Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The results are in!

Since you were all waiting on the edge of your seats for the results of last night's LDP leadership vote, here they are!

自民新総裁に安倍氏= 決選投票で逆転勝 利―石破氏を要職起用 へ

2012年9月26日 19:56 JST

自民党総裁選は26日午後に党本部で投開票 され、国会議員による決選投票の結果、安倍晋 三元首相(58)が石破茂前政調会長(55) を破り、第25代総裁に選出された。安倍氏は 就任後の記者会見で、早期の政権奪還を目指 し、石破氏を党の要職に起用する意向を表明。 執行部人事を一両日中に決める方針を示した。 野田政権を早期の衆院解散に追い込むため、秋 の臨時国会では対決姿勢を強める構えだ。

安倍氏は選出後の両院議員総会で「自民党の 先頭に立てという使命を与えていただいた。責 任をしっかり胸に刻んで、政権奪還に向け全力 を尽くしていく」と強調。この後、記者会見に 臨み、民主、自民、公明3党首が合意した「近 いうち」の衆院解散について「国民との約束 だ。これは実行していただきたい」と述べ、野 田佳彦首相に解散・総選挙を求めていく考えを 示した。

執行部人事では、安倍氏とともに「党の顔」 として次期衆院選に当たる幹事長が焦点。安倍 氏は会見で、石破氏について「党員票の過半数 を取ったことを重く受け止めなければならな い。協力が求められている」と語った。

安倍氏の任期は2015年9月末までの3年 間。1955年の自民党結党後、総裁経験者が 再び総裁に就いたのは初めて。総裁選で決選投 票となったのは72年以来40年ぶりで、1回 目の投票で2位の候補が決選投票で逆転勝利し たのは56年ぶりだ。

1回目の投票は、国会議員票198と党員票 300の計498票で争われた。石破氏が議員 票34と党員票165の計199票を集めて1 位となったが、過半数には届かなった。

このため、議員票54と党員票87の計14 1票を獲得し2位となった安倍氏との間で決選 投票が行われた。その結果、安倍氏が108 票、石破氏が89票を得て、安倍氏が谷垣禎一 氏の後継総裁に選ばれた。議員票のうち1回目 は棄権票、決選投票では無効票がそれぞれ1票 ずつあった。

Abe wins in LDP leadership race – come from behind victory in run-off – to put Ishiba in key office

The Liberal Democratic Party conducted its party leadership election on the afternoon of the 26 th at party headquarters, and former prime minister Shinzo Abe (58) defeated former party policy chief Shigeru Ishiba (55) in a run-off vote, based on the results of a vote by members of parliament (MP), and becomes the 25 th party president. At his post-inauguration press conference, Abe emphasized the goal of quickly returning to power as well as his intention to place Ishiba in a key party post. He stated a plan to complete party personnel decisions in the next couple of days. He also showed a desire to strength the LDP’s confrontational stance in the fall parliamentary session with the goal of pressing the Noda administration to dissolve the Lower House.

At a general session of MPs after his election, he declared “I have been given the mission to lead the LDP. I will bear this responsibility resolutely and give my all to returning us to power.” At a press interview afterward, he stated that “It was a promise to the people that I would like to see accomplished,” regarding the agreement between the DPJ, LDP and Komeito on dissolving the Lower House in the “near future,” indicating that he would request Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda to dissolve the Diet and call a general election.

Of party leadership positions, along with Abe, the “party head” aka chief party secretary who will lead in the next Lower House elections is a focal point. Abe said concerning Ishiba, “He received a majority of party member votes and I must respect that. I will seek his cooperation.”

Abe’s term will be 3 years long, until September 2015. This is the first time since the party was founded in 1955 that a previous party president has served a second term. Also, this is the first party leadership election decided by a run-off in 40 years, since 1972 and the first time in 56 years that the runner-up candidate from the first election has won the run-off.

In the first vote, 198 parliamentarians and 300 party members’ votes were contested. Ishiba received 34 MP votes and 165 party member votes for a total of 199 votes and came in first place, but he did not gain a majority. Therefore, he contested a run-off with second-place Abe, who took 54 MP votes and 87 party members for a total of 141. The result of that was 108 for Abe and 89 for Ishiba and thus Abe was chosen as successor to current LDP president Sadakazu Tanigaki. In the first round vote, 1 MP abstained and one was counted invalid in the run-off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another vote

Just another vote announcement, this time for the LDP party leadership. Go team Abe!

決選投票の公算 大…自民党総裁選2 6日投開票

自民党総裁選は26日、投開票が行わ れ、第25代の新総裁が決まる。

国会議員票(198票)と党員票(30 0票)の合計で争われる第1回投票では、 過半数を得る候補はなく、国会議員のみが 投票する上位2人の決選投票にもつれ込む 公算が大きくなっている。

立候補しているのは安倍晋三元首相(5 8)(町村派)、石破茂前政調会長(5 5)(無派閥)、町村信孝元官房長官(6 7)(町村派)、山崎派出身の石原伸晃幹 事長(55)、林芳正政調会長代理(5 1)(古賀派)の5氏。

国会議員の投票は午後1時から自民党本 部で行われ、その結果は、党員投票の結果 とともに発表される。決選投票となった場 合、午後2時半ごろ結果が判明する。

(2012年9月25日20時11分 読売新聞)

Run-off ballot likelihood high…LDP party leadership election set for 26 th

The Liberal Democratic Party will be held on the 26 th and will decide the 25 th party president.

The total of parliamentarian votes (198) and party member votes (300)will comprise the first vote and there is a high likelihood that no one candidate will gain a majority, in which case parliamentarians only will vote in a run-off between the two leading candidates.

The 5 candidates are former prime minister Shinzo Abe (58) (Machimura group), former party policy chief Shigeru Ishiba (55) (no group), former chief party secretary Nobutaka Machimura (67) (Machimura group), party secretary Nobuteru Ishihara (55) originally of the Yamasaki faction, and current party policy chief Yoshimasa Hayashi (51) (Koga group).

The parliamentarian vote will be conducted at 1 pm at LDP party headquarters and the results will be announced together with the party member vote. In the case of a run-off, the results will be announced at around 2:30 pm.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Today marks another reshuffling of the cabinet, or at least speculations about who will be in the next switches.  Hold onto your seats, race fans. This could be a nail biter.

前原氏、入閣の方向 財務、 環境相が焦点

野田佳彦首相(55)は24日、民主党 政調会長に細野豪志環境相兼原発事故担当 相(41)、幹事長代行に安住淳財務相 (50)、国対委員長に山井和則国対副委 員長(50)を起用する主要人事を内定し た。直ちに閣僚人事に着手、後任の財務相 や環境相が焦点だ。前原誠司政調会長(5 0)は入閣する方向。樽床伸二幹事長代行 (53)、城島光力国対委員長(65)も 閣僚など要職で処遇する。

首相は米国出発に際し「当面の懸案に取 り組む内閣の機能強化の意味で内閣改造を 行う。規模はこれからよく考える」と述べ た。

輿石東幹事長は10月1日にも内閣改造 が行われるとの見通しを示した

Maehara leaning towards joining administration; Finance or Environment Minister roles prominent

Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda (55) confirmed the appointment of the following key individuals on the 24 th , Minister of the Environment and Nuclear Accident Response Leader Goushi Hosono (41) to DPJ Policy Chief, Finance Minister Jun Azumi (50) to Acting Chief Secretary, Deputy Chairman Kazunori Yamanoi(50) to Parliamentary Affairs Chairman. Immediately following will be filling cabinet posts, especially finding replacements for finance and environmental ministers. Policy Chief Seiji Maehara (50) appears slated to enter the cabinet. Acting Chief Secretary Sjinji Tarutoko (53), and Parliamentary Affairs Chairman Kouriki Joujima (65) are also being looked at for key roles in the cabinet.

At the time of his departure for the US, the prime minster said that “We are restructuring the administration with the aim of strengthening its ability to grapple with the current issues facing us. I will give much thought to the scale of the change going forward.

Chief Secretary Azuma Koshiishi indicated that the cabinet reshuffle will happen on October 1.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Signs of a change

Back to politics. The leader of the new Japan Restoration Party shows early signs of a remarkably different attitude toward government than the likes of the LDP and DPJ. Curious to see how long it lasts.

野田代表再選:橋下氏、 是々非々で対応する考 え

毎日新聞 2012年09月21日 20時43分(最終更 新 09月21日 20時56分)

新党「日本維新の会」代表に就く橋下徹大阪 市長は21日、民主党代表選で野田佳彦首相が 再選されたことについて、「日本維新の会は何 でも反対ではなく、政策的に合う時にはしっか りと進めて、違うところは意見を言う」と話 し、是々非々で対応する考えを示した。市役所 で記者団に述べた。

橋下氏は「多くの民意は3年前に民主党政権 を支持したのだから、それを全てひっくり返す ようなことをしては政治は成熟しない」と指 摘。今後、同党からの離党者が増えると衆議院 で過半数割れの可能性があるとの指摘に対して も「国民はそんなことは望んでいない。(重要 なのは)政策が合うかどうかだ。過半数割れを 狙うとか『すけべ心』が出たら日本維新の会は 消滅だ」と述べ、既成政党との違いを強調し た。【原田啓之】

Noda’s party leadership re-election: Hashimoto wants to give a fair and balanced response

Toru Hashimoto, mayor of Osaka who also serves as leader of the new “Japan Restoration Party,” gave remarks to the press at city hall on the 21 st concerning the re-election of Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda as party leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). “The Japan Restoration Party is not opposing anything. Rather, we will proceed where we agree politically and where we disagree, we will state our opinion,” he said, indicating a desire to respond in a fair and balanced manner.

Hashimoto pointed out that “The majority of the public supported the DPJ administration 3 years ago so completely going back and overturning that is not a sign of political maturity.” Even with the possibility of deserters from the DPJ increasing to the point where it loses its Lower House majority, “The people don’t want that. The important thing is to determine whether policy is fitting or not. If the desire to destroy the majority or like ‘perverted ideas’ appear, I will dissolve the Japan Restoration Party,” he said, emphasizing a difference with existing parties.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Causing a stink

Demonstrations against Japan by Chinese citizens had even spread to Korea it seems, at least on a small scale.

Of bigger concern is whether my translation of the last sentence is accurate or not. I think it is, but the last couple of phrases seems a little bit unclear to me as to who is providing the direction to the protesters.


在韓中国留学生50人、反 日集結 韓国警察400人 が道路封鎖

2012.9.20 19:32

【ソウル=加藤達也】韓国の中国人留学 生などで組織する「中国留学生会」の学生 ら約50人が20日、ソウルの在韓日本大 使館の近くに集結し、日本政府による沖 縄県・尖閣諸島の国有化などの措置を「強 く批判する」とする声明を読み上げ、大使 館の郵便受けに投函(とうかん)した。

中国各地でデモ参加者が暴徒化した実情 を踏まえ、在韓日本大使館は韓国警察当局 に警備強化を要請。韓国側は留学生らに対 し、事前に暴徒化を警告したほか、この日 は大使館前に警官隊約400人を動員して 大使館前の路上を封鎖、建物への接近を許 さず混乱は起きなかった。

一方、韓国情報当局筋によると、留学生 や研究者などとして韓国に滞在している中 国人の一部に対し、中国当局から示威活動 を行う場合は抑制的に実施するよう指示が あったという。

50 Chinese exchange students in Korea gather for anti-Japan demonstration – 400 Korean police block road

50 members of the “China Foreign Exchange Student Club,” an organization for Chinese exchange students in Korea, gathered near the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on the 20 th . They read protest letters that strongly criticized the Japanese government’s actions in nationalizing the Senkaku islands in Okinawa Prefecture and the delivered them to the Embassy mail drop-off point.

Given the circumstances of demonstrations around China growing violent, the Japanese embassy requested additional security from the Korean National Policy Authorities. The Korean authorities warned the students against violence and posted approximately 400 officers in front of the Japanese embassy, closing the road in front of the embassy and no disorder was permitted close to the building.

On the other hand, according to Korean officials, some Chinese researchers and students residing in Korea were directed to restrain demonstrations by Chinese authorities.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stay out of the woods

At least the ones around Fukushima. Unless you want to glow green, that is.

Honestly a far from exciting article, but I learned some new words, and who doesn't want to be able to talk about forestry?

森林除染:地域再生一 体で実施…環境省が 方針

毎日新聞 2012年09月19日 21時00分

環境省は19日、有識者検討会を開き、 東京電力福島第1原発事故で汚染された森 林の当面の除染方針をまとめた。福島県内 の自治体や林業関係者の意向を反映させ、 林業と除染対策を組み合わせて地域再生や 復興を図る方策を検討することなどを盛り 込んだ。

検討会では当初、樹木を間引く「間伐」 で放射性物質を減らす方法について、林野 庁の調査に基づき「効果が限定的で必要性 は乏しい」という案をまとめた。だが福島 県側から「除染だけでなく林業再生の観点 からも検討してほしい」との意見が出たこ とを受け、見直した。

このほか、沢水のモニタリング強化や除 染で生じた枝葉の焼却熱を発電に活用する 案も盛り込んだ。【比嘉洋】

Forest decontamination: Ministry of Environment enacts policy to unify regional revitalization

The Ministry of the Environment held a conference of experts on the 19 th , and finalized a policy on the decontamination of forests polluted by the nuclear accident at Fukushima Reactor 1. The policy reflects the desires of the municipalities within Fukushima Prefecture and parties in the forestry industry, with the aim of studying measures that would revitalize and recover areas through pollution removal and forestry.

The conference opened with a discussion on period harvesting of trees and vegetation as a means of reducing radioactive materials and affirmed the results of a study by the Forestry Agency that stated “The results are limited and of questionable necessity.” Even so, the study will get a second look because the Fukushima Prefecture representatives requested that it be reviewed “not only from the perspective of decontamination but also as it related to forestry revitalization.”

In addition, strengthening stream water monitoring and clean-up caused by burning leaves and branches in power generation was included.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Aqueous Invasion

Today is a gripping tale of sovereignty violated, ships sailing around, and counter claims of dominion...or just the Japanese Coast Guard giving the play-by-play of three Chinese ships cruising near some disputed islands.  The real question is, how many ways can you translate the word 侵入?

中国の海洋監視船3隻が領 海侵犯

2012.9.18 20:16

海上保安庁によると、18日午後5時2 0分ごろ、沖縄県・尖閣諸島周辺の日本の 領海を中国政府の海洋監視船「海監」3隻 が相次いで侵犯した。接続水域に入った中 国公船11隻のうちの3隻で、いずれも午 後6時ごろまでに領海を出た。

中国監視船は14日にも日本の領海を6 隻が侵犯しており、尖閣諸島国有化への対 抗措置とみられる。

海保によると、午後5時20分ごろに海 監49が侵入。その後、海監46が午後5 時22分ごろに、海監49が午後5時29 分ごろ領海に侵入した。3隻は最大40分 程度、領海を侵犯したという。

3 Chinese ocean observation vessels invade territorial waters

According to the Japan Coast Guard, at around 5:20 pm on the 18 th , 3 Chinese oceanic observation ships intruded into Japan’s territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture. Of 11 Chinese government vessels that entered the adjoining area, the 3 ships left the territorial waters by 6 pm.

6 Chinese oceanic observation ships intruded into Japan’s territorial waters on the 14 th as well, in what appears to be a Chinese attempt to assert sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands.

According to the Coast Guard, at approximately 5:20 pm, Patrol Ship 49 trespassed. After that, Patrol Ship 46 entered around 5:22 pm, and then another Patrol Ship 49 intruded into territorial waters around 5:29 pm. The 3 ships remained in the area for around 40 minutes.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A meeting of defense ministers

No surprises here but a not terribly surprising meeting between the US and Japanese defense ministers produced no substantial dialog but the same mutual assurances of commitment that are the hallmark of Japan-America relations.  Is there anyone other than me that silk find such articles interesting?

日米防衛相会談:米、 早期沈静化を要請 日中対立を懸念

毎日新聞 2012年09月17日 21時13分 (最終更新 09月17日 21時20分)

共同記者会見を終え会場を後にする森本防 衛相(左)とパネッタ米国防長官=東京都 新宿区の防衛省で2012年9月17日午 後1時52分、須賀川理撮影

森本敏防衛相は17日、防衛省でパネッ タ米国防長官と会談した。終了後の記者会 見でパネッタ長官は、沖縄県・尖閣諸島 を巡って深刻化する日中関係について「対 立を懸念している。外交的手段を双方が活 用することで建設的に問題を解決すること を望む」と早期の沈静化を求めた。会談 で両氏は「冷静に対応する必要がある」と の認識で一致した。

パネッタ長官は共同記者会見で、尖閣諸 島について「当然(日米安保)条約に基づ いた義務を遂行することは変わっていな い」と述べ、対日防衛義務を規定した日米 安保条約5条の対象となると説明。一方で 「米国は主権に関する紛争では(特定の国 の)肩は持たない」と述べた。

米海兵隊が米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜 野湾市)に配備予定の垂直離着陸輸送機M V22オスプレイの国内運用を巡る協議 に関しては、会談で森本氏が「安全に配慮 した合意にしてほしい」と要請。パネッタ 長官は会見で「まもなく好ましい発表がで きる」と述べ、近く合意に達するとの見 通しを示した。

これに先立ち、玄葉光一郎外相も外務省でパ ネッタ長官と会談。尖閣諸島問題について、「 日中関係が大きく損なわれることのないよう日 米間で協力する」ことで一致した。玄葉氏は竹 島(島根県)問題で対立する日韓関係について 「難しい問題があるが冷静に対処する。日韓、 日米韓の連携は重要で、安全保障協力を停滞さ せてはならない」と伝え、パネッタ長官も同調 した。【朝日弘行、横田愛】

Japanese and America defense ministers meet: America desires a quick cooling, fears Japan and China’s confrontation

Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto met with America’s Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, on the 17 th . At the press conference that followed, Secretary Panetta said concerning the increasingly tense relations between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture, “We have concerns about the confrontation. We hope that both parties will constructively use diplomatic methods to resolve this issue.” Both ministers acknowledged that “a calm response is required.”

At the press conference, Secretary Panetta stated concerning the Senkaku Islands that, “America’s execution of its duties under the Japan-America security pact has of course not changes,” commenting on the fixed defense duties covered by the 5 sections of the Japan-America Security Treaty. On the other hand, he declared that “America’s sovereignty is not pulled to one side in this dispute.”

Regarding the planned deployment and domestic use of the MV22 Osprey VTOL aircraft to the US Marines base at Futenma (Gino Bay in Okinawa Prefecture), Morimoto sought to “agree on prioritizing safety” at the meeting. Panetta noted, “We will soon make a satisfactory announcement,” indicating his expectation that they would soon reach agreement.

Prior to this, Foreign Minister Kouichiro Genba met with Secretary Panetta. Regarding the Senkaku Islands, they agreed that “Japan and America must cooperate to see that Japan-China relations are not greatly impaired.” Minister Gena stated regarding Japan-Korea relations over the Takeshima (Dokdo) issue, “We must calmly address this difficult issue. Japan-Korea and Japan-America-Korea links are critical and cooperation on maintaining security must not stagnate,” agreeing with Secretary Panetta.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Where did all the students go?

Japan's schools continue to close, following the trend of Japan's population. Depressing maybe?

公立学校、11年度は474校が廃校 少子化で

2012/9/14 21:49

文部科学省は14日、2011年度に全国の公立学 校474校が廃校になったと発表した。少子化によ る児童・生徒数の減少が原因としている。廃校 数は10年度の559校より85校減ったが、03年度 以降、毎年度400校を超えている。内訳は、小学 校323校、中学校93校、高校50校、特別支援学 校8校だった。

都道府県別では北海道が51校で最多。次い で、熊本36校、鹿児島26校などが多かった。神 奈川と佐賀は1校もなかった。今年5月1日時 点で、在学者がいないため休校になっているの は435校だった。

1992年度の調査開始からの廃校数は、 計6834校。都道府県別では北海道の760校が最 多だった。次いで東京389校、新潟303校と続い た。32校の滋賀が最も少なかった。

2002年度以降に廃校となり建物が残ってい る4222校のうち、公民館やスポーツセンターな どに利用されているのは70.2%だった。〔共 同〕

474 public schools close in 2011 due to low birth rate

The Ministry of Education reported on the 14 th that 474 publicly established schools closed in 2011 nationwide. The primary cause is the decrease in student population due to the low birth rate. This was a decrease from 2010 when 559 schools closed but since 2003, more than 400 schools have closed every year. The breakdown is 323 elementary school, 93 middle, 50 high schools, and 8 specialized assistance schools.

Broken out by prefecture, Hokkaido had the most at 51. Next was Kumamoto at 36, followed by Kagoshima with 26. Kanagawa and Saga each had only 1 closure. As of May 1 st of this year, 435 school were temporarily closed due to lack of students.

Since this research began in 1992, 6834 schools have closed. By prefecture, Hokkaido has the most closures at 760, followed by Tokyo with 389, Nigata with 303. Shiga Prefecture has had the least closures with 32.

Since 2002, the number of closed schools with facilities still standing is 4222, and of those 70.2% are currently being used as community centers and sports centers.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who says I can't team up with them?

The latest political party to pop out of the woodwork has a similar opinion to most other old school politicians in Japan. Surprise!

橋下市長:「集団自衛権 の行使認める」

毎日新聞 2012年09月13日 21時03分(最終更 新 09月13日 21時47分)

新党「日本維新の会」代表の橋下徹・大阪市 長は13日、日本の集団的自衛権行使について 「基本的に認めるべきだ。行使の在り方につい てルール化していく」と述べ、行使を容認すべ きだとの立場を初めて明言した。また、「日本 の歴史をつくってきた人に対して礼を尽くすの は当然」と述べ、靖国神社参拝の意向を示し た。

市役所で記者団の質問に答えた。新党の綱領 となる「維新八策」は「日本の主権と領土を自 力で守る防衛力と政策の整備」を掲げている が、集団的自衛権に言及はない。橋下氏もこれ まで踏み込んだ発言を避けてきたが、12日に 国政政党の結党を宣言したことを踏まえ、外交 や安全保障についても積極的に発言する姿勢を 打ち出したと見られる。

橋下氏は、集団的自衛権の行使は許されない とする政府の憲法解釈を「権利があるけど行使 できないなんて、役人答弁としか言えない。誰 も理解できない」と批判。「主権国家であれば 当然認められる。行使の在り方について、憲法 9条の観点からルール化していったらいい」と 述べた。

Mayor Hashimoto: “I recognize the exercise of collective defense rights.”

On the 13 th , Toru Hashimoto, representative for the new “Japan Restoration Party” and mayor of Osaka, stated that Japan’s exercise of its right to collective defense must be respected on a basic level. “We need to change the rules regarding this exercise,” he said, stating this position for the first time. He went on, “It is only natural to give all those who made Japan’s history,” indicating a desire to visit Yasukuni Shrine.

He was answering questions from reporters at the city offices. The new party’s platform, called “8 Principles for Restoration” contains the plank, “Prepare defense capabilities and government policies to protect Japan’s sovereignty and territory in our own strength,” though there is nothing about the right to collective defense. To this point, Hashimoto had avoided staking out a position on the issue. However, with the announcement of the establishing of a new national political party on the 12 th , it appears that he will begin working out positions on diplomacy and national security.

Regarding the government’s constitutional interpretation that does not allow for the exercise of the right to collective defense, Hashimoto said “For a government representative to say that we have the right but are not able to exercise that right is incomprehensible. If we’re a sovereign state, of course it is permissible. As to how that right is exercised, in terms of Section 9 of the Constitution, a rule change is required.”

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Election law details

I confess that this one remains somewhat of a mystery to me. While I am a fan of wonky articles about the intricacies of Japanese politics, this leash dispute over one vote disparities completely loses me.  So, did I translate it tell me. I think so, but hard to say when you really don't grasp what they're arguing about.

「一票の格差」上告審が結 審 17件中3件で高裁 「違憲」 平成22年参院 選

2012.9.12 21:14

平成22年7月の参院選で最大5倍の 「一票の格差」が生じたのは憲法違反とし て、2つの弁護士グループらが選挙無効を 求めた計17件の訴訟の上告審弁論が12 日、最高裁大法廷(裁判長・竹崎博允=ひ ろのぶ=長官)で開かれ、結審した。

全国14の高裁・支部は選挙無効の請求 はいずれも退けたが、3件で明確に「違 憲」としたほか、「違憲状態」「合憲」と 判断が分かれており、大法廷の結論が注目 される。判決期日は追って指定される。

弁論で弁護士グループはそれぞれ「格差 がある現行の選挙制度では、民意を国政に 正確に反映できない」「代議制民主主義の 点から人口比例の選挙区割りしかありえな い」と主張。選挙管理委員会側は「著しい 不平等状態に至っていたと判断し得ない」 と反論した。

参院選の一票の格差をめぐる大法廷判 決は、最大格差が6・59倍だった4年選 挙について、8年に「違憲状態」とした以 外、いずれも合憲と判断。21年には、 最大格差4・86倍だった19年の参院選 について合憲としたが「選挙制度の仕組み の見直しが必要」と是正を求めていた。

17件の訴訟のうち1件は、竹崎長官の 実兄が被告である香川県選管の委員長だっ たため、竹崎長官は審理に加わらない。

“One vote disparity” appeals concluded – 3 of 17 instances declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court in Upper House Election

The appeals of two groups of lawyers seeking the invalidation of 17 elections results from the July 2010 Upper House Elections where 5 times the “1 vote disparity” occurred on the basis that they were unconstitutional were heard by the full Supreme Court on the 12 th (chief justice Hironobu Takezaki presiding).

Nationwide, 14 requests for invalidation were dismissed by high and regional courts. Aside from 3 counts that were clearly ruled unconstitutional, rulings were split between constitutional and unconstitutional so the decision of the Supreme Court is drawing attention. The date for a decision is expected to be set shortly.

At the trial, the lawyer groups argued that “The current system for dealing with disparities is unable to accurately reflect the will of the people in the affairs of state” and “From the perspective of representative democracy, election districts proportioned according to population is the only possibility.” The board of elections countered that “It is impossible to judge that any remarkable state of inequality has been reached.”

In the case before the supreme court of one vote disparities in Upper House elections, The greatest disparity of 6.59 times, other than the 1996 election that was ruled unconstitutional, that occurred in the 1992 election was ruled constitutional. In 2009, the highest disparity 4.86 times in the 2007 election was ruled constitutional, but a revision was requested that “reform of the framework of the electoral process is necessary.”

Of the 17 incidents, Chief Just Takezaki recused himself from one case where his elder brother is the head of the Kagawa Prefecture board of elections which is a defendant.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Japan up at half!

How's this for something slightly different. I encountered a mid-game update from the Japan Iraq qualifying match for the next World Cup. Good times!

後半も日本がペース握 る…イラク戦速報中

◆ブラジルW杯アジア最終予選B組第4戦 日 本―イラク(11日・埼玉スタジアム) ザッ クVSジーコついに開戦!日本は2勝1分けの 勝ち点7でB組首位、イラクは2分けの勝ち点 2で2位。史上初の新旧日本代表監督対決は、 最終予選前半の大きなヤマ場となった。

国際サッカー連盟(FIFA)のランキング では日本が23位、イラクが78位。

日本は香川真司(23)=マンチェスターU =が腰痛のため欠場。左足首を痛めている酒井 宏樹(22)=ハノーバー96=もベンチ外と なった。攻撃陣は本田圭佑を司令塔に清武弘 嗣、岡崎慎司、前田遼一が先発する。

日本は立ち上がり、イラクにやや押し込まれ ヘディングシュートでゴールを脅かされる場面 もあったものの、10分過ぎからは徐々にパス が回るようになり、長友、清武、前田らの シュートがゴール枠をとらえ始めた。そして待 望の先制点は前半25分。右サイドのスローイ ンから岡崎が左足でクロスを上げ、中央の前田 が放った鮮やかなヘディングシュートがゴール に突き刺さって日本がリードを奪った。

その後も日本は再三相手ゴール前に迫るが、 イラクも必死のディフェンスで追加点は許さ ず、1―0と日本リードで前半を折り返した。

後半も日本がイラクのゴール前で再三セット プレーを得て、18分には吉田が派手なオー バーヘッドシュート。24分には左サイドを攻 め上がった長友からのクロスを本田が頭で合わ せるなど、終始日本がペースを握って試合が進 んだ。イラクは後半19分、この日スタメンを 外れていたFWユーニスを投入した。

Japan seizes the pace in second half – Iraq match news flash

* World Cup Asia Final Qualifying Match B Group, Game 4 – Japan v Iraq

(11 th – Saitama Stadium) Zach versus Zico finally begins! Japan, who has a 2-1 record with 7 points at the top of Group B, versus Iraq with an 0-2 record and 2 points. This historic confrontation between the former and current coaches of Team Japan in the first half of the final qualifying match has ended in a huge climax.

In FIFA’s rankings, Japan is 23 rd and Iraq is 78.

Japan is missing Manchester United’s Shinji Kagawa due to lower back pain and Hanover 96’s Hiroki Sakai because of left ankle pain. Japan’s offense is lead by playmaker Keisuke Honda, with Hiroshi Kiyotake, Shinji Okazaki, Ryoichi Maeda also starting.

Japan started off by pressing Iraq at the goal with headshots, but gradually slumped to passing around as the 10 minute mark passed. Nagatomo, Kiyotake, and Maeda all took shots off the goalposts. The go-ahead goal finally came at the 25 th minute. From a throw-in on the right side, Okazaki crossed with his left foot to Maeda who knocked a header into the goal for Japan to take the lead.

After this, Japan repeatedly approached the opponent’s goal, but Iraq played desperate defense and allowed no further points and the first half ended with Japan 1-0.

In the second half, Japan again had repeated set plays around the Iraq goal, with Yoshida making a showy overhead shot at the 18 minute mark. At the 24 th minute, Nagatomo drove up the left side and crossed to Honda who met the ball with his head. Japan has controlled the pace throughout the game.

At the 19 th minute of the second half, Iraq pulled out its starter and put in forward Younis.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Who cares what happens?

So, I'm still stuck on this theme of party elections, and today reports on general lack of enthusiasm for the DPJ leadership race.  Don't be excited.

民主は落ち目・誰が なっても厳しい…代表選 に声

10日告示の民主党代表選は12日間にわた る4候補の「舌戦」に突入した。

一方、政権奪還を目指す自民党はこの日、谷 垣禎一総裁が14日告示の総裁選への出馬断念 を表明。両党とも次期衆院選の「顔」選びが本 格化する中、民主代表選に出馬した各候補者の 地元などでは「誰がなっても厳しい状況は同 じ」との声も上がった。

この日、午前9時半過ぎに首相官邸に姿を見 せた野田佳彦首相は、報道陣から代表選への意 気込みを聞かれても無言のまま。淡々とした様 子で笑顔はなかった。首相に挑む3候補は、都 内で相次いで決意を表明。「原発ゼロ」を打ち 出した赤松広隆元農相は「このままでは党がと けてなくなる」と厳しい表情。原口一博元総務 相は「分裂、離党、除名を繰り返し、国民の信 頼を失わせた」と頭を下げた。鹿野道彦前農相 は「党の立て直しに全力を尽くしたい」と決意 を語った。

野田首相の再選が有力視される中での代表選 とあって、各候補の地元からは、「懸案の政策 について議論を深めてほしい」などの注文も。 赤松元農相の地元、愛知県では、後援会連合会 の小鹿実会長(81)が「野田首相の信任投票 と言われている民主党代表選は、自民党総裁選 と比べて注目度は低い。国民に信頼される党に 再生するきっかけになれば」と論戦に期待を込 めた。

一方、東日本大震災の被災地からは厳しい意 見も。宮城県気仙沼市の菅原茂市長は「通常国 会の最後に空転した。支援が遅れないようにし てほしい」と指摘。福島県南相馬市の仮設住宅 で暮らす男性(77)は「政治は被災地を向い ていない。誰が代表になっても期待はできな い」とした。

また、鹿野前農相の地元では、山形市の会社 員男性が「民主党は落ち目。だれが代表に選ば れてもやりたいことはできないのではないか」 と冷ややかに語った。

DPJ waning: Whoever wins the leadership race will face difficult circumstances

With the kick-off of the DPJ leadership race on the 10 th , the four candidates have rushed into a 12-day long war of words.

On the one hand, as the LDP aims to return to government, current party head Sadakazu Tanigaki abandoned the idea of running in the LDP leadership race that begins on the 14 th . Both parties are in the midst of trying to choose their “face” for the next Lower House elections, but the general consensus regarding the DPJ leadership race is that “It will be a difficult situation, regardless of who wins.”

This morning just after 9 am, Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda appeared before reporters, but said nothing when asked about enthusiasm for the leadership race. He didn’t smile, showing no interest. Three candidates announced their intention to challenge the prime minister in Tokyo. Former Agriculture Minister Hirotaka Akamatsu, running on a campaign of “Zero nuclear power” was critical, “At this rate, the party will melt away.” Former Internal Affairs Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi

dismissed him, saying, “There has been nothing but internal conflict, defections, and expulsions. He’s lost the trust of the nation.” Former Agriculture Minister Michihiko Kano announced his decision, stating “I want to put all my energy to restoring the party.”

While it appears that Prime Minister Noda is likely to be re-elected, the home district for each candidate is indicating that a deeper discussion of pending policy questions is desirable. Former Agriculture Minister Akamatsu’s home district, Aichi Prefecture, the chair of his election committee, Mr Kojika (81), noted that “The vote of confidence of Prime Minister Noda and the DPJ leadership election have garnered little attention compared to the LDP leadership race. If only this could be a chance for us to be reborn as the party the people trust…” He emphasized his hope in the debates.

On the other hand, opinions from the area affected by the Eastern Japan earthquake were harsh. The mayor of Kessennuma City in Miyagai Prefecture, Shigeru Sugawara, pointed out that “The Diet is completely stalled and I don’t want assistance to be delayed.” A 77-year old man living in temporary housing in Minamisoma City in Fukushima Prefecture said, “The government isn’t paying the disaster area any attention. I don’t expect anything regardless of who’s elected.”

Also, in former Agricultural Minister Kano’s home district, a company employee in Yamagata City said indifferently, “The DPJ is waning. Will whoever is elected be able to do anything?”

Friday, September 7, 2012

For the other side

I can't give you just one part leadership race when I can give you two. Today's article is nominally about the DPJ leadership race coming up next week, but ends up being the Prime Minister talking about what he has left to do, sort of.

野田首相:民主代表 選へ事実上の出馬表 明-職責担いたいと 会見で

野田首相:民主代表選 へ事実上の出馬表明- 職責担いたいと会見で

9月7日(ブルームバーグ):野田佳彦首 相は7日の記者会見で、今後の国政運営につい て「残された課題とこれからも格闘し、克服し ていくという職責を引き続き担いたい」と述 べ、民主党代表選(10日告示、21日投開票)へ の再選出馬を事実上、表明した。

首相は民主党を取り巻く状況について「実に厳 しい声があることは肌身で感じている。今、や るべきことを粛々と一つ一つ実行に移していく ことで国民の信頼を勝ち得ていくしかない」と 語った。

その上で、「経済再生、行政、政治改革と包括 的に進めるべき一体改革はまだまだ未完成、震 災復興と原発事故との戦いも道半ばだ。こうし た国政の重要な諸課題を中途半端な形で放置す ることはできない」と強調した。

衆院解散については「やるべきことをしっかり やり抜いた後にしかるべき時に国民の信を問 う。それ以上、それ以下でもない」と述べるに とどめた。

代表選をめぐっては、一部議員が立候補を要請 をした細野豪志環境相が出馬を見送っている が、原口一博元総務相らが立候補を目指してい ると共同通信は報じている。

Prime Minister Noda: Announces candidacy for DPJ leadership post – desire to bear responsibility in interview

Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda stated in an interview on the 7 th , “I want to continue to bear responsibility for grappling with the remaining issues and bringing them under control,” regarding the administration of the affairs of state going forward, and tacitly announced his candidacy in the DPJ leadership race (begins on 9/10, election date on 9/21).

Regarding the DPJ’s embattled position, he said, “I can feel the severe criticism in my very core. We have no option but to gain the trust of the nation by solemnly implementing the items that must be addressed.” Furthermore, he emphasized that “A comprehensive reform package including economic recovery, administration, and political reform is not yet complete. We are still in the midst of recovery from the earthquake and battling the nuclear accident. I cannot abandon these various issues critical to government half-done.” Regarding Lower House elections, he ended with, “As I’ve promised, only after we properly deal with the items left to be done will we go back to the people, no more, no less.”

In the leadership race, Goushi Hosono, minister of environmental affairs, declined to run despite requests from a number of representatives. However, Kyodo News Service is reporting that former minister of internal affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi is planning to run.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The important issue

If fashion could decide an election, the Obamas would have clinched it already it seems.  You can't say I only cover esoteric Japanese party politics with these translations. That said, I do find the below article about American presidential candidates wives' fashion sense a bit pedantic, at best. Definitely fun to translate though. Enjoy.

ドレス対決はオバマ陣 営 ミシェル夫人、 ネットで称賛

米民主党全国大会で4日に演説したバラク・ オバマ大統領の妻ミシェル夫人(48)と、米 共和党大会で先月28日に演説したミット・ロ ムニー氏の妻アン夫人(63)のファッション 対決に注目が集まっている。ツイッター上では ミシェル夫人が優勢だ。

ミシェル夫人はバラ色のノースリーブのワン ピース、アン夫人は真っ赤なワンピースで登 壇。5日のニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(電子 版)によると、アン夫人のドレスは米高級婦人 服オスカー・デ・ラ・レンタ社製で約2千ドル (約16万円)。一方、ミシェル夫人はアフリ カ系米国人デザイナー、トレイシー・リースの もので、400ドル(3万1千円)前後とい う。

ツイッター上では、ミシェル夫人が登場する と、「どこのブランド?」「どこで買える の?」などと話題になった。アン夫人には触れ なかった米高級デパートのニーマン・マーカス も、ミシェル夫人については「すてきなドレ ス」とツイートした。

同紙は両者のドレスについてのツイートを踏 まえ、「美しくフィットしたドレス。高画質テ レビ時代に最適の選択」としてミシェル夫人に 軍配を上げた。(ニューヨーク=春日芳晃)

In dress fight, Obama camp, Michelle Obama earn praise on Internet

Attention is focusing on the fashion showdown between Michelle Obama (48), wife of President Barak Obama who gave a speech at America’s Democratic Party’s National Convention on the 4 th , and Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney who gave a speech at America’s Republican Party’s National Convention on 8/28. Michelle appears to have the upper hand in the Twitterverse.

Michelle wore a rose-colored, sleeveless dress while Ann mounted the platform in a deep, bright red dress. According to a New York Times (electronic edition) article on the 5 th , Ann Romney’s dress was a $2,000 (approximately 160,000 yen) piece by Oscar de la Renta, an upscale American women’s clothing designer. On the other hand, Michelle Obama’s dress was an approximately $400 (31,000 yen) work by African-American designer Tracy Reese.

When Michelle Obama appeared on stage, Twitter lit up with “What brand is that dress?” “Where can I buy it” etc. Ann Romney tweeted “What a beautiful dress” about Michelle Obama, without mentioning high-end American department store Neiman Marcus.

Based on tweets about the dresses that the women wore, the same article gave the decision in favor of Michelle Obama saying, “It was a beautifully fit dress. In this age of high definition TV, it was the perfect choice.”

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting ready to run!

Today's article is yet another in my regular visits to the inner workings, however inane, of Japanese political party leadership elections. Enjoy!

安倍氏勉強会に47人 =町村氏、7日出馬表 明―自民総裁選

自民党総裁選(14日告示、26日投開票) への出馬に意欲を示す安倍晋三元首相は5日午 後、自らを代表世話人とする勉強会「新経済成 長戦略勉強会」の設立総会を党本部で開いた。 安倍氏を含め衆参両院議員47人が出席。有力 候補の乱立で混戦模様となる中、安倍氏は勉強 会を足掛かりに支持を広げたい考えだ。

一方、町村派会長の町村信孝元官房長官は同 日夕、都内で同派議員と総裁選への対応を協議 し、7日に記者会見して立候補を表明すること を決めた。町村氏周辺は「推薦人20人を確保 するめどはついた」としている。同派は安倍、 町村両氏が出馬すれば分裂選挙となる。

安倍氏は勉強会の冒頭のあいさつで、「民主 党政権はどうやって(経済の)パイを大きくす るかに興味がない。自民党はデフレを脱却し、 力強く経済を成長させる道筋を国民に示す責任 を持っている」と強調。終了後、「民主党との 違いをクリアにしていく必要がある」と記者団 に述べ、民主、自民、公明3党の連携を重視す る谷垣禎一総裁らと一線を画す考えを示した。

勉強会には、発起人の中川秀直元幹事長や小 池百合子元防衛相ら安倍政権を党幹部・閣僚と して支えた議員や、保守色の強い中堅・若手が 顔をそろえた。ただ発起人の出席は61人中3 9人にとどまった。また、総裁選出馬の意向を 固めている石破茂前政調会長が主宰する「さわ らび会」メンバーの鴨下一郎元環境相ら10人 も出席した。安倍、石破両氏は安全保障政策に 共通点も多く、両陣営間で支持者を奪い合うこ とも予想される。


LDP leadership race: 47 attend Abe’s study session; Machimura will announce candidacy on 7 th

On the afternoon of the 5 th , former prime minister Shinzo Abe, who has stated his desire to run in the LDP leadership race (start date 9/14, voting date 9/26), opened the inaugural meeting of his new working group, the “New Economic Strategic Study Group.” Including Abe, 47 members of the Diet attended. In the midst of a crowded race with many prominent candidates, Abe is trying to cement a foothold to widen his support through the study group.

At the same time, former party secretary Nobutaka Machimuru, leader of the Machimuri faction, discussed his response to the leadership race with members of his faction and decided to announce his candidacy at a press conference on the7th. Sources close to Machimura stated that he had secured the support of 20 recommenders. If both faction members Abe and Machimura run, it will be a divisive election.

In his opening remarks to the study group, Abe declared, “I have no interest in how the DPJ administration will make the economic pie bigger. The LDP has a responsibility to show the nation a clear path to remove deflation and bring about strong economic growth.” In conclusion, he told reporters, “We must make our differences with the DPJ clear.” He drew a clear link with current LDP head Sadakazu Tanigaki emphasizing cooperation between the DPK, LDP, and Komeito parties.

Party secretary Hidenao Nakagawa and former defense minister Yuriko Koike, who supported Abe’s administration as party executive and government officials respectively, gave a strong conservative, and youthful flavor as sponsors of the study group. Still, of the original 61 sponsors, only 39 ended up attending. Also, former environmental affairs minister Ichiro Kamoshita and 9 other members of the “Sarawabi Group” attended, a group chaired by LDP policy chief Shigeru Ijiba who is also firming up a desire to run in the leadership race. Abe and Ijiba share many common points, including national security policies a struggle between the two sides for supporters is expected.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It wasn't a big deal

We return to the flag stolen from the ambassador's car in Beijing. It looks like the suspects in the case will get off relatively easily. It apparently helps to reduce your guilt when public opinion calls you a patriot.

行政拘留処分の男2人「現 下の日中関係に不満を持っ て…」

【北京=川越一】北京市公安当局は4日、丹羽 宇一郎駐中国大使が乗った公用車を襲撃し、日 本国旗を奪ったとして、安徽省ナンバーのBM Wに乗っていた河北省出身の23歳と黒竜江省 出身の25歳の男に対し、治安管理処罰法に基 づき、5日間の行政拘留処分を下したと発表し た。同日夕、北京の日本大使館にも処分内容な どを伝えた。

当局の発表によると、23歳の男の名字は 「郭」で、25歳の男は「夏」。名前は明らか にされていない。当局は事件発生から2日後の 8月29日、河北省滄州市で2人の身柄を確 保。事情を聴いたところ、2人が犯行を認め た。2人は動機について、「現下の日中関係に 不満を持って行為に及んだ」と供述したとい う。

また、公安当局は2人の男とは別に、公用車 の走行を妨害した北京市ナンバーのアウディを 運転していた27歳の北京市出身の男を警告処 分にした。

沖縄・尖閣諸島問題をめぐって反日感情が高 まる中、当局は容疑者を「愛国者」と称賛する 国内世論に配慮。犯行は衝動的で計画性はな く、犯罪程度も軽微だとして、刑事事件として の起訴を見送ったとみられる。

2 men in detention: “Displeased with current Japan-China relations”

On the 4 th , the Beijing Public Safety Authority announced a 5 day administrative detention under the Public Safety Administration Law for a 23 year old man from Heibei province and a 25 year old man from Heilongjiang Province who took the Japanese flag in an attack on the BMW with diplomatic plates used by the Japanese ambassador to China, Uichiro Niwa. The details of the punishment were delivered to the Japanese embassy in Beijing this same afternoon.

According to the announcement from the authorities, the 23 year old male’s surname is “Guo” and the 25 year old’s is “Xia.” First names were not released. Two days after the incident occurred, on 8/29, the authorities maintained the two men in Cangzhou City, Heibei Province. When questioned, the two men confessed to the crime. The two men stated, “We are not happy with current Japan-China relations and therefore committed the act,” regarding their motive.

Separately from the two men, the Public Safety Authority gave a warning to a 27 year old Beijing male driver of an Audi with Beijing plates who obstructed the movement of the diplomatic vehicle.

In the midst of heightened anti-Japan feeling over the issue of Okinawa Prefecture’s Senkaku Islands, the authorities took into consideration domestic public opinion which labeled the suspects as “patriots.” They declined to bring criminal charge, given that the crime was impulsive and not premeditated and the extent of the crime was also minimal.