Friday, October 19, 2012

Some things really never change.

So, we’re back to bashing each other in the press. This is what Japanese politics are all about! Who needs to get things done when you can bad-mouth each other continually? 自公党首、首相を批判 「国民をバカにした 話」

自民党の安倍晋三総裁は19日夕、民自公3 党党首会談後に記者会見し、「正直言って驚い ている。民自両党で全く信頼関係が築かれない 状況で、信頼関係を回復する責任は野田佳彦首 相にある」と語り、会談が決裂した責任は首相 にあるとの認識を示した。

安倍氏は、首相に求めていた「年内解散」の 確約について、具体的な言及がなかったと説 明。「(18日の幹事長会談で)民主党の輿石 東幹事長が『(党首会談で)新しい具体的な案 を提示するだろう』と言った」と強調し、解散 時期を明示しなかった首相の対応を批判した。

一方、公明党の山口那津男代表も会談後、記 者団に「首相が『近いうちに(信を問う)』と 約束してもう2カ月以上経っている。具体的に 新しい提案があると言っておいて何もない。国 民をバカにした話だ」と語り、強い口調で首相 を非難した。

LDP and Komeito party chiefs criticize Prime Minister, “He’s treating the public like idiots.”

Party President Shinzo Abe of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) spoke at a press conference after the three way party leadership talks between the DPJ, LDP, and Komeito party chiefs on the evening of the 19 th and said, “Speaking honestly, I’m surprised. In this situation where the LDP and DPJ are completely unable to build trustworthy relationships, the Prime Minister has the responsibility to restore trust,” insisting it was the Prime Minister’s fault that the talks fell apart.

Abe explained that there was no clear reference to his request for a definitive promise of Parliamentary dissolution by years’ end from the Prime Minister. Abe criticized the Prime Minister’s unspecific response regarding the timing of dissolution, saying, “At the party secretary talks on the 18 th , the DPJ’s chief secretary Azuma Koshiishi said that ‘We will probably have a new proposal at the party leadership talks’.”

Also, Komeito’s party representative Natsuo Yamaguchi spoke to the press after the talks. “It’s been two months since the Prime Minister promised to dissolve parliament “in the near future.” It doesn’t mean anything if he says he has a new proposal. He’s taking the public for a ride,” Yamaguchi said, voicing strong criticism of the Prime Minister.

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