Thursday, February 28, 2013

It’s mine!

Amidst all the drama around appointing a new head of the Bank of Japan, there’s another potential conflict brewing over the next head of the Asian Development Bank, which has been led by a Japanese since the bank’s inception. It seems likely that Japan is determined to hold on to the top spot. Still, no telling if maybe North Korea has a candidate they think could fit the bill.

ADB総裁、日本の 独占続くか=黒田氏 が辞任表明

日銀総裁候補となった黒田東彦アジア開 発銀行(ADB)総裁は28日、3月18 日付で辞任する意向を表明した。これを 受け、麻生太郎財務相は次期ADB総裁に ついて「最適任の人物を日本から速やかに 推薦したい」との談話を発表。1966年 のADB設立以来、日本が8代にわたり 独占してきた総裁ポストの確保に全力を挙 げるが、他の加盟国が対抗馬を立てる可能 性もあり、予断を許さない。

政府は黒田氏の後任に、財務省の国際金 融部門の事務方トップの財務官を務める中 尾武彦氏を擁立する方針。 4341503050628.html

Will Japan continue its monopoly on the ADB Presidency? -- Kuroda announced retirement

President of the Asia Development Bank (ADB) Haruhiko Kuroda, who has been nominated for the presidency of the Bank of Japan, announced on the 28 th that he will resign effective March 18 th . Upon this news, Finance Minister Taro Aso said that “I would like to quickly propose the most qualified candidate from Japan” for the role of next ADB president. Since the establishment of the ADB in 1966, Japan has continued to exert all its strength to dominated the presidential post through 8 terms, but is possible that other member states may offer an alternative candidate but it’s impossible to predict.

The administration is intending to nominate Takehiko Nakao who serves as the Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs in the Finance Ministry as successor to Kuroda.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let’s sit down and talk about it

So there’s a lot of discussion going on in politics in the LDP these days. Anyone surprised? It’s all about what items Japan will hold out as non-negotiables in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations that Prime Minister Abe is eager to kick off. It will be curious to see what comes out and how much sway Japan’s agriculture lobby has with the politicians. If like past history, that’s a lot.

自民、TPP交渉参 加を早くも容認=安 倍首相は正式表明先 送り

自民党の外交・経済連携調査会は27 日、環太平洋連携協定(TPP)に関する 決議を採択し、交渉参加を早くも容認し た。決議は反対派の主張を踏まえ「守るべ き国益」を列挙したが、あくまで言い値。 「聖域は農産物」との本音も漏れる。一 方、交渉参加を急ぐ安倍晋三首相は、正式 表明を当初想定より遅らせ、反対派に配慮 を示した。
「守るべき国益を列記した。政府は重く 受け止めていただきたい」。同調査会の会 合終了後、衛藤征士郎会長は記者団にこう 強調した。
決議はコメ、麦、牛肉などの農産物のほ か、国民皆保険制度の維持、混合診療全面 解禁の阻止など6項目を列挙。反対派の牙 城である「TPP参加の即時撤回を求める 会」(森山裕会長)の21日の決議をその まま引き写したものだ。調査会の会合で は、推進派から「交渉の手足を縛ってはい けない」(川口順子元外相)と異論も出た が、多数を占める反対派の声にかき消され た。
執行部が反対派の主張を丸ごと決議に取 り入れたのは、党所属議員が参加表明後に 地元で支持者を説得する材料をあらかじめ 用意する必要があると判断したためだ。石破茂幹事長は調査会で「全ての議員が選挙 区で説明がつかないような事態には絶対に しない」と強調した もっとも、決議に関わった党幹部は「交 渉事だからハードルは高めにした。絶対守 らなければならないのは農産物だ」と本音 を明かす。TPP交渉で最後まで関税撤廃 の例外扱いを求めるのは、決議に明記した コメ、麦、牛肉、乳製品、砂糖の5品目が 中心になるとみられる。 一方、首相は27日、決議の報告に首相 官邸を訪れた衛藤氏に「時間を取ってゆっ くり話をしましょう。相当な人数でも構い ませんよ」と、反対派の主張にじっくりと 耳を傾ける姿勢を示した。 首相は交渉参加に前のめりだったが、 ここにきて正式表明のタイミングを慎重に 計り始めた。政府関係者は「帰国後すぐ表 明するか、施政方針演説で表明するシナ リオもあったが、反対派の立場を考えてス ローダウンした」と明かす。首相としては 「何を聖域とするか冷静に議論したい」( 周辺)として、党側と協議しながら対象 品目を絞り込みたい考えだ。
(2013/02/27-20:55) pol_30&k=2013022700971

LDP gives speedy approval to entering TPP negotiations – Prime Minister Abe postpones formal announcement

The Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) Diplomacy and Economic Policy group met on the 27 th and quickly adopted a resolution concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), approving the start of negotiations. The resolution lists “national interests that must be protected” at all cost as the price exacted by those opposing it. It also reveals its true belief that “agriculture is sacred.” On the other hand, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo who is eager to enter negotiations, postponed a formal announcement later than first expected in consideration of the opposition.

Committee Chairman Seishiro Eto said after the meeting, “The national interests that must be protected are listed. We want the administration to respect these.” The resolution lists agriculture products like rice, wheat, and beef, maintenance of the national health insurance system, and obstacles to complete deregulation of integrated treatment among 6 categories. This list was copied from the resolution submitted on the 21 st by the opposition group, “Organization for immediate withdrawal from TPP participation” (leader Horishi Moriyama). At the meeting of the policy committee, the group pushing for the change (lead by former foreign minister Yoriko Kawaguchi) countered that “We must not slow down negotiations” but this was shouted down by the majority voice from the opposition.

The executives included the opposition’s argument in its entirety because it was judged necessary as a means of suading the suppporters back home for party lawmakers. Chief Party Secretary Shigeru Ishiba said at the committee meeting, “We can’t cause a situation where the explanation won’t be accepted in our legislators’ districts.” Party leadership showed their true feelings on the resolution, stating “It’s a negotiation so we have raised an additional hurdle. The one thing we must protect is agriculture.” It appears that the 5 items enumerated in the resolution, rice, wheat, beef, dairy products, and sugar, are the true focus that will be pursued for exclusion from tariff reductions in TPP negotiations. On the one hand, the PM showed a willingness to hear the opposition’s point of view on the 27 th when Eto visited the Prime Minsiter’s office, “Let’s take some time to talk about this. It doesn’t matter if it involved a number of people.” The PM is very to pursue negotiations but is very carefully considering the timing of a formal announcement. According to government sources, “Whether it will be immediately upon his return or in an administrative policy speech, he is slowing down the announcement timing to hear the opposition out.” The PM wants to “calmly discuss what our non-negotiables are” and narrow down the the items included in that list.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Airing the dirty laundry

It’s never a good day when a party leader publicly berates his MPs. Today was no different. The Japan Restoration Party is apparently still working out the kinks in its communication lines and philosophy of governance. And Mr. Hashimoto is not pleased with the way the first few months of parliament have gone. Alas, these things happen I suppose.

橋下氏「維新の国会議員団 は当選ボケ、野党の哲学見 えない」 日銀総裁案賛 意で
2013.2.26 21:12

日本維新の会共同代表の橋下徹大阪市長 は26日、次期日銀総裁に黒田東彦アジア 開発銀行総裁を充てる人事案に賛意を示す 維新の国会議員団を「当選ボケだ。野党の 役割がいまいちボケはじめている」と不快 感を示した。

さらに「(賛否は)国会議員団に委ね るが、野党としての哲学が見えない」と指 摘し、電子メールで国会議員団に「しっか り議論してほしい」などと伝えたことを 明らかにした。橋下氏は「岩田規久男学習 院大教授の総裁、黒田氏は副総裁が、維新 の哲学として合う」とも語った。市役所で 記者団の質問に答えた。

Hashimoto says “Restoration’s Parliamentary group is this election’s idiot, opposition’s mentality not apparent” regarding approval of BoJ president nomination

Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto, also joint spokesman for the Japan Restoration Party, said that the Restoration Party’s Parliamentary contingent was “the election idiot. We’ve started off as the fool, and don’t quite have the opposition party role down,” showing his displeasure at the vote approving the nomination of Haruhiko Kuroda, current president of the Asian Development Bank, as the president of the Bank of Japan.

Also, he pointed out that “Entrusting (votes) to a parliamentary group, this doesn’t demonstrate the mindset of an opposition party.” He further revealed that he had emailed the legislators saying, “Please discuss this properly.” Hashimoto said, “Professor Kikuo Iwata of Gakushuin University for president, and Kuroda for vice-president, suits Restoration’s philosophy.” He said this in answer to reporters’ questions at City Hall.

Monday, February 25, 2013

That’s a lot of snow

There are new records for snowfall in Japan it appears. I’m assuming this is the most snow that has fallen over some period of time as opposed to 5.6 meters of snow having fallen in the past 24 hours or something, cuz that would be a lot of snow to fall in one day.

東北と新潟は平年の 2倍=日本海側積 雪、酸ケ湯は記録 更新

青森市の「酸ケ湯(すかゆ)」では、午後 8時に積雪が5メートル60センチとな り、国内に現在ある観測点の最多記録を更 新。温泉施設の前で記録的な豪雪を写真に 収める利用客もいた=25日午後4時15 分

日本海側の北海道から東北、北陸では2 5日、強い冬型の気圧配置の影響で断続的 に雪が降った。気象庁によると、積雪は北 海道の日本海側で平年に比べ最大1.5 倍、東北の日本海側と新潟県で2倍前後に 上っており、同庁は雪崩に注意を呼び掛け ている。 青森県・八甲田山に近い観測点「酸ケ 湯(すかゆ)」では25日午後8時に積雪 が5メートル60センチとなり、国内に現 在ある観測点の最多記録を連日更新。山 形県大蔵村の「肘折(ひじおり)」では同 7時に4メートル14センチ、新潟県魚沼 市の「入広瀬(いりひろせ)」では3メー トル82センチだった。(2013/02/25-20:45)

Tohoku and Niigata get 2 times normal year’s snow –Sukayu on the Japan Sea side sets new record for fallen snow

At Aomori’s “Sukayu,” 5.6 meters of snow had accumulated by 8 pm and set a new domestic record for fallen snow. Many guests gathered in front of the onsen to take pictures of the tremendous snowfall.

From Hokkaido on the Japan Sea side, to Tohoku and Hokuriku on the 25 th , snow continued to fall due to a strong wintery pressure system. According to the weather service, Hokkaido’s Japan Sea side received 1.5 times the normal amount of snow this year, and Tohoku and Niigata received as much as 2 times, and called for caution due to possible avalanches. At an observation point near Aomori Prefecture’s Hakkouda mountain, “Sukayu” received 5.6 meters of snow by 8 pm on the 25 th and set the new domestic record for most fallen snow. At Ookuramura in Yamagata prefecture, “Hijiori” received 4.14 meters by 7 pm. In Niigata Prefecture’s Uonuma, “Irihirosa” received 3.82 meters.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Obtuse anyone?

Not to put anyone to sleep but I thought I’d translate some analysis of market reaction to the Fed’s Open Market Committee meeting minutes. It reads almost like an Alan Greenspan speech. I’m gonna take a nap now.

外為市場、FOMC議 事録に過剰反応の可 能性も

BNPパリバは、米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)議 事録に対して市場は過剰反応しているとしている。 同社は、前回12 月の議事録に対しても同様に、ド ル高の反応が見られたと指摘している。「市場は、 一部のFOMC委員が、米連邦準備制度理事会 (FRB)は資産購入のベー スの変速に備えるべきと したことなど、タカ派寄りの部分に特に注目してい る」と同社のストラテジスト、マイケル・スナイド 氏は述べ、「ただ、より広範に見 ていくと、他の 委員は量的緩和策第3弾(QE3)の解消を急ぎすぎ ることに警告を発しているなど、よりバランスの取 れたものとなっている」という。ユーロ は午 後8時46分現在、1.3186ドル付近をつけている。 7734146344090.html

Possibility of excessive response to FOMC meeting minutes in foreign exchange markets

BNP Paribas is indicating that there is excessive reaction to the meeting minutes of the US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee. It points out that the reaction to December’s meeting minutes can be seen in the dollar’s rise. “The market response from the market bulls to some FOMC members saying that the Fed should be prepared to shift gears in the pace of asset purchases is especially apparent,” said BNP Paribas strategist Michael Snyde. “That said, if you look more widely, other committee members have warned against rushing too quickly to end the third round of quantitative easing (QE3), so there is a balance.” At 8:46 pm, the euro was at trading right around 1.3186 dollars.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let us in!

Docomo wants you to download an app so they can send you advertisements, under the guise of coupons and discounts. No, really, read the article. I know, in reality, no one is shocked by this. It’s basically just another form of opt-in customer tracking/marketing where you download an app, and in exchange for letting Docomo and stores know where you are, you get coupons and discounts that probably don’t actually save you any money when you go to purchase something from said overpriced department store. But that’s just me. You do what you feel.
ドコモ、スマホで来店促す 百貨店や 商業施設と提携
2013/2/20 22:09

スマートフォン(スマホ)を使って店舗 への来店を促す取り組みが本格化してい る。NTTドコモは20日、来店時にスマホ にクーポンなどを配布する取り組みを開 始。JR大阪駅北側の再開発地区「うめき た」では4月に顧客の好みに合わせた情報 を配信する。 ドコモは東急百貨店など東京都内の 約170店で始めた。店内にはたばこ箱サイ ズの音波発生装置を設置し、周囲10メート ル程度に音波を飛ばす。音波を検知したス マホにはサーバーからクーポンやポイント が送られる。

専用のアプリ(応用ソフト)をスマホに ダウンロードすると利用できる。対象とな るのは米グーグルの基本ソフト(OS) 「アンドロイド」搭載端末で、米アップ ルのスマホ「iPhone(アイフォー ン)」も対応する予定。ドコモは店舗から 手数料と使用実績に応じた料金を受け取 る。2013年度には1000店超の採用を目指 す。 「うめきた」では複合商業施設のグラン フロント大阪が開業する4月26日からサー ビスを開始する。サービスはうめきたの運 営会社と電通国際情報サービスが手掛ける 。

利用者は専用アプリを起動させながら街 中を歩くか、店舗内の電子看板にJR西日 本のIC乗車券「ICOCA(イコカ)」 などRFID(無線自動識別)機能の付 いたカードを触れさせて情報を記録。その 記録をもとに、スマホにおすすめのイベン トや店舗情報を表示する仕組みだ。

スマホなどのインターネット「オンライ ン」を活用し、実際の店舗「オフライン」 に誘導する取り組みは、それぞれの頭文字 を略して「O2O(オンライン・ トゥー・オフライン)」と呼ばれている。 O2Oは店にとってクーポンなどで集客に つなげられるほか、顧客の購買傾向や年 齢、性別などの個人情報を容易に把握で きる利点がある。

Docomo drives entry to shops with smartphones, partners with department stores and sales offices

An initiative to use smartphones to drive traffic to stores is taking shape. NTT Docomo announced the beginning of a program to deliver coupons and similar items to smartphones on the 20 th . It will send information related customers preferences in April focused on the reopening of the JR Osaka train station’s north area, aka “Umekita.”

Docomo has begun the program with approximately 170 stores in Tokyo like the Tokyu Department Store. Within each store, sound wave emitting devices about the size of a cigarette carton have been placed which emit sound waves within a 10 meter radius. Smartphones that pick up the sound waves will receive coupons and discount points from a server.

Use requires download of a special app to the smartphone. Targeted devices are those with Google’s Android operating system but the Apple iPhone is also targeted. Docomo will receive a fee from the stores based on usage results. The program is planning to expand to more than 1000 stores by the end of 2013.

“Umekita’s”, the Grand Front Osaka multi-use business complex will open on April 26 and the service will start at the same time. The service will be managed by Umekita’s management company and Information Services International – Dentsu (ISID).

Users who turn on the app while walking on nearby streets or touch RFID capable cards like the East Japan JR ICOCA electronic fare card to electronic billboards in stores can register. Based on that registration, their smartphones will display advertised events and store information.

This kind of arrangement where smartphones or other internet-ready devices “online” are used in real time by stores “online” to invite customers, is referred to by the acronym “O2O (online to online)”. O2O helps stores to bring in customers through coupons, and allows them to easily gather customers’ purchasing preferences, and personal information such as age and gender.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Match fixing is…

…as old as the sun. And soccer has just as much of it as any other sport under said sun. So, bully on this Japanese ref for being honest and reporting attempted match fixing when he was approached about it. Here’s to fair play in sport!

日本人主審に八百長 持ちかけ サッ カー・タイ協会杯 決勝

タイで昨年11月に行われたサッカーの タイ協会カップ決勝で、日本の吉田寿光主 審が八百長を持ち掛けられていたことが1 9日、現地メディアなどの報道で明らかに なった。吉田主審がアジア・サッカー連盟 (AFC)に、不正に加担するよう誘われ たことを報告したという。

地元メディアによると、吉田主審は金銭 を受け取る見返りに、決勝で対戦したブ リーラムとアーミー・ユナイテッドのどち らかに有利な判定を下すよう持ち掛けられ た。試合はブリーラムが2―1で勝った。

ロイター通信によると、タイ協会幹部は 吉田主審からの報告に基づき、AFCや国 際サッカー連盟(FIFA)などと連携し て対応を協議するとしている。(時事)

Japanese referee approached about fixing the Thai Soccer Federation Cup final

In the final match of the Thai Soccer Federation Cup that was held in November of last year in Thailand, local media reported on the 19 th that Japanese referee Sumie Yoshida had been approached about fixing the match. Yoshida reported to the Asia Soccer Federation (AFC) that he had been asked to participate in illegalities.

According to local media, Yoshida was approached about taking money to call the game in favor of one of the two teams playing in the championship match, Buriram and Army United. Buriram won the match 2-1.

According to Reuters, based on the report it received from Yoshida, the Thai Federation is working with the AFC and the International Soccer Federation (FIFA) to determine a response.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Japan copies the US again

The prime minister wants a national security council, modeled on the US version, in order to facilitate better strategy and diplomacy in Japan. Good luck implementing that.

日本版NSC有識者会議が初会合 今 国会にも法案提出視野

2013/2/15 22:54

政府は15日、首相官邸で国家安全保障会 議(日本版NSC)に関する有識者会議の 初会合を開いた。安倍晋三首相が中長期の 外交・防衛戦略の立案や危機管理の司令 塔として創設を目指しており、今国会にも 関連法案を提出する方向で制度設計を急 ぐ。NSCを有効に機能させるには省庁の 縦割り主義を是正し、どれだけ情報を集 約できるかが課題だ。
議長を務める首相は「首相を中心に外 交・安全保障を戦略的観点から日常的に議 論する場を創設し、政治の強力なリーダー シップで迅速に対応できる環境を整えた い」と表明した。

有識者からは既存の情報 機関との関係を議論すべきだとの意見や「 情報分析と政策立案の機能は分けるべき だ」との指摘があった。 首相は第1次安倍内閣で関連法案を国会 に提出、その後に廃案になった。当時は与 野党ともに必要という認識が広がっていな かったが、環境は変わってきた。

今年1月にアルジェリア人質事件が発 生。中国とは沖縄県の尖閣諸島を巡る緊張 関係が続き、中国艦船が自衛隊の護衛艦に レーダー照射した。

省庁間の連携や情報共 有の重要性に注目が集まる。 首相は国会でNSCの意義について「情 報を集めて分析し、首相や官房長官に上げ る機関がない。

横ぐしの分析能力が日本は 劣っている」と説明。重要情報は関係省庁 が首相や官房長官に直接報告するが、集約 して分析し、戦略を立てられないのが問題 とみている。

これらはNSCをつくるだけでは解決し ない。最大の問題は関係省庁にNSCへの 情報提供を義務付けられるかどうかだ。第 1次安倍内閣の法案では、関係省庁からの 情報提供について「必要な協力を求めるこ とができる」と明記したにとどまってい た。

外務省や防衛省、警察庁の縄張り争いを 克服する必要もある。前回の構想では専任 の首相補佐官を新設して運営させる方針 だったが、今回は権限をはっきりさせるた め、官房長官を中心とした組織とする方向 だ。

参院では与党が過半数割れしており、簡 単に審議が進む保証はない。政府は国会状 況などを見ながら提出時期を探る。

Japan-style NSC expert panel holds first meeting with goal of submitting bill in this parliamentary session

The government opened the first meeting of a panel of experts regarding the establishment of a National Security Council (NSC) at the office of the Prime Minster on the 15 th . Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to establish to plan mid and long-term diplomacy and defense strategy and also lead in disaster response and is hurrying to submit a comprehensive proposal for its establishment in this parliamentary session. For an NSC to function effectively, the primary issues are revising the guiding principle of various deparments’ divided roles as well as how well it would be able to aggregate information.

The Prime Minister, who served as chairman of the panel said, “We will establish a place where diplomacy and national security can be discussed from a strategic perspective on a daily basis, focusing on the prime minister. We want to develop an environment where the government’s strengthened leadership can respond rapidly.” The experts were asked to discuss current information group and their relationships and opinions on them such that, “Our goal is to analyze the functions of information gathering and government policy.”

The Prime Minister submitted it as part of the first Abe cabinet bill to parliament but it was rejected. At the time, neither the governing or opposition parties had widespread acknowledgement of the need, but the environment has changed.

In January of this year, the Algerian hostage crisis happened. Tensions with China over the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture continue, including a Chinese patrol vessel targeting a JDF helicopter with targeting radar. The importance of cooperation and information sharing among ministries has gathered much attention.

The PM explained to Parliament the purpose of the NSC by saying, “For gathering and analyzing information, there is no organization to bring this to the Prime Minister and the cabinet secretaries. Japan lacks the ability to do detailed analysis.” The problem is that there is that related ministries do directly report important information to the PM and cabinet secretaries but they are unable to consolidate and analyze it, and then build strategies.

This issue is can only be resolved by establishing an NSC. The biggest problem remaining is whether to require minsitries to share information with the NSC. In the first Abe cabinet bill, it was only written regarding ministry information sharing that, “it was the ability to seek necessary cooperation.”

Overcoming the silo-ed nature of the foreign ministry, defense ministry, policy ministry is another issue. In the previous verion, a Prime Minister’s aide had responsibility for establishing and running the council but but in this version, the the organization is focused on the cabinet secretaries in o rder to clearly define jurisdiction.

In the Upper House, the governing party doesn’t have a majority, and there is no evidence that deliberations will proceed smoothly. The administration will look for a time to submit based on the situation in parliament.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In the interest of literalness…

I may have translated this article somewhat unclearly. I’m honestly not sure though maybe it’s more my lack of familiarity with NHK’s salary rules and parliamentary proceedings around it. Regardless, it’s not the most easily comprehensible article in Japanese to begin with and I don’t think my translation helped that much. But who’s to say? That would be you, my presumably non-existent readers.

NHK、基本給など17年度メド1割 削減 賃金見直し提示

2013/2/12 19:41

NHKは12日、NHK職員で構成する日 本放送労働組合(日放労)に対し、賃金の 見直しを提示した。組合員の基本給と賞与 などを段階的に見直し、2017年度をメド に現行水準から1割減らす。国会で職員給 与の見直しを求める声が高まっているほ か、受信料引き下げを受けて収益構造の改 革が急務となっている。

提示を受けた日放労は「提示内容を踏ま え、3月上旬にまとめる労使交渉の要求案 を考えていく」としている
組合員の基本給と賞与と、管理職の基本 年俸の引き下げを図る。賃金カーブの上げ 幅を現行より圧縮する方針。早ければ13年 度の賞与などから見直す。時間外手当など は据え置く。圧縮幅など詳細は労使間で今 後、議論するため、引き下げによる人件費 の削減額は未定だという。

14年度の定期人事異動から管理職の登用 試験制度や、勤務地を限定する地域職員制 度の新設も提示した。NHKは全国均一賃 金のため、地域限定配属により地方職員の 賃金を抑える狙いだ。 NHK職員の平均年収は1185万円 (11年度)で、国会では人件費の見直しを 求める意見が昨年から高まっていた。一 方、昨年10月からは受信料を口座・クレ ジット払いで月額120円引き下げた。13年 度予算は収支均衡を計画するが、人件費の 削減で収益安定につなげる。

NHK to reduce base salaries by 10% in 2017, as part of salary reform proposal

NHK announced on the 12, a proposal on salary reform targeting the NHK employees who make up the Japan Broadcast Workers Union (JBWU). The base salary and bonus of union workers would be revised in a stepwise fashion, with the goal of decreasing the operating standard by 10% starting in 2017. In Parliament, there has been a growing call for revising employee salaries, as well as reducing the TV licensing fee and a reform of the revenue structure have become urgent business.

The JBWU received the proposal and stated, “Based on the contents of the proposal, we will request labor negotiations to start in the first part of May.”

In addition to union workers base pay and bonus, the proposal also aims to lower management’s base salary. It plans to shrink the expansion of the salary cap as well. It also looks to revise bonuses as early as Fiscal Year 2013. It leaves overtime pay as is. The details of the scale of reductions in labor time are still under discussion and so projecting an amount of the decrease in labor costs due to these reductions is yet to be determined.

It also the establishment of a managerial promotion system from the standard personnel movements in Fiscal Year 2014 as well as a local employees system that limits local work locations. NHK has a national, uniform salary system, aiming to constrain the salaries of local employees through limiting their assignment within regions.

The average NHK employee annual salary is 11,850,000 yen (FY2011), and the call for reviewing personal costs has been strengthening in Parliament since last year. On the other hand, starting last October, TV license fees paid by account transfer or credit card received a 120 yen monthly reduction. The 2013 budget plans for equal revenue so reducing personnel costs will help to stabilize revenue.

In the interest of literalness…

I may have translated this article somewhat unclearly. I’m honestly not sure though maybe it’s more my lack of familiarity with NHK’s salary rules and parliamentary proceedings around it. Regardless, it’s not the most easily comprehensible article in Japanese to begin with and I don’t think my translation helped that much. But who’s to say? That would be you, my presumably non-existent readers.

NHK、基本給など17年度メド1割 削減 賃金見直し提示

2013/2/12 19:41

NHKは12日、NHK職員で構成する日 本放送労働組合(日放労)に対し、賃金の 見直しを提示した。組合員の基本給と賞与 などを段階的に見直し、2017年度をメド に現行水準から1割減らす。国会で職員給 与の見直しを求める声が高まっているほ か、受信料引き下げを受けて収益構造の改 革が急務となっている。

提示を受けた日放労は「提示内容を踏ま え、3月上旬にまとめる労使交渉の要求案 を考えていく」としている
組合員の基本給と賞与と、管理職の基本 年俸の引き下げを図る。賃金カーブの上げ 幅を現行より圧縮する方針。早ければ13年 度の賞与などから見直す。時間外手当など は据え置く。圧縮幅など詳細は労使間で今 後、議論するため、引き下げによる人件費 の削減額は未定だという。

14年度の定期人事異動から管理職の登用 試験制度や、勤務地を限定する地域職員制 度の新設も提示した。NHKは全国均一賃 金のため、地域限定配属により地方職員の 賃金を抑える狙いだ。 NHK職員の平均年収は1185万円 (11年度)で、国会では人件費の見直しを 求める意見が昨年から高まっていた。一 方、昨年10月からは受信料を口座・クレ ジット払いで月額120円引き下げた。13年 度予算は収支均衡を計画するが、人件費の 削減で収益安定につなげる。

NHK to reduce base salaries by 10% in 2017, as part of salary reform proposal

NHK announced on the 12, a proposal on salary reform targeting the NHK employees who make up the Japan Broadcast Workers Union (JBWU). The base salary and bonus of union workers would be revised in a stepwise fashion, with the goal of decreasing the operating standard by 10% starting in 2017. In Parliament, there has been a growing call for revising employee salaries, as well as reducing the TV licensing fee and a reform of the revenue structure have become urgent business.

The JBWU received the proposal and stated, “Based on the contents of the proposal, we will request labor negotiations to start in the first part of May.”

In addition to union workers base pay and bonus, the proposal also aims to lower management’s base salary. It plans to shrink the expansion of the salary cap as well. It also looks to revise bonuses as early as Fiscal Year 2013. It leaves overtime pay as is. The details of the scale of reductions in labor time are still under discussion and so projecting an amount of the decrease in labor costs due to these reductions is yet to be determined.

It also the establishment of a managerial promotion system from the standard personnel movements in Fiscal Year 2014 as well as a local employees system that limits local work locations. NHK has a national, uniform salary system, aiming to constrain the salaries of local employees through limiting their assignment within regions.

The average NHK employee annual salary is 11,850,000 yen (FY2011), and the call for reviewing personal costs has been strengthening in Parliament since last year. On the other hand, starting last October, TV license fees paid by account transfer or credit card received a 120 yen monthly reduction. The 2013 budget plans for equal revenue so reducing personnel costs will help to stabilize revenue.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Just slightly repetitive

While not universally true, it seems like Japanese news stories are often very repetitive. The one I’ve translated below about an LDP goal of lower house election reform, they use some variation on the concept of election reform in the current parliamentary session no less than 4 times. Granted, that’s the focus of the article, but some things are just said, over, and over, and over. Maybe I’m making it up, but it sure feels like there’s a conspiracy or something to drive us to distraction with repeating oneself. Still, let’s reform that election system!

衆院選改革、自民・細田氏 「今国会で必要な法改正 を」

自民党の細田幹事長代行は、衆議院の定 数削減を含む選挙制度改革について、今の 国会中に必要な法改正を図りたいとの考え を示しました。

「できるだけ少数政党にとってもいい し、それから我々自由民主党にとってもい い、民主主義を体現する選挙制度をつくっ ていかなければなりませんので」(自民党 細田博之幹事長代行)

定数削減など衆議院の選挙制度改革で自 民・公明・民主の3党は、去年の衆議院解 散にあたり、今の通常国会中に結論を出 し、必要な法改正を行うことで合意してい ますが、講演で、細田幹事長代行は、この ように強調しました。

そのうえで講演の後、細田氏は記者団 に対し、「自民党と公明党の総裁と代表が 党首討論での野田総理とのやりとりで、こ の国会中にやると言っているので、それ を目標にして実現のために頑張ります」と 述べ、今の国会中に法律の改正を図りたい という考えを改めて示しました。

Lower House Election Reform: LDP’s Hosoda says “Let’s make the necessary legal changes during this parliamentary session”

The Liberal Democratic Party’s acting chief secretary Hosoda said that he would like to enact the necessary legal changes to reform the Lower House election system, including reducing the number of seats, in the current parliamentary session.

“If we’re able, our minority partners are for it. We, the Liberal Democratic Party are for it. We must build an election system that embodies democracy.” (LDP acting chief secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda)

As a condition of last year’s Lower House dissolution, the LDP, Komeito, and DPJ all agreed to put together conclusions on reducing the number of seats in the Lower House and other election system reforms and also to make the necessary legal changes and in his speech, Chief Secretary Hosoda emphasized this point.

After the speech, in talks with reporters, Hosoda said, “The LDP president and Komeito party leader held leadership discussions with then Prime Minister Noda and said that they would do it in this parliamentary session, so we are working hard to accomplish that goal,” reiterating his aim to revise the laws in this current parliamentary session.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

When two become one…

It seems only natural that their subsidiary companies should do likewise. This is the kind of news article/announcement that could put the most interested metals analyst to sleep. Two subsidiary companies of two bigger companies that already merged are going to merge. Will wonders ever cease.

住金物産と日鉄商 事、10月に合併へ 経営資源を集約

鉄鋼などを扱う住金物産(本社・大阪 市)と日鉄商事(同・東京都千代田区)は 7日、10月をめどに合併すると発表し た。経営資源を集約して、競争力を強化す る狙い。合併比率や新会社の社名などは今 後、検討する。

両社は、昨年10月に合併した新日鉄住 金の持ち分法適用会社。両社の2012年 3月期の連結売上高は計約1兆9千億円 で、このうち約7割を鋼材が占めている。 親会社の合併に伴い、昨年末から経営統合 を検討していた。

Sumikin Bussan and Nippon Steel to merge in October, consolidate management resources

Sumikin Bussan which deals in products such as iron and steel (Headquartered in Osaka) and Nippon Steel (headquartered in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) announced on the 7 th that they will merge in October. The aim is to consolidate management resources and strengthen their competitiveness. The merger ratio and new company’s name will be decided later.

Both companies are equity-method affiliates of the Nippon Steel Sumitomo Metals merger from last October. The two companies 2012 March earnings were approximately 1.9 trillion yen, and approximately 70% of this was steel. Following their parent companies’ merger, both companies have been studying management consolidation.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

As if 3 more weren’t enough!?

Disney thinks you need more Star Wars films, and I’m cautiously optimistic about agreeing with them. It is kind of exciting to think that the films and stories that I loved so much as a kid will live on in further films. That said…doing biopics about specific characters could be problematic, if say they chose to focus on Jar Jar Binks or Greedo, the ill-fated Rodian who was victim of George Lucas’s “Han shot first” debacle. Maybe we’ll get the enduring chronicles of “Yoda – the strangest muppet of them all!” I guess we’ll find out when Lucasfilms feels like letting us know.

ディズニー、「ス ター・ウォーズ」ス ピンオフ2作品の構 想発表

2013.02.06 Wed posted at 17:55 JST

(CNN)米ディズニーは5日、人気S F映画シリーズ「スター・ウォーズ」の登 場人物に焦点を当てたスピンオフ2作品が 構想段階にあることを明らかにした。

同社のボブ・アイガー最高経営責任者(C EO)によると、スピンオフはシリーズ本 編から独立した単発物となる。

ディズニーはスター・ウォーズ・シリーズ 第6作までを手掛けたジョージ・ルーカス 監督の映画会社、米ルーカス・フィルムを 買収し、第7作の監督にJ・J・エイブラ ムス氏が決まったと発表したばかり。

スピンオフ2作品の公開が実現するとした ら、2015年夏を目指す第7作公開の後 になるという。

脚本は1本をスター・ウォーズのエピソー ド5、6を担当したローレンス・カスダン 氏、もう1本を「Mr.&Mrs.スミ ス」「シャーロック・ホームズ」などの ヒット作で知られるサイモン・キンバーグ 氏が担当する。それぞれスターウォーズ本 編中の特定の登場人物に焦点を当てたス トーリーになる予定。詳細は後日、ルー カス・フィルムが発表するという。

今年秋に公開が予定されていたスター・ ウォーズ・エピソード2、3の3D版につ いては先週、第7作の製作に集中するため 延期するとの発表があった。

Disney, announce plan for 2 “Star Wars” spin-offs

America’s Disney announced on the 5 th that it is in the planning stages for 2 spin-offs based on the main characters from the popular sci-fi movie series “Star Wars.”

According to Disney’s CEO Bob Iger, the spin-offs would be released independent of the main series.

Disney bought Lucasfilms, the movie company owned by director George Lucas that created the first 6 films, and had just announced that the 7 th film would be directed by JJ Abrams.

One screenplay will be written by Lawrence Kasdan, who did Episodes 5-6 and the other will be led by Simon Kinberg, known for his works “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” and “Sherlock Holmes” among others. The spin-offs will be focused on specific characters that appear in the Star Wars series. The details will be released later by Lucas Films.

Disney also announced that the release of the 3D version of Star Wars Episodes 2-3 that were planned for this autumn will be postponed in order to focus on Episode 7.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Political banter

ANN News provides us with some back and forth between the Prime Minister and MPs from the Lower House. It’s honestly not that exciting, mainly of the “This can’t be true”…”Oh, but it is true!”…”How can you believe.” “Because I can…” variety. But, interesting none the less if you’re into this sort of thing.

「日銀の独立性軽視してな い」代表質問で安倍総 理

(02/05 21:35)

安倍総理大臣は、衆議院の代表質問 で、2%の物価目標を定めた共同声明を政 府と日銀がまとめたことについて、「中央 銀行の独立性を軽視するものではない」と 強調しました。

民主党・岸本周平氏:「内外から、日本 政府が中央銀行の独立性を軽視するような 印象をもたれることは決してあってはなり ません」 安倍総理大臣:「金融政策の自主性は十 分に尊重されていることから、中央銀行の 独立性を軽視するようなものではないと考 えております」 また、民主党の岸本周平氏は、今回の補 正予算案に「官民ファンド」が盛り込まれ ている点を指摘し、批判しました。 民主党・岸本周平氏:「官民ファンドを 出資金、すなわち建設公債で賄うことの妥 当性とはなんでしょうか。赤字公債で賄う と批判されるので、建設公債とするまやか しではないでしょうか」 麻生財務大臣:「ご指摘のファンド は、国が民間では行えないリスクマネーを 重点的に供給し、これを呼び水として民間 投資を活発化させるため、出資金の形で 供給しているものであり、国には出資持ち 分という資産が生じますことから建設国債 とするのは妥当性があると考えておりま す」 さらに、安倍総理は、急激にインフレが 進む「ハイパーインフレ」の懸念が一部で 指摘されていることについて、「ほとんど 起こりえない不安を喧伝する人がいるのは 大変残念だ」と述べたうえで、「懸念を払 拭していく」と強調しました。

“I am not ignoring central bank independence,” says Prime Minister Abe during Representative’s Questions

During Representative’s Questions before the House of Representatives, Prime Minister Abe insisted that “I am not ignoring the central bank’s independence” when questioned about joint announcement by the administration and the Japan Central Bank on fixing a 2% inflation target.

Democratic Party of Japan’s Shuuhei Kishimoto: “From within and without, the Japanese government must never give the impression that it is ignoring the independence of the central bank.” Prime Minister Abe: “I have sufficient respect for its independence in making monetary policy and therefore I do not think I am ignoring the central bank’s independence.” Again, the DPJ’s Kishimoto also criticized the current supplementary budget bill, pointing out that it includes a “public-private fund.” DPJ’s Kishimoto: “To capitalize the public-private fund, namely, to cover it with public construction bonds, what is the validity of that?” Finance Minister Aso: “The indicated fund is for the country to provide ‘risk money’ that the private sector won’t, to stimulate private investment activity, and I believe it is appropriate to structure the capital of that provision, at least the country’s portion of those assets, through public construction bonds.” Also, Prime Minister Abe said concerning fears of dramatic inflation, aka “hyperinflation” that were brought up, “It is extremely regrettable that there are people spreading around rumors of an instability that will almost certainly not occur.” He emphasized, “We will wipe out those concerns.”

Monday, February 4, 2013

Still in the game!

Nissan may not be the world’s largest auto maker, not by a long shot, but teamed up with Renault, it’s still a force to be reckoned with. The question is, is Renault now dead weight, given that they’re dragging down Nissan’s otherwise improving record?

日産・ルノー連合、 世界販売4位 12 年、810万台

日産自動車・仏ルノー連合は4日、20 12年の世界販売が810万1310台 だったと発表した。前年に比べ0・9%増 えた。世界の自動車メーカーのグループで は4位となる。 内訳は、日産が前年比5・8%増の49 4万133台。反日デモの影響で中国で低 迷したが、米国やブラジルなど新興国で販 売を増やした。一方、ルノーは、欧州の 景気低迷が響き6・3%減の255万28 6台。ルノーが出資するロシア自動車大手 のアフトバズも5・5%減の61万891 台にとどまった。

12年の世界販売では、トヨタ自動車 (ダイハツ工業、日野自動車を含む)が前 年比約23%増の約974万台で、2年ぶ りにトップに返り咲いた。2位の米ゼネラ ル・モーターズ、3位の独フォルクスワー ゲンも900万台超の販売台数を記録。5 位は韓国の現代自動車だった。

Nissan/Renault alliance 4 th highest sales globally in 2012 with 8,100,000 vehicles

The Nissan Automotive and French Renault Alliance announced 2012 global sales of 8,101,310 vehicles on the 4 th . This is a year-on-year increase of 0.9%. It ranks 4 th among global car makers.

In the breakdown, Nissan increased year-on-year 5.8% to 4,940,133 vehicles. Sales were sluggish in China due to anti-Japan demonstrations but increased in the USA, Brazil, and other developing countries. On the other hand, Renault’s sales decreaed year-on-year 6.3% to 2,550,286 vehicles, due to sluggish economic conditions in Europe. Large Russian car maker Avtovaz which has a large Renault investment, also declined 5.5% to 610,891 vehicles.

In 2012 global sales, Toyota Automotive (including Daihatsu and Hino Automotive) increased 23% year-on-year to 9,740,000 vehicles and returned to the top after 2 years. Second place American General Motors and third place German Volkswagen both sold more than 9 million vehicles. Fifth place was Korea’s Hyundai.