock in the fall of 2015 to the Postal Privatization Committee on the 29 th . Based on this plan, the Privatization Committee begins formal review of the newly established operations proposed for the two Japan Post subsidiaries, JP Bank and JP Life Insurance.

The plan is for the government, which holds 100% of Japan Post’s stock, to complete preparations for a public stock offering within 3 years with the aim of an orderly sale of stock dependent on market conditions. The actual timing for sale of the two companies’ stock is not included in the plan but only the “definition of a policy to sell up to half of the stock (of Japan Post).”

Taizou Nishimura, chairman of the Privatization Committee, said in an interview that, in order to avoid impacting the value of Japan Post stock, “It is understandable why (the date of sale of the 2 companies’ stock) wasn’t included in the plan.” Saying that they will review the new operations in order, including educational insurance and home loans, he indicated that a conclusion could be reached by year’s end.

Friday, October 26, 2012

All the little parties

Can they get along? Ozawa doesn’t think so. It will be interesting to see what happens whenever the next parliamentary elections are held, with all these new parties popping up.

小沢一郎氏:「支持は 広がらない」石原新 党に対して

毎日新聞 2012年10月26日 21時37分 (最終更新 10月26日 22時12分)

「国民の生活が第一」の小沢一郎代表は 26日、インターネットの番組で、石原慎 太郎東京都知事が結成を表明した新党に ついて「今の国民が望んでいることではな いのではないか。(支持が)広がっていく とは思えない」と語り、国政への影響は限 定的との見方を示した。橋下徹大阪市長 が率いる日本維新の会と「石原新党」の連 携に関しては「橋下さんは統治機構改革、 石原さんは従来通りの自民党と手を握っ て、という話を聞くと、協力し合えるこ とはないんじゃないか」との見方を示し た。

Ozawa says "Support won't grow" for Ishihara's new party

The People’s Life First party representative Ichiro Ozawa, on an internet show on the 26 th , spoke about Tokyo Mayor Shintaro Ishihara’s new political party, “Is this something the public has been asking for? It’s impossible to imagine support growing for him,” he said, showing the opinion that the impact on the current political situation would be limited. Regarding cooperation between Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s “Japan Restoration Party” and the “New Ishihara Party,” he opined, “When you hear about Hashimoto who wants to reform the whole governmental structure and Ishihara who is clinging to the traditional LDP, it’s hard not to think that cooperation between the two is impossible.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Yet another party to go to!

I’m not sure how many new political parties have formed in the past year and a half, but somehow I’m thinking that Japan’s politics really aren’t going to change at all whenever the next election happens. We’ll see though. I do love me some Japanese party politics. 石原新党:橋下氏、連携 には「政策の一致が条 件」

毎日新聞 2012年10月25日 20時46分(最終更 新 10月25日 21時48分)

日本維新の会代表の橋下徹大阪市長は25 日、新党結成を表明した石原慎太郎東京都知事 との連携について、「政策の一致と価値観の一 致。そこがないと有権者にそっぽを向かれてし まうと都知事に伝えている」と述べ、政策の一 致が次期衆院選での連携の条件になるとの考え を強調した。

橋下氏は市役所で記者団に「石原都知事のパ ワーがないと今の統治機構を変えるのは難し い」と国政復帰を評価。「まずは政策を一つに まとめて自民、民主、第三極という形になれる かだ」と話し、要請があれば政策協議に応じる 意向を示した。【原田啓之】

Ishihara’s new party: Hashimoto says cooperation is contingent on agreement in policy

Japan Restoration Party representative and Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto stated “Policy and values must be consistent. I’ve told the mayor that if they don’t, the voters will turn away from you,” regarding cooperation with the new political party that Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara is establishing. He emphasized that cooperation in the next lower house elections was contingent on an agreement in policy.

In an interview at city hall, Hashimoto evaluated the political situation saying, “If Mayor Ishihara has no power, changing the current political structure will be hard.” “First, policy needs to be gathered as one, and only then can we be the third pole along with the DPJ and LDP.” In saying so, he showed a willingness to have policy discussions if it was requested.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keeping those streets clean!

If you don’t clean up your garbage, we’ll do it for you, at the cost of your public embarrassment! It’s good to see that Adachi ward is doing its part to keep Tokyo clean. Now if only Kita ward would do the same, and maybe Shinjuku and Minato wards as well…

ごみ屋敷:ごみ撤去と 支援策の条例 東 京・足立区で可決

毎日新聞 2012年10月24日 19時34分

家の内外にごみをため込み、悪臭などを 発生させて周辺住民を悩ませる“ごみ屋 敷”をなくすため、ごみの強制撤去と支援 策を盛り込んだ条例が24日、東京・足立 区議会で可決、成立した。

支援策は、ごみの撤去費用を賄えない住 人に費用を支出することなどを明記し、足 立区によると全国でも珍しいという。来年 1月1日に施行される。

区によると、10月現在で区内のごみ屋 敷は31。条例では、住民の苦情などを受 けて区が調査。ごみ屋敷と認定されれば (1)区が住人に対し指導や勧告(2)改 善されなければ、弁護士など有識者でつく る審議会に諮問し命令(3)正当な理由な く、命令に従わなければ氏名や住所を公 表し、ごみを強制撤去−−という順の手続き を定めている。

自力での撤去が原則だが、撤去費用が払 えない住人には、約100万円を上限に区 が費用を出し、清掃業者に掃除を委託す る。また、区が町会や自治会などに片付け 費用を渡し、ごみの分別や搬出に協力して もらう。

ごみを片付けられない住人の中には心身 を病んでいる人もおり、区は医師や保健師 によるケアも検討している。近藤弥生区 長(53)は「条例ができたことで一つ一 つ問題を解決していきたい」と話した。高 齢者世帯が増加していることや、街をきれ いにする運動に取り組んでいることが条 例制定の背景という。(共同)

Garbage Homes: Garbage removal and assistance measures passed in Adachi ward in Tokyo

A measure, aimed at removing so-called “Garbage homes” where trash piles up and the subsequent bad smells bother the neighbors, that requires enforced garbage removal and provides assistance measures was passed by the Adachi Ward council on the 24 th in Tokyo.

The assistance measures include help to cover the cost of removing garbage for residents who can’t do so otherwise, a rare step nationwide says Adachi ward. The measure goes into force the first of next year.

According to the ward, in October there were 31 “garbage homes” identified within the ward. Under the new rules, the ward must investigate any complaints from residents. If a residence is identified as a “garbage home,” the following procedure was agreed upon. 1) The ward must notify the resident. 2) If there are no improvements, an order must be written by an attorney or other knowledgeable person under the direction of a commission of inquiry set up by the ward council. 3) If no proper reason is given and the order is not followed, the name and address of the offender are to be publically announced and enforced collection of the garbage must occur.

In principle, the garbage must be self-removed, but if the resident is unable to afford the cost of removal, the ward will provide assistance funds up to 1 million yen and assign a cleaning service provider to the task. Also, the ward will pass on the cost of cleaning to neighborhood councils and require their cooperation in sorting and removal of the garbage.

Among residents unable to clean-up their garbage, there are some who are ill. The ward is considering providing medical care for these individuals. Ward chief Yayoi Kondo (53) said that “Through this measure, we want to resolve one by one all the problems that we can. “ The increase of the elderly population in the ward and efforts to keep the streets clean form the backdrop for this measure’s passage.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The black helicopters are coming….

That’s right folks, they’re on their way, at least in Okinawa. I confess that I don’t love the way this translation came out, but I’m trying to err on the side of being too close to the original in terms of structure, rather than taking artistic license with the text. But, not sure what else you can do when reporting that some helicopters, however divisive to the local citizenry, are going on training flights.

Any wisdom? オスプレイ:初の夜間 飛行 普天間

毎日新聞 2012年10月23日 21時41分 (最終更新 10月23日 21時50分)

在日米海兵隊は23日夜、普天間飛行場 (沖縄県宜野湾市)の新型輸送機MV22 オスプレイを配備後初めて夜間飛行させ た。

海兵隊は、普天間飛行場への配備を1日 から始め、夜間訓練で初飛行した機体を含 めて12機中10機が訓練飛行を終えた。

米軍関係者によると、夜間飛行訓練が実 施されたことで、今後は海兵隊員を乗せた 強襲作戦訓練が行われる見通し。沖縄での 運用は一層活発化する。

普天間飛行場からは23日午後7時4分 に1機が、同24分に別の1機が離陸。暗 闇の中を北向きに飛び立つのを共同通信記 者が目撃した。(共同)

Osprey: First night flights at Futenma

The US Marine Corps stationed in Japan conducted the first night-time flights of the new MV22 Osprey helicopter since deployment at the Futenma Airbase (Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture).

The Marines began deployment to Futenma Airbase starting on the 1 st , and of 12 helicotpers, have completed training flights in 10, including this first night flight.

According to US military sources, with the completion of this night-time training flight, additional training flights practicing assault tactics carrying Marine personnel are planned. As such, operational activity in Okinawa will increase greatly.

At 7:04 pm on the 23 rd , one chopper took off from Futenma Airbase and another at 7:24. A Kyodo News Service reporter observed them flying northward in the darkness.

Monday, October 22, 2012

He said it, not me!

Yea for political posturing. We've got plenty of it in today's article.

前原氏発言:「年内解 散」首相は不快感 自民は歓迎

毎日新聞 2012年10月22日 19時49分 (最終更新 10月22日 20時17分)

前原誠司国家戦略担当相が「近いうち解 散」は年内と発言したことが、与野党に波 紋を広げている。野田佳彦首相は22 日、日本維新の会の松野頼久国会議員団代 表と国会内で会談した際、松野氏が「閣僚 が解散に言及するのはいかがなものか」と 述べると「私もそう思う」と不快感を表 明した。一方、早期解散を求める自民党幹 部からは前原氏の発言を歓迎する声が相次 いだ。

藤村修官房長官も22日の記者会見で、 「(前原氏の)個人的な考えだ。解散を決 めるのは首相の専権事項だ」と不快感を示 した。

政府・民主三役会議では、輿石東幹事長 が「解散は首相自身が判断するもの。他の 者がいくら言っても関係ない」と強調。民 主党役員会でも「首相の専権事項だから、 周りが言うことではない」との意見が続出 した。

「年内解散」は前原氏の持論だと言われ る。閣内では前原氏以外にも「年内解散の 方が得策」との声があるのも事実だ。た だ、前原氏の発言は首相との事前の連携は なかったとみられ、前原氏を支持するグ ループの幹部は「(前原氏は)立場をわき まえるべきだ」とため息を漏らした。

一方、自民党の茂木敏充前政調会長は 「非常に分かりやすかった」と評価。石破 茂幹事長も「まっとうなことを言う方も ある。しかし、閣内不一致ということが あってはならない」と期待感を示しながら 注文をつけた。自民党中堅議員は「帰って きた、言うだけ番長」と自身のツイッ ターに書き込み、あきれてみせた。【小山 由宇】

Maehara statement: “Dissolution by year’s end” –Prime minister dissatisfied; LDP welcomes

Domestic Policy Chief Seiji Maehara’s statement that the Prime Minister’s promise to dissolve the Lower House “in the near future” means by year’s end is causing ripples across the political spectrum. When Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda met with Yorihisa Matsuno, Diet representative of the Japan Restoration Party, Matsuno stated that “It’s quite something for a bureaucrat to refer to dissolution,” and Noda agreed, displaying displeasure. On the other hand, the LDP leadership, who is seeking an early dissolution, welcomed Maehara’s comments.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura stated at a press interview on the 22 nd , “It was a personal thought. Deciding when to dissolve the Lower House is the Prime Minister’s exclusive privilege,” voicing his own displeasure.

At a meeting of the administration and DPJ’s leadership ranks, Party Secretary Azuma Koshiishi emphasized that “Dissolution is at the Prime Minister’s own discretion. It doesn’t matter how much other people talk about it.” The DPJ’s party leadership committee issued a statement saying, “This is the Prime Minister’s exclusive bailiwick and not something for those surrounding him to be commenting on.”

It is said that “dissolution by year’s end” is Maehara’s personal theory. It is a fact that others within the Cabinet besides Maehara have advised that “a dissolution by year’s end is a good plan.” That said, it does not appear that Maehara’s statement was coordinated beforehand with the Prime Minister , and the leadership of the group supporting Maehara admitted that “He needs to remember his position.”

On the other hand, the LDP’s former policy committee chair Toshimitsu Motegi said, “It is extraordinarily easy to understand.” Chief Party Secretary Shigeru Ishiba said, “There are those who speak honestly. Still, the cabinet must be united,” showing his expectations while focusing on the issue. One LDP MP tweeted “He’s returned, the head of the talkers,” showing his disgust.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Some things really never change.

So, we’re back to bashing each other in the press. This is what Japanese politics are all about! Who needs to get things done when you can bad-mouth each other continually? 自公党首、首相を批判 「国民をバカにした 話」

自民党の安倍晋三総裁は19日夕、民自公3 党党首会談後に記者会見し、「正直言って驚い ている。民自両党で全く信頼関係が築かれない 状況で、信頼関係を回復する責任は野田佳彦首 相にある」と語り、会談が決裂した責任は首相 にあるとの認識を示した。

安倍氏は、首相に求めていた「年内解散」の 確約について、具体的な言及がなかったと説 明。「(18日の幹事長会談で)民主党の輿石 東幹事長が『(党首会談で)新しい具体的な案 を提示するだろう』と言った」と強調し、解散 時期を明示しなかった首相の対応を批判した。

一方、公明党の山口那津男代表も会談後、記 者団に「首相が『近いうちに(信を問う)』と 約束してもう2カ月以上経っている。具体的に 新しい提案があると言っておいて何もない。国 民をバカにした話だ」と語り、強い口調で首相 を非難した。

LDP and Komeito party chiefs criticize Prime Minister, “He’s treating the public like idiots.”

Party President Shinzo Abe of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) spoke at a press conference after the three way party leadership talks between the DPJ, LDP, and Komeito party chiefs on the evening of the 19 th and said, “Speaking honestly, I’m surprised. In this situation where the LDP and DPJ are completely unable to build trustworthy relationships, the Prime Minister has the responsibility to restore trust,” insisting it was the Prime Minister’s fault that the talks fell apart.

Abe explained that there was no clear reference to his request for a definitive promise of Parliamentary dissolution by years’ end from the Prime Minister. Abe criticized the Prime Minister’s unspecific response regarding the timing of dissolution, saying, “At the party secretary talks on the 18 th , the DPJ’s chief secretary Azuma Koshiishi said that ‘We will probably have a new proposal at the party leadership talks’.”

Also, Komeito’s party representative Natsuo Yamaguchi spoke to the press after the talks. “It’s been two months since the Prime Minister promised to dissolve parliament “in the near future.” It doesn’t mean anything if he says he has a new proposal. He’s taking the public for a ride,” Yamaguchi said, voicing strong criticism of the Prime Minister.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't miss this one!

ロジテック、国内初の 無線LAN内蔵DVDドラ イブ、スマホで再生・ 書き込みOK

ロジテックINAソリューションズ株式会社 は18日、無線LAN(Wi-Fi)機能内蔵のポータブ ルDVDドライブ「LDR- PS8WU2BKW」を発表し た。専用アプリの併用により、スマートフォン からワイヤレスでDVDを視聴できる。ウェブ直 販限定製品で、11月上旬発売予定。価格 は6980円。

発売元によれば、無線LAN機能内蔵のポータブ ルDVDドライブは国内初の販売。ワイヤレス再 生ができるため、就寝時や、防水スマートフォ ンと組み合わせて入浴中にDVDを楽しむといっ た用途を提案している。「LDR-PS8WU2BKW」 からの無線LAN電波到達範囲は約12m以内。

ドライブの動作には付属ACアダプターで常時 電源を供給する必要がある。なお、車載用カー チャージャーがセットになった「LDR-PS8WU2BKWC」も8980円で発売する。

対応スマートフォンは、iOS 5.0.1以降およ びAndroid 2.3以降。専用アプリを操作し、LDR-PS8WU2BKWとはルーターを経由させずに無線 接続する。この際に必要となるSSIDおよびパス ワードはLDR-PS8WU2BKWの本体底面に記載さ れている。

また、スマートフォン内に保存した写真や動 画を、ワイヤレスでディスクへ書き込め る。LDR-PS8WU2BKW背面のUSB 2.0ポートに各 種ストレージを接続すれば、そのストレージ内 の映像を再生したり、ディスクへ書き込むこと もできる。

PC接続用DVDドライブとしても使用可能。バ スパワー駆動するため、ACアダプターが不要と なる。ライティングソフト「Nero Kwik Burn Express Essential」も付属する。

DVDドライブ部はTSST製。ドライブと してのスペックは、DVD-R(1層)の読 込/書込速度がともに8倍速。CD-Rは読 込/書込速度ともに24倍速。CPRMに対 応する。なお、スマートフォン用アプリ からディスク書込操作を行うときは、 バッファアンダーラン対策のために別途 を接続する必要がある。

大きさは150×198×25mm(幅×奥行き×高さ) で、重量は約130g。

Logitec announces first wireless DVD drive sold in Japan, supports smartphone playback/disc authoring

In a press release on the 18 th , Logitec INA Solutions Corporation announced the wireless, Wi-Fi capable, portable DVD drive (LDR-PS8WU2BKW) h . When paired with a dedicated app, it allows DVD playback wirelessly to your smartphone. It is for sale online only and pre-orders begin in the first part of November at the price of 6980 yen.

According to the sales announcement, this is the first wireless, Wi-Fi capable DVD drive to go on sale in Japan. Because of the wireless streaming ability, watching bedtime stories or even streaming a DVD to a waterproof smartphone while in the tub are suggested uses. The effective wireless range of the “LDR-PS8WU2BKW” is about 12 meters.

Drive operation requires the included AC adaptor plugged into a normal wall socket. Also, a specialized car charger set “LDR-PS8WU2BKWC” is available for 8980 yen.

Supported smartphones are those with the iOS 5.0.1 or Android 2.3 and newer operating systems. Using the dedicated app, the LDR-PS8WU2BKW can connect wirelessly to the phone without needing a router. The drive’s Wi-Fi SSID and password are recorded on the bottom of the case.

The drive also supports writing media stored on a smartphone wirelessly to disc. The USB2.0 port on the back of the LDR-PS8WU2BKW supports every kind of memory card and can stream media from the card as well as write to disc.

The drive can also be directly connected to a PC. In this case, the AC adaptor is not required because the drive is powered through the USB port. Additionally, “Nero Kwik Burn Express Essential” disc authoring software is included.

The DVD drive is produced by TSST. The drive specs are: 8x DVD-R (single layer) read/write, 24x CD-R read/write. CPRM is also supported. Note, when writing to disc from the smartphone app, a separate USB flash drive must be connected to avoid buffer underrun.

Dimensions are 150x198x25mm (w x l x h) with weight of 130 g.

The dark ages

In case you're still on the mobile phone dark ages and use the below noted Softbank phone, the below announcement is for you. Party politics to return soon.

ソフトバンク、「COLOR LIFE3 103P」のメール作成時の不具合 を改善

ソフトバンクモバイルはフィーチャーフォン 「COLOR LIFE3 103P」向けの最新ソフトウェア の提供を開始した。ソフト更新により、法人向 けサービス「ホワイトオフィス」の新機能を追 加し、メール作成時に電話帳データを引用する と稀に再起動が発生する不具合を改善する。

ソフト更新は設定/一般設定/ソフトウェア更新の 順に選択していくことで行える。対象ユーザー は、SMSで自動更新のお知らせメールで通知され る。ソフトウェア更新実施にあたっての注意点 として、ソフトウェア書き換え中は発着信を含 む携帯電話の各機能の利用が不可になる。ま た、本体の状況(故障/破損/水濡れ等)によっては 保存されているデータが破棄されることがあ り、事前にバックアップをとっておくことが推 奨されている。

Softbank fixes bug in email writing in “Color Life3 103P”

Softbank Mobile has begun offering its latest software aimed at the “Color Life3 103P” feature phone. This software update adds new features to the corporate focused White Office service and also fixes a bug that occasionally caused the phone to reboot when referencing address book data while writing an email.

The update can be accessed by selecting the Settings/General Settings/Software Update options. The affected users will be notified by automated SMS message. One note of caution is during the software update process all phone functionality, including the ability to make calls, will be unavailable. Also, depending on the phone’s condition (damage due to drops, water seepage, etc.), saved data may also be lost. As such, backing up all data prior to updating is recommended.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This race isn't over yet!

I can’t stay away from politics for long, so here’s another potential teapot style tempest in the DPJ. Yea for party politics!

民主・細野政調会長 勉強会発足 次期代表選向け

 細野氏が立ち上げた勉強会には、 10人の若手議員が集まりました。勉強会では、党内対立で多くの離党者が出たことを受け、党の基本理念を考え直すことにしています。集まった多くは、9 月の代表選挙で細野氏を擁立しようとしたメンバーが中心で、出席者は「徐々に人数を増やしたい」と述べるなど、次の代表選挙での擁立を目標にする考えで す。細野氏は、すでに次の代表選出馬に向けた準備を進める考えを表明しています。党内には、総選挙前の「野田降ろし」につながるのではないかという見方も 出ています。

DPJ’s policy chief Hosono kicks off study group looking at the next leadership election

The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)’s policy chief Hosono formally launched a group to focus on candidates for the next leadership election.

Approximately 10 young MPs gathered at Hosono’s study group.  The group is planning to focus on a rethink of the party’s core principles, given the internal conflict and large number of defectors from the party. The majority of attendees were party members who supported Hosono’s candidacy in the September leadership race.  The attendees stated that “We would like to increase our numbers” to support Hosono in the next leadership race.  Hosono has stated that he is already continuing preparations for candidacy in said next leadership race.  To some within the party, this could be seen as being connected to the “Get rid of Noda” movement prior to the next general election.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bad prosecutor, very bad!

I got nothing on this one. Strange things happening in the public prosecutor's office, it seems.

最高検公判部長:電車 遅らせた問題で更迭 動機説明せず

毎日新聞 2012年10月16日 20時31分

最高検の岩橋義明公判部長(58)が電 車の運行を遅らせたとして警察に事情聴取 された問題で、最高検は16日、岩橋部長 を厳重注意とし、法務省は同日、岩橋部長 を最高検総務部付に異動させた。後任には 長谷川充弘(みつひろ)最高検検事(5 8)を充てた。

最高検によると、岩橋前部長は9月28 日午後11時25分ごろ、横浜市青葉区の 東急田園都市線あざみ野駅で、乗ってい た電車のドアが閉まる際に自分のかばんを 何度も挟み、発車を約4分遅らせた。運転 士が前部長を見つけ、警察に引き渡した。 庁舎内で酒を飲み、帰宅途中だったとい う。

調査した最高検は前部長の故意を認定す る一方、動機については「差し控えたい」 と説明しなかった。前部長が乗った電車で は前の駅でもドアが閉まらなかったが、最 高検は前部長の行為と断定できなかったと した。

渡辺恵一最高検次長検事の話 誠に遺 憾。国民の皆様に深くおわびしたい。

Public Prosecutor’s trial group chief: Dismissed after causing train to run late, without motive or explanation

Trial group chief Yoshiaki Iwahashi (58) of the Public Prosecutor’s office was questioned by the police about delaying a train. On the 16 th , the Prosecutor’s Office censured Iwahashi and the Ministry of Justice transferred him to the Public Prosecutor’s General Affairs department. His successor will be Supreme Prosecutor Mitsuhiro Hasegawa (58).

According the Prosecutor’s Office, on 9/28 around 11:25 pm, Iwahashi was aboard a train on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line at Azamino Station in the Aoba ward of Yokohama when he put his bag in the door when it tried to close a number of time, causing the train to depart approximately 4 minutes late. The driver found Iwahashi doing so and handed him over to the police. He said he had been drinking at the office and was returning home.

Iwahashi acknowledged his guilt in an investigation by the Supreme Prosecutor’s office but refused to explain his motive. The train that Iwahashi was also not able to close its door at the previous station, but the Prosecutor’s Office could not confirm that Iwahashi caused that.

Deputy Prosecutor-General Keiichi Watanabe of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office stated, “This is truly regrettable. We deeply apologize to the public.”

Monday, October 15, 2012

Not by blood

Since my love affair with the inner workings of Japanese party politics continues unabated, see the below note on the new rules the LDP is setting for individuals desiring to run in the next lower house elections. No one gets through on Dad's coattails.

小選挙区候補者:自 民、公募と併せ、党 員投票実施へ

毎日新聞 2012年10月15日 21時29分

自民党は次期衆院選の小選挙区候補予定 者を決める際、公募と併せ、対象選挙区内 で党員による投票を行うよう各都道府県 連に通知した。石破茂幹事長が15日の記 者会見で明らかにした。引退議員の子ども が公募の手続きを経て、後継候補に決定し たケースが続いたため、「世襲批判」を かわす狙いがある。

石破氏は記者会見で「その人がふさわし いかは、党員によって決める」と強調し た。通知で公募の応募者が1人でも党員投 票を実施するよう要請しており、石破氏は 「(応募者への)信任が非常に低ければ、 (選考の)やり直しもある」との認識を示 した。

自民党は09年衆院選の公約で、引退議 員の配偶者や3親等以内の親族を同じ選挙 区で公認・推薦しないことを明記。しか し、その後、世襲も認める方針に転じ、次 期衆院選では北海道12区で武部勤元幹事 長の長男、香川3区で大野功統元防衛庁長 官の長男をそれぞれ選挙区支部長に選ん でいる。【佐藤丈一】

Single electoral district candidates: The LDP to select via public advertisement as well as party member vote

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) notified prefectural party leadership that the selection process of candidates for single candidate electoral districts for the next Lower House Election will be by public solicitation for candidates as well as votes by party members within each district. Chief Secretary Ishiba Shigeru revealed this in an interview on the 15 th . Because cases of the children of retired MPs going through the public candidacy process and being selected as the successor continue to appear, the new procedure is aimed at answering criticism of hereditary succession.

Ishiba said at the interview, “The party must decide if those individuals are suitable or not.” According to the notification, if there is even one applicant to the public call for candidates, a vote by party members in that district is requested. Ishiba also added, “If the applicant’s credibility is unusually low, the selection could be redone.”

In the LDP platform in the 2009 elections, the spouses of retired MPs and relatives within three degrees of kinship were barred from running in the same electoral district. Regardless, afterwards, it changed to allow hereditary succession and in the next election, the oldest son of former chief party secretary Tsutomu Takebe was elected as district chief of Hokkaido District #12 and the oldest son of former defense ministry directory Yoshinori Ono was elected to the Kagawa 3 rd District.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Taking that next step

Let's look at the world of Japanese mobile phones. Softbank is quite ambitious it seems, and may make a go of trying to make Sprint a real player mobile service in the States. We'll see where this one lands. UPDATE1: ソフトバン ク<9984.T>、米携帯大 手スプリント・ネクス テル買収へ交渉=関係 筋 2012年10月11日22:12 JST [東京 11日 ロイター] ソフトバン ク(9984.T: 株価,ニュース,レポート)が米携帯電話 会社3位のスプリント・ネクステル(S.N: 株価,企業 情報,レポート)の買収に向けて交渉していることが 11日、分かった。関係者によると、過半数の株式 を取得する考えで、買収額は1兆円を超える見込 み。同社はイー・アクセス(9427.T: 株価,ニュース, レポート)の買収を発表したばかり。携帯電話市場 はスマートフォン(多機能携帯電話)の普及で世界 的に拡大が続いているが、ソフトバンクは同業を買 収することで顧客基盤と高速通信インフラを一気に 手に入れる。 関係者によると、ソフトバンクは買収資金を借り 入れでまかなう考えで、資金の調達に向け複数の銀 行と交渉中。ソフトバンクは同日、「報道は憶測に もとづくもの」とのコメントを発表した。 買収が実現すれば、契約件数が合わせて900 0万件を超える世界的な通信グループが誕生する。 「(スプリントの)買収によって、新規参入者は 手っ取り早く米国でプレゼンスを高められる」と、 ウェルズ・ファーゴのアナリスト、ジェニファー・ フリッチ氏は言う。 ソフトバンクは2006年、英ボーダフォン日本 法人を約2兆円で買収して携帯事業に参入した。今 月1日には約1800億円でイー・アクセスを買 収すると発表しており、PHSを手掛ける完全子会 社のウィルコムも合算すれば、契約数は8月末で3 911万件。KDDIの3589万件を抜き、6 063万件の首位NTTドコモ(9437.T: 株価, ニュース,レポート)に次ぐ国内2位の携帯電話会社 になる。 Update 1: Softbank in negotiations to acquire American mobile provider Sprint Nextel, according to related parties It was learned on the 11 th that Softbank is in negotiations to acquire #3 American mobile phone carrier Sprint Nextel. According to related parties, it plans to purchase a majority of outstanding shares, with a total projected purchase amount exceeding 1 trillion yen. Softbank only recently announced the acquisition of eAccess. The mobile phone market is continuing to expand globally on the popularity of smartphones and Softbank is looking to simultaneously expand its customer base and broadband communications infrastructure through this acquisition. According to sources, Softbank is planning to borrow the funds to make the acquisition, and is negotiating with a number of banks to acquire the funding. Softbank’s only comment was, “These reports are grounded in speculation.” If the acquisition does happen, it will form a global communications group more than 90 million contracts. “With the Sprint acquisition, Softbank can quickly enter the market place and expand its US presence,” said Wells Fargo analyst Jennifer Fritz. Softbank entered the mobile phone carrier market in 2006 through the purchase of UK Vodaphone’s Japanese operations in a 2 trillion yen transaction. On October 1 st , it announced the acquisition of eAccess for 180 billion yen. If you also include wholly owned subsidiary Wilcom which services PHS units, the group’s total number of contracts at the end of August was 39,110,000 contracts. With KDDI’s 35,890,000 contracts in third place, Softbank is the #2 mobile phone carrier in Japan after domestic leader NTT, which holds 60,630,000 contracts.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Low cost goes to Korea

Now you can fly to Korea from Tokyo for about $10, if you call now!

エアアジア初の国際 線…韓国へ限定運賃98 0円

成田空港を拠点とし、全日本空輸などが出資 する格安航空会社(LCC)エアアジア・ジャ パンは10日、初の国際線となる成田―韓国・ 仁川線を28日から運航すると発表した。

関西国際空港を拠点とするピーチ・アビエー ションは既に5月から仁川線などを就航してい る。これまで国内線中心だった格安競争が国際 線でも激しくなってきた。

エアアジアは、成田―仁川線の片道運賃の最 安値を6980円と、大手航空会社の半額以下 に設定した。さらに就航記念として、片道98 0円の特別運賃を先着4000席限定で売り出 した。岩片(いわかた)和行社長は10日の記者会 見で「敷居の高かった国際線を国内線の感覚で 乗ってほしい」とアピールした。

エアアジアは11月下旬には成田―釜山線も 就航する。今後、拠点空港を中部国際や仙台、 那覇などの各空港に広げるとともに、中国や台 湾、グアム、フィリピンなどへの就航も検討し ており、成長性が期待できる国際線を拡充する 方針だ。

(2012年10月10日21時21分 読売新聞)

Air Asia’s first international route…To South Korea for fixed fare of 980 yen

Low cost carrier Air Asia Japan, which uses Narita Airport as its base and has investments from ANA and others, announced on the 10 th that its first international route linking Narita and Incheon, South Korea, will begin operation on the 28 th .

Peach Aviation, using Kansai International Airport as a base, began flights to Incheon in May. Low-cost competition that has focused on domestic routes till now has become severe on international routes.

Air Asia has set the lowest price of a one-way fare on the Narita-Incheon route at 6,980 yen, which is less than half the price of major carriers’ normal price. Also, to commemorate the beginning of the route, they are selling seats at a special one-way fare of 980 yen to the first 4000 passengers. President Wakou Iwakata told reporters, “We want difficult international flights to feel like flying domestically.”

Air Asia will also start flights on the Narita-Pusan route in the latter part of November. Going forward, it is considering expanding its starting points to other airports, such as Chubu International, Sendai, and Naha, as well as opening routes to China, Taiwan, Guam, and the Philippines among others, with the aim of expanding international routes where there is high growth potential.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back to the election

I can't stay away from Japanese party politics for long. Not sure why but I do confess a love affair with them. Does that make me a wonk?

Anyway, the LDP is getting ready for the next lower house elections so enjoy this gripping read about those preparations!

自民:「選挙準備の加 速を」全国幹事長会 議で指示

毎日新聞 2012年10月09日 21時11分

自民党は9日、党本部で全国幹事長会議 を開き、次期衆院選の選挙準備を加速する よう各都道府県連の幹部に指示した。安 倍晋三総裁は「野田佳彦首相は『近いうち 解散する』と言った。衆院選で党の候補者 が勝利を収めることができるよう一層の協 力を」と要請。石破茂幹事長も「12月 9日投票を念頭に置くと日にちがない」と 解散風をあおった。

自民党が強気なのは、離党者が相次ぐ民 主党に比べて候補者の擁立作業が進んでい るからだ。自民党は300小選挙区のう ち、276選挙区で立候補予定者となる支 部長を決定。これとは別に公明党と9選挙 区で選挙協力を結ぶ。公募により選考中の 選挙区などを除き、候補者のめどが立た ない選挙区は「数えるほど」(河村建夫選 対局長)に減った。

またベテラン議員の相次ぐ引退表明で世 代交代が進む見込みだ。森喜朗元首相は7 月に次期衆院選に立候補しない考えを明 らかにし、9月に地元支部の予備選でビル 管理会社役員(37)を候補予定者に内 定。福田康夫元首相、中川秀直元幹事長、 山崎拓元幹事長も同様で、それぞれ後継 候補の公募手続きに入っている。【念佛明 奈】

LDP: “Accelerate election preparations” –direction from national leadership conference

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) opened its national leadership conference on the 9 th at party headquarters and directed each prefectural party leadership team to speed up preparations for lower house parliamentary elections, Noting that “Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda said that he would dissolve the parliament in the near future,” party president Shinzou Abe requested the party leadership’s cooperation in “enabling our party’s candidates to gain victory in lower house elections.” Chief Secretary Ishiba Shigeru added, “When you bear in mind 12/9 as election day, there isn’t much time,” stirring dissolution fever.

The LDP’s confidence comes from growing support for its candidates compared to the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) who continues to see desertions from its ranks. Of 300 electoral districts, the LDP has decided district managers for 276 districts where candidates plan to run. In addition, they are combining forces with the Komeito in 9 districts. According to Electoral Strategy chief Takeo Kawamura, the number of districts where there is no prospect of a viable candidate has decreased to “a handful,” excluding districts where candidates are still being screened.

Also, it is expected that the generational exchange will continue with veteran members of Parliament (MPs) announcing their retirement. Former prime minister Yoshiro Mori announced in July that he would not run in the next Lower House elections and so a primary was held for local district head and a building administration company executive (37 years old) was selected as the presumptive candidate. In the same way, the search has begun for successors for former prime minister Yasuo Fukuda, former chief secretary Hidenao Nakagawa, and former chief secretary Taku Yamasaki.