Monday, October 22, 2012

He said it, not me!

Yea for political posturing. We've got plenty of it in today's article.

前原氏発言:「年内解 散」首相は不快感 自民は歓迎

毎日新聞 2012年10月22日 19時49分 (最終更新 10月22日 20時17分)

前原誠司国家戦略担当相が「近いうち解 散」は年内と発言したことが、与野党に波 紋を広げている。野田佳彦首相は22 日、日本維新の会の松野頼久国会議員団代 表と国会内で会談した際、松野氏が「閣僚 が解散に言及するのはいかがなものか」と 述べると「私もそう思う」と不快感を表 明した。一方、早期解散を求める自民党幹 部からは前原氏の発言を歓迎する声が相次 いだ。

藤村修官房長官も22日の記者会見で、 「(前原氏の)個人的な考えだ。解散を決 めるのは首相の専権事項だ」と不快感を示 した。

政府・民主三役会議では、輿石東幹事長 が「解散は首相自身が判断するもの。他の 者がいくら言っても関係ない」と強調。民 主党役員会でも「首相の専権事項だから、 周りが言うことではない」との意見が続出 した。

「年内解散」は前原氏の持論だと言われ る。閣内では前原氏以外にも「年内解散の 方が得策」との声があるのも事実だ。た だ、前原氏の発言は首相との事前の連携は なかったとみられ、前原氏を支持するグ ループの幹部は「(前原氏は)立場をわき まえるべきだ」とため息を漏らした。

一方、自民党の茂木敏充前政調会長は 「非常に分かりやすかった」と評価。石破 茂幹事長も「まっとうなことを言う方も ある。しかし、閣内不一致ということが あってはならない」と期待感を示しながら 注文をつけた。自民党中堅議員は「帰って きた、言うだけ番長」と自身のツイッ ターに書き込み、あきれてみせた。【小山 由宇】

Maehara statement: “Dissolution by year’s end” –Prime minister dissatisfied; LDP welcomes

Domestic Policy Chief Seiji Maehara’s statement that the Prime Minister’s promise to dissolve the Lower House “in the near future” means by year’s end is causing ripples across the political spectrum. When Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda met with Yorihisa Matsuno, Diet representative of the Japan Restoration Party, Matsuno stated that “It’s quite something for a bureaucrat to refer to dissolution,” and Noda agreed, displaying displeasure. On the other hand, the LDP leadership, who is seeking an early dissolution, welcomed Maehara’s comments.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura stated at a press interview on the 22 nd , “It was a personal thought. Deciding when to dissolve the Lower House is the Prime Minister’s exclusive privilege,” voicing his own displeasure.

At a meeting of the administration and DPJ’s leadership ranks, Party Secretary Azuma Koshiishi emphasized that “Dissolution is at the Prime Minister’s own discretion. It doesn’t matter how much other people talk about it.” The DPJ’s party leadership committee issued a statement saying, “This is the Prime Minister’s exclusive bailiwick and not something for those surrounding him to be commenting on.”

It is said that “dissolution by year’s end” is Maehara’s personal theory. It is a fact that others within the Cabinet besides Maehara have advised that “a dissolution by year’s end is a good plan.” That said, it does not appear that Maehara’s statement was coordinated beforehand with the Prime Minister , and the leadership of the group supporting Maehara admitted that “He needs to remember his position.”

On the other hand, the LDP’s former policy committee chair Toshimitsu Motegi said, “It is extraordinarily easy to understand.” Chief Party Secretary Shigeru Ishiba said, “There are those who speak honestly. Still, the cabinet must be united,” showing his expectations while focusing on the issue. One LDP MP tweeted “He’s returned, the head of the talkers,” showing his disgust.

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