Monday, December 31, 2012

The taxman cometh

And he’s taking your money to Touhoku! Or something to that effect. New income taxes kick in today for all wage earners in ye old Nihon, with it all supposed to be aimed at supporting recovery efforts in Touhoku. The Asahi Shimbun, at least, thinks that this money might not all be used appropriately.

所得税の復興増税、 1月1日スタート 税額の2.1%分

東日本大震災からの復興に使うお金に充 てる、所得税の「復興増税」が1月1日か らスタートする。住民税の増税は2014 年6月から始まる。復興予算では、被災地 以外に使われる流用が問題になっており、 使い方を改めてチェックする必要がありそ うだ。 当初5年間で復興のために使う予算19 兆円のうちの10.5兆円を復興増税でま かなう仕組み。所得税は13年1月から2 5年間、税額の2.1%分が、住民税は1 4年6月から10年間、年1千円が上乗せ される。法人税は12年4月から始まって おり、3年間税額の10%分高くなる。

Income taxes - “recovery tax increase” begins on 1/1. Increase tax revenue by 2.1%

Designated as funds to be used for the Eastern Japan earthquake recovery, a “recovery tax increase” in the income tax is set to start on 1/1. Residential taxes are set to increase in June 2014. There could be a problem with funds in the recovery budget being diverted for use outside the recovery zone and it appears that there is a need for a formal review process on usage.

This recovery tax increase is aimed to cover 10.5 trillion of the 5 year, 19 trillion yen recovery budget. The income tax will start in January 2013, run for 25 years, and account for 2.1% of total taxes collected while the residential tax will start in June 2014, run for 10 years, and amount to more than 10 million yen per year. The corporate tax increase began in April 2012 and total taxes will rise by 10% over 3 years.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Japanese bands have the best English names.

They really do. Not to be confused with Malice Mizer,Southern All-Stars,Kinki Kids,Brilliant Green,and plenty of other fine Japanese bands with the best of English names,but yeah,they’re all awesome. So,check out some of the awesomeness below with Bump of Chicken’s first concert film release announcement.

BUMP OF CHICKEN、バン ド史上初のライブ映像作品 発表

2012年12月20日0:00 6757

BUMP OF CHICKENのライブDVD / Blu-ray「BUMP OF CHICKEN GOLD GLIDER TOUR 2012」が3月6日にリリースされる ことが明らかになった。

BUMPがライブ映像作品を発売するのは今 回が初めて。本作には今年の4月から7月ま で開催されたアリーナツアー「BUMP OF CHICKEN 2012 TOUR『GOLD GLIDER TOUR』」の中から、7月3日の東京・国立 代々木競技場第一体育館公演の模様が収録 される。そのほか山崎貴監督が手がけたこ のツアーのオープニングムービーや、マ ンガ家・井上雄彦描き下ろしのイラストに よる映像を背景にパフォーマンスされた宮 城・セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ公演 での「Smile」演奏時の模様も観ることが できる。

またDVD / Blu-rayには平間至撮影による ライブ写真で構成されたフォトブックレッ トが付属。初回限定盤のフォトブックレッ トは通常盤の倍の48ページとなるうえ、 国立代々木競技場第一体育館公演のライブ 音源を収めた約70分におよぶボーナ スCD同梱のボックス仕様で発売される。

Bump of Chicken announces movie of historical first concert

Bump of Chicken’s concert DVD/Blue-ray “Bump of Chicken Gold Glider Tour 2012” will be released on March 6.

This is the first time that a Bump live concert film will be sold. The footage was recorded at the July 3 rd concert in Tokyo at National Yoyogi Stadium’s #1 Gymnasium, while the band was on the arena tour, “Bump of Chicken 2012 Tour ‘Golden Glider Tour’” that happened from April –July of this year. Also,it opens with footage taken from the tour by director Takashi Yamazaki at a performance at the Miyagi,Sekisui Heim Super Arena where an illustration called “Smile” by manga artist Takehiko Inoue was the backdrop.

Also,included with the DVD/Blue-ray is a photobooklet containing concert photos provided by Michi Hirama photography. This first run limited edition photobooklet is twice the size of the ordinary one with 48 pages. Furthermore,it is being sold with a bonus CD containing approximately 70 minutes of audio recorded at the National Yoyogi Stadium #1 Gymnasium concert.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Anyone want to lead us?

Looks like the DPJ is hunting for a leader and no one wants to take the responsibility. It certainly would be a challenge given the absolute crater left among their MPs after losses from the election. Still, there’s got to be at least one politician out there who wants for a shot at power. Time will tell.

民主、22日の代表 選延期=細野氏は不 出馬の意向

野田佳彦首相の民主党代表辞任表明を受 け、同党は19日午後、党本部で両院議員 総会を開催した。執行部が党大会に代わる 両院総会を22日に開いて次期代表を選出 することを提案したが、衆院選の総括を優 先すべきだとの意見が相次ぎ、輿石東幹事 長が代表選の延期を表明した。 一方、細野豪志政調会長は19日、代表 選に出馬しない意向を固め、自らに近い議 員に「執行部の一員として衆院選大敗の責 任は免れない」と伝えた。党内で待望論が 広がっていた細野氏が現時点で立候補を見 送る意向を固めたことで、代表選びが難航 する可能性もある。 執行部は両院総会後、両院議員に衆院選 の全候補者と都道府県連代表者を交えた懇 談会を22日に開き、選挙総括を行うこと を決定。22日の懇談会では、26日の首 相指名選挙の前に次期代表を選出するかど うかを含めて協議する。
[時事通信社] 5401557698013.html

DPJ – Leadership election on 22nd postponed –Hosono does not want to run

Upon receiving the announcement from Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda that he was stepping down from party leadership, the Democratic Party of Japan held a general session of the party’s MPs from both houses at party headquarters. The party executives recommended that another session of the party’s MPs, rather than a general party meeting, be held on the 22nd to elect the next party leader but many voices called for prioritizing a reflection on the Lower House election so chief party secretary Azuma Koshiishi announced that the leadership vote would be postponed.

On the one hand, policy chief Goushi Hosono confirmed his intention not to run in the leadership race on the 19th , explaining to MPs close to him that “As a member of party leaderhip, I cannot escape my responsibility for our party’s huge defeat in the Lower House elections.” With the much anticipated candidacy of Hosono now confirmed, there is the possibility of not being able to find another leader.

After the meeting of party MPs, party leadership will hold a gathering of party MPs, candidates from the Lower House elections, and leaders of all prefectural party chapters on the 22nd and plan to discuss at this meeting whether or not to elect the next party leader prior to the election for prime minister scheduled for the 26th.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What’s the plan?

According to the LDP and Komeito, it’s spend more money, help eastern Japan, and fix the electoral process. Sounds good to me, except for that spend more money part, but maybe the LDP has a plan for how to pay for all that spending. It’s not like Japan can afford it under the current revenue model, given the gi-normous national debt (something like 200% of GDP). But hey, I’m not a Japanese politician who just got elected, so what do I know?

大型補正編成で一致 =自公党首、連立協 議入り

自民党の安倍晋三総裁は18日午後、公 明党の山口那津男代表と国会内で会談し、 低迷する景気を立て直すため、大型の2 012年度補正予算案を編成することで合 意した。新政権発足後、速やかに検討を開 始する。両党は今後、連立政権に向けた政 策協議に入り、週内の合意を目指す。 同日は、自民党の石破茂幹事長が首相官 邸に藤村修官房長官を訪ね、民主党から自 公両党への政権移行に向けた協力を要請。 26日に予定される安倍内閣の発足に向 け、準備作業が本格化した。 自公の党首会談では、(1)補正予算を含 む景気対策(2)東日本大震災の被災地復 興(3)衆院選挙制度改革と定数削減—を軸 に政策協議を進めることを確認した。 補正に関しては、公明党がこれまで10 兆円規模を主張。自民党もデフレ克服のた め大規模な補正が必要との立場で、来年1 月召集の通常国会に提出し、2月中の成立 を目指す。 [時事通信社] 6911843794350.html

Agreed on large scale supplementary budget revision – LDP and Komeito party leaders, enter into coalition talks

The Liberal Democratic Party president Shinzo Abe met with Komeito’s party representative Natsuo Yamaguchi at Parliament on the afternoon of the 18 th and agreed to a wholesale revision of the 2012 supplementary budget bill in order to begin to improve sluggish economic conditions. As soon as the new government comes to power, they will begin considering their approach. Looking ahead toward their coalition government, both parties began policy discussions, aiming for agreement by week’s end.

The same day, the LDP’s party secretary-general Shigeru Ishiba visited Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura at the Prime Minister’s residence to seek cooperation in the transition of power from the DPJ to the LDP. Preparations for the planned inauguration of the Abe cabinet on the 26 th have begun in earnest.

At the LDP-Komeito party leadership conference, 1) economic measures including the supplementary budget, 2) recovery efforts in the areas affected by the eastern Japan earthquake, 3) reform of the Lower House electoral process and reduction in the number of seats were confirmed as the three axes on which policy discussions would proceed.

With regard to the supplementary budget, Komeito has been pushing for a scale of 10 trillion yen. The LDP also holds the position that a large-scale supplementary budget is necessary to escape deflation and wants to submit a bill in January of next year as soon as regularly parliamentary sessions begin with the goal of passing it in February.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Time to shake things up!

With the LDP back in command, it didn’t take long for Abe to start telling us what he’s going to do in his first days in power. And no surprises here. Let’s change the constitution to make it easier for us to change the constitution! Nuff said.

憲法改正規定緩和へ 「維新と協力」 自 民・安倍総裁

自民党の安倍晋三総裁は16日夜のテレ ビ各局のインタビューで、衆院選で公約し た憲法改正について「まず96条の(衆参 両院で3分の2を必要とする)改正規定 から変えようと考えている。3分の1を ちょっと超える国会議員が反対すれば国民 が指一本触れられないのはおかしい」と 語った。 安倍氏は、この方針について、ともに改 憲を唱える日本維新の会が「理解していた だいているのではないか。大きな方向で当 然協力していきたい」と強調。ただ、「参 院では3分の2にほど遠い。勢力の構築を どうしていくかよく考えないといけない」 とも述べた。 9条改正で自衛隊を軍隊と認め国防軍と することに関しては「海外には自衛隊は軍 だと説明している。この矛盾をなくすのは 当然の義務だ」と述べた。

Relax restriction on amending the constitution –“We will cooperate with Restoration” - LDP’s president Abe

The LDP’s president Shinzo Abe said in a televised interview on the evening of the 16 th concerning his party’s electoral position on constitutional reform, “We are thinking to start with changing article 96, the reform regulation (both houses of Parliament must approve by 2/3 majority). If just over 1/3 of MPs oppose, isn’t it odd that the public won’t be able to touch it?” he said.

Abe said concerning this position, that the Japan Restoration Party, which is calling for constitutional reform, “I expect that they understand me. I hope to receive their cooperation on the bigger direction of things.” Still, “A 2/3 majority in the Upper House is a ways off. We must come up with a plan to build our power there.”

Regarding amending Article 9 of the constitution to acknowledge the Self-Defense Force as a national army of national defense, “The JDF is regarded as an army internationally. It is our duty to get rid of this contradiction.”

Friday, December 14, 2012

The LDP thinks they’re good to go

It’s hard for me to say but apparently polls say the LDP and Komeito will take over after the upcoming election. That doesn’t bode well for anyone wanting a change to the way things have always been in Japan, if the past 55 years of LDP governance is anything to go by. But, let’s get through the election first, cuz there’s no telling until the polls actually close.

That said, if you're curious what the LDP thinks they're going to do if they come into power, read on.

自民党:水面下で政権 移行準備 衆院選勝 利を見込み

毎日新聞 2012年12月14日 20時46分 (最終更新 12月14日 20時57分) 自民党が衆院選(16日投開票)の勝 利を見込み、水面下で政権移行の準備に 入った。毎日新聞などの情勢調査では単独 過半数に届く勢いだが、公明党と連立を組 んで政権運営を安定させ、民主党や日本 維新の会などから政策ごとに協力を得る部 分(パーシャル)連合も視野に入れる。年 明けには安倍晋三総裁が訪米して日米同盟 重視の外交方針をアピールするとともに、 大型の12年度補正予算案を編成して経済 優先の姿勢を示したい考えだ。 「自民党は3年前(の自公政権)とは次 元の違う経済政策でデフレから脱却し、円 高を是正する」 安倍氏は14日、名古屋市の街頭演説 で、経済対策に最優先で取り組む方針を強 調した。自民党幹部は「来年夏の参院選ま では経済対策に特化し、憲法改正など『安 倍カラー』は抑える」と語る。 衆院選で自公が過半数に届かなければ、 第三極政党などとの連携を模索する必要が 出てくるが、自公で300議席を上回る 情勢となっており、両党は速やかに自公連 立政権を発足させる方針だ。安倍氏は公明 党の山口那津男代表と17日に会談し、連 立協議を行う予定。衆院選後の特別国会 は26日に開会し、同日中にも組閣する日 程で調整している。 ただ、参院は両党だけでは過半数に届か ないため、国会運営を安定させるには他党 との協力が必要になる。安倍氏は「政策 ごとに理念と政策が一致したところと一緒 にやっていきたい」と話している。山口氏 も14日、埼玉県戸田市で記者団に「自公 が合意形成の中心軸として積極的役割を 果たそうと思う。一貫して自公でという姿 勢を取っており、選挙が終わっても変わら ない」と強調した。 消費増税を柱とする税と社会保障の一体 改革では民主党と3党合意を結んでおり、 年金・医療制度などの改革へ向け民主党と 協力することを想定。金融政策などでは日 本維新の会やみんなの党など第三極との連 携も視野に入れているようだ。 安倍氏は新内閣の初閣議で、補正予算案 の編成と、13年度予算概算要求の仕切り 直しを指示するとみられる。通常国会の 召集は来年1月末になりそうで、補正予算 案は2月に成立。13年度予算案の成立は 5月の大型連休前後にずれ込む見通しで、 4050日程度 の暫定予算編成が必要に なる。参院選をにらみ、補正や13年度予 算案には防災と経済対策を兼ねた公共事業 費を盛り込んで景気浮揚を図る。 外交・安全保障政策で安倍氏は、尖閣諸 島を巡る中国との対立や北朝鮮のミサイル 発射などについて、民主党政権下で日米同 盟が揺らいだ「外交敗北の結果」と主 張。06年の首相就任時には最初の海外出 張先に中国を選んだが、今回は日米関係の 再構築を優先させる方向。ただ、米国は減 税の期限切れなどの「財政の崖」問題を 抱え、外務省幹部は「オバマ大統領と日程 が合うかは分からない」としている。【犬 飼直幸、鈴木美穂】 Liberal Democratic Party: below the surface preparations for governing -- Victory projected in Lower House election

The LDP is expecting to win the Lower House Elections (voting day is the 16 th ) and beginning below-the-surface preparations for the handover of power. According to analysis from the Mainichi Shimbun, they are projected to achieve a simple majority but will stabilize governing through coalition with Komeito and cooperation with the DPJ and Japan Restoration Society on some policy items could allow for a partial coalition as well. Party president Shinzo Abe will visit the US in the new year to call for diplomatic policies critical to both members of the alliance along with a wholesale revision of the 2012 fiscal year supplementary budget, showing his aim to prioritize economic growth.

“The LDP of today has a different perspective than 3 years ago (when it was last in power) and has economic policies that will rid us of deflation and correct the expensive yen.”

In a stump speech in Nagoya on the 14 th , Abe emphasized plans to prioritize economic policy. The LDP’s party executive group said, “Until next summer’s Upper House Elections, we will focus exclusively on economic policy, and constitutional reform and other Abe priorities will be restrained.”

If the LDP-Komeito coalition doesn’t achieve a majority in the Lower House election, it will be forced to explore coalition with the “third pole” parties, but if they gain 300 or more seats, both parties plan to quickly launch their coalition government. Abe met with Komeito’s party representative Natsuo Yamaguchi on the 17 th to schedule coalition discussions. A special parliamentary session will begin on the 26 th after Lower House elections, and they are discussing forming a cabinet on the same day.

However, since together the two parties do not have a majority in the Upper House, in order to maintain stable government they will have to cooperate with other parties. Abe said, “I hope to work together on points where we agree on policy.” On the 14 th in a press interview in Toda City in Saitama Prefecture, Yamaguchi said, “LDP-Komeito’s agreement will be the focal point, and we believe we can achieve many positive results in government. We have continued to be consistent in our cooperation as LDP & Komeito and this will not change after the election.”

The DPJ and its 3 coalition partners have made tax and social welfare reform (primarily through the consumption tax increase) the pillar of their campaign, and it’s expected that the LDP will cooperate with the DPJ on pension and medical care system reform. It also seems possible that the LDP could cooperate with the “third pole parties” like Japan Restoration Society and Everybody’s Party on fiscal policy.

It appears that Abe will focus his first cabinet meetings on revising the supplementary budget as well as starting over on the 2013 budget requests. The regular parliamentary session will probably be called in January of next year with the supplementary budget to be passed in February. The 2013 fiscal year budget is projected to be passed prior to the long holiday in May as it will likely take 40-50 days of provisional budget negotiations to achieve. In view of the Upper House elections, the supplementary and 2013 budgets will focus on improving business conditions through public works expenditures on disaster prevention and economic policies.

In foreign policy and national security, Abe charged, regarding the confrontation with China over the Senkaku Islands and the North Korean missile launch, that the Japan-US alliance had trembled as “a result of diplomatic failures” under the DPJ administration. During his first tenure as prime minister in 2006, Abe chose China as his first foreign visit but this time he is planning to focus on rebuilding the Japan-US relationship. However, due to the “fiscal cliff” issue in America, the foreign ministry has said, “We don’t know if we can fix a date with the Obama administration.”

Thursday, December 13, 2012

More Senkaku kabuki!

China decided to poke Japan in the eye, again, over the same islands they’ve been complaining back and forth about for the past 50 years. Who’s in the wrong here? Don’t ask me. I don’t know enough of the history to be a good judge of things. That said, this seems like it comes up every week where some Chinese plane or ship decides to sail close to the Senkaku islands/islets and then we have another trip by the Chinese ambassador to the Foreign ministry for a tongue lashing. Good times.

中国、揺さぶり強め る?尖閣で初の領空 侵犯

藤村官房長官は13日、中国国家海洋局 の航空機1機が同日、沖縄県・尖閣諸島の 魚釣島近くの日本領空を侵犯し、航空自衛 隊が戦闘機を緊急発進(スクランブル)さ せたと発表した。 首相官邸で記者団に語った。中国機の領 空侵犯は初めてで、政府は「極めて遺憾 だ」と中国に抗議した。 領空侵犯は、尖閣諸島の領有権を主張す る中国が日本政府への揺さぶりを強める狙 いがあるとみられる。 野田首相は13日、神奈川県相模原市の 街頭演説で、領空侵犯について、「これか らも緊張感を持って警戒監視にあたると同 時に、中国政府に対しては厳しく抗議して いる」と強調した。外務省の河相周夫(ち かお)次官は同日、中国の韓志強臨時代理 大使を同省に呼び、厳重抗議した。 藤村氏らによると、海上保安庁の巡視船 が同日午前11時6分頃、中国のプロペラ 機(Y―12)1機の領空侵犯を確認し、 直ちに領空外に出るように通告した。航 空自衛隊は別の任務で飛行中だったF15 戦闘機2機を向かわせ、空自那覇基地(那 覇市)からもF15戦闘機6機と早期警戒 機(E2C)1機を緊急発進させたが、 到着した時には、中国機は領空外に出てい た。防衛省によると、自衛隊のレーダーで は領空侵犯を捕捉できなかった。低空飛行 のため、捕捉できなかったとの見方があ る。 (2012年12月13日21時41分 読売新聞)

China strengthening provocations? Invades airspace over Senkaku for first time

Chief Cabinet Secretary Fujimura announced on the 13 th that one China Maritime Authority airplane invaded Japanese airspace near Uoturi Island in the Senkaku archipelago in Okinawa Prefecture and that the Japanese Air Defense Force scrambled fighters in response.

He spoke to reporters at the Prime Minister’s residence. This was the first time a Chinese plane committed an airspace violation, and the government complained to China, calling the incident “extremely regrettable.”

This violation of airspace appears to be China, which claims sovereignty over the Senkaku islands, aiming to increase provocations toward the Japanese government.

In a street speech in Sagamihara city in Kanagawa Prefecture on the 13 th , Prime Minister Noda spoke concerning the invasion of airspace, “While having both a sense of tension and appropriate vigilant watchfulness, we have filed a strong complaint with the Chinese government.” The Foreign Ministry’s vice-minister Chikao Kawai summoned the Chinese ambassador to the ministry and strongly complained.

According to Fujimura, a coast guard vessel confirmed sighting of a Chinese propeller-drive plane (Y-12) violating airspace at 11:06 am and ordered the plane to immediately leave Japanese airspace. 2 Air Defense F-15 fighters on a different mission were redirected as well as 6 F-15s from Naha airbase and an Advanced Monitoring plane (E2C) were scrambled. By the time they arrived, the Chinese plane had left the area. According to the Ministry of Defense, the Air Defense force’s radar could not detect the airspace intrusion, likely because the plane flew low to the ground.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ozawa stumps in old stomping grounds

Too clever by half, if I do say so myself. Still, yea for elections and candidates stumping around for votes. This time, it’s Ozawa trying to help his party out in his home territory, where, at least according to this article, his newly minted political party isn’t doing so hot.

「王国」で異例のて こ入れ=小沢氏、岩 手に張り付き【12 衆院選】

日本未来の党の小沢一郎氏は12日、同 党の衆院選候補のてこ入れのため地元の岩 手県に入った。投開票前日の15日まで県 内を回るという。衆院選で未来は伸び悩ん でおり、「小沢王国」の岩手でも四つの小 選挙区のうち、自身の4区以外は苦戦が伝 えられている。小沢氏が終盤に地元に張り 付くのは異例で、危機感の表れと言えそう だ。 小沢氏は12日午後、未来の新人候補が 民主党などと接戦を繰り広げている3区に 入り、一関市で支援者との会合に出席する などした。未来の岩手事務所によると小沢 氏は、残る選挙期間中、県内計30カ所以 上で街頭演説を行う。最終日には自身の4 区でも支持を訴えることにしている。 地元関係者によれば、小選挙区制が導入 された1996年以降、小沢氏が衆院選最 終日に自らの選挙区で活動するのは初め て。(2012/12/12-21:51) pol_30&k=2012121201079

In exceptional move, shoring up support in his “kingdom” – Ozawa to stick to Iwate – 2012 Lower House Elections

Japan Future Party’s (JPF) Ichiro Ozawa went to his native Iwate Prefecture to shore up support for his party’s candidate in the Lower House Elections on the 12 th . He plans to spend his time up till the 15 th , the day before voting, going around the prefecture. JPF has been sluggish so far in the campaign and outside of his home 4 th district, is struggling in difficult races in the 4 districts of Ozawa Kingdom aka Iwate Prefecture. It could be said that Ozawa is sensing the danger, with the unprecedented move to stay in his home territory during the election’s final stages. On the evening of the 12 th , Ozawa went to the 3 rd district where the JPF’s new candidate is locked in close race with the DPJ and attended an event with supporters in Ichinoseki City. According to JPF’s Iwate office, Ozawa plans to make more than 30 stump speeches within Iwate Prefecture. On the last day, he will go about raising support in his home 4 th district. According to local sources , this is the first time since the introduction of individually contested electoral districts in 1996 that Ozawa has returned to his own electoral district on the last day of Lower House elections.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A rather different take

After the alien (aka Hatoyama) insisted on trying to renegotiate the military base move in Okinawa, it’s interesting to see a politician from a potentially major political party say something entirely different. I suspect his ideas were not wholeheartedly welcomed by the residents of Okinawa, given all the past hubbub and outcry against the US military presence there, but he’s definitely not afraid to say something that runs against the mainstream. Is it odd that I as an American am getting strangely excited by the election next week? It shivers me timbers just a bit to think politics in Japan just might change drastically. Not likely, but still an entertaining possibility to think about.

橋下氏「辺野古移設 後に負担軽減」 結 党後初の沖縄訪問

日本維新の会の橋下徹代表代行は11 日、結党以来初めて沖縄県を訪れ、米軍普 天間飛行場(宜野湾市)や、日米が移設先 として合意した名護市辺野古周辺を視察 した。その後、那覇市内での街頭演説で「 維新の会として代替案を持っていない」 と、辺野古に移設したうえで沖縄の負担軽 減策に取り組む考えを示した。 橋下氏は大阪府知事時代の2009年、 普天間飛行場の関西空港への移設について 「(議論を)拒否しない」と言及。本土へ の訓練移転にも前向きな考えを示した。 しかし、関空と大阪空港の経営統合が進 み、10年に移設先を辺野古とする日米共 同声明が出されると「日米安保は絶対必 要」と辺野古容認論に転じた。 橋下氏は11日の演説で「現状では沖縄 県に一定の米軍基地が必要だ。まず辺野古 に移設し、その後に沖縄の負担軽減をやる ロードマップを考えたい」と主張。観光 客に消費税を免除する特区やカジノ誘致の 構想も紹介した。演説終了後は再び名護市 に入り、地元住民との意見交換会を開い た。

Hashimoto – “Reduce the burden to Nago city after base moving” - First visit to Okinawa since establishing party

Japan Restoration Society’s acting representative Toru Hashimoto visited Okinawa Prefecture on the 11, his first since Restoration’s establishment. While there, he visited the US military base at Futenma (Ginowan City) and also the new location jointly agreed upon by the US and Japan in Henoko in Nago City. Afterward, in a street speech in Naha City, he said that “Restoration has no alternative suggestion,” but indicated that they would look to reduce Okinawa’s burden related to the move of the military base to Henoko.

During Hashimoto’s mayorship of Osaka in 2009, he referred to a proposal to move operations from Futenma Airbase to Kansai Airport saying, “I won’t refuse to discuss it.” He was also positive toward discussions to move training operations to the main islands. That said, in the midst of integrating the operations of Kansai and Osaka Airports, the Japanese and US governments agreed on Henoko as the preferred location in 2010 and Hashimoto gave his approval, saying “Japan-US security is of utmost necessesity.”

Hashimoto said in his speech on the 11 th , “At the present, the US military presence in Okinawa is a fixed necessity. First, let’s make the move to Henoko, and then define a roadmap toward reducing the burden on Okinawa.” He also introduced proposals to establish special zones for tourism exempt from consumption tax and plans to lure casinos. After the conclusion of his speech, he returned to Nago City and had a Q&A session with the public.

Monday, December 10, 2012

For a different take…

Let’s look at some early voting statistics. I wouldn’t say there’s anything really enlightening here, other than that I didn’t know that the Japanese electoral process allowed for early voting. But hey, that’s cool. I’d definitely do it, if nothing else, so I could tell all the politicians out at train stations to bugger off.

期日前投票、鈍い出 足 前回を下回る 衆院選

総務省は10日、期日前投票(小選挙 区)の中間状況を発表した。公示翌日の5 日から9日までの5日間で、今回の有権者 (3日時点)の2.44%にあたる25 4万7359人がすでに投票した。200 9年の前回選挙と同時期の2.94%と比 較すると、出足の鈍さが目立っている。 前回選挙は「政権交代」が争点となり、 現行の選挙制度では最高の69.28%の 高投票率を記録し、期日前投票の出足も好 調。今回は、前々回の05年の「郵政選 挙」の同時期の投票率(1.96%)に比 べれば、期日前投票が浸透してきたことも あって上回ったが、前回との比較では秋田 県を除き46都道府県で下回った。 同省は理由について「今回は新しい政党 ができ、有権者も様子を見ているのではな いか」(幹部)と分析。29年ぶりの「年 の瀬選挙」とあって、降雪の影響もあると みられる。

Lower House Elections: Early voting, dull turnout, lower than previous time

The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced current interim statistics on early voting (single seat districts) on the 10 th . For the 5 day period starting with the day after the election kick-off on the 5 th through the 9 th , 2.44% of eligible voters or 2,547,359 people had cast ballots. In the prior 2009 election, compared to the 2.94% who voted in the same period, the muted turn-out is remarkable. In the previous election, “Political Exchange” was the issue at hand and under the electoral system at the time, a record turn-out of 69.28% was recorded, and early voting turnout was also high. This time, compared to the turnout rate in the same period in the 2005 “Postal System election” (1.96%), one could say that early voting has begun to penetrate and increased, but compared to last time, turnout rates have dropped in 46 prefectures (excluding Akita Prefecture).

The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained the reason for lower turnout as “Since this time several new parties have appeared, it seems likely that voters are still surveying the situation.” It’s been 29 years since an “end of year election,” and snowfall also seems likely to effect the outcome.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Oops, our bad.

So now, rather than worry about political parties, we’re looking at voting irregularities. It looks like the old saying, “Vote early and often,” just might be honored in Adachi Ward. I wonder who this favors in the mayoral race?

都知事選で二重投票 =期日前で確認怠る -東京都足立区

東京都足立区選挙管理委員会は7日、東 京都知事選(16日投開票)の期日前投票 で、同一の有権者に投票用紙を2回交付 し、二重投票となるミスがあったと発表し た。同選管によると、2票とも有効になる という。 この有権者は2日に都知事選の投票を済 ませた。衆院選の期日前投票が目的とみら れ、7日に再び投票所を訪れたところ、受 付が都知事選を投票済みであることの確認 を怠り、衆院選と都知事選の両方の投票用 紙を渡してしまった。 区選管は「こちらのミスで、有権者の方 にご迷惑をおかけした。用紙を交付する際 には、投票済みかどうかの再確認を徹底さ せる」としている。(2012/12/07-22:10) pol_30&k=2012120700993

Double voting in Tokyo mayoral election –negligence in early voting validation– Tokyo’s Adachi Ward

The Election Administration Committee of Tokyo’s Adachi Ward announced on the 7 th that in early voting for the Tokyo mayoral race (election day of 12/16), ballots were delivered to the same voters twice and this would result in some double voting. According to the committee, both votes would be considered valid. These voters finished early voting for the mayoral race on the 2 nd . Early voting for the Lower House elections required that they revisit the polling center on the 7 th and voting staff, failing to confirm whether they had already cast ballots for the mayoral race, gave them both Lower House and Mayoral ballots. The Ward election administration issued an apology saying, “With this negligence, we have caused a lot of confusion among our voters. Going forward, we will thoroughly double confirm whether previous voting has already been done when passing out ballots.”

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I think I’m turning occidental.

Culinary imperialism is alive in well in Japan it seems. Meat is taking over and all the traditional elements of the Japanese diet are giving up the ground, fish, veggies, fruit, you name it, they’re eating less of it over in ye old Nihon. The short of it is, if you’re between 20-40 and make less than 2 million yen a year, you’re on the leading edge of adopting the western diet, and with the propensity to develop all those wonderful western diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart attacks, etc. Good times ahead!
We'll return to election coverage tomorrow, I promise.

野菜・魚より肉好き鮮明 11年、厚 労省が国民調査 2012/12/6 21:30 2011年の厚生労働省の国民健康・栄養 調査で、10年前と比べて日本人が魚や野菜 を食べる量が減り、肉食が1割近く増えて いることが分かった。厚労省は「野菜の摂 取量が少ないと生活習慣病の発症リスクが 高まる」としている。 厚労省によると、1日あたりの成人の生 鮮食品の平均摂取量は、魚介類が10年前 の2001年と比べて24%減の78.6グラム、 果実類が17%減の110.3グラム、野菜類が 6%減の277.4グラムだった。肉類は同 9%増の80.7グラムだった。 年齢層別では野菜類や果実類、魚介類の 摂取量は20~40代で少ない傾向がみられ た。40代は魚介類の摂取量が10年前から 4割近く減少していた。 世帯の年間収入別の摂取量では、200万 円未満の世帯は600万円以上の世帯と比べ て果実類が男女とも2割前後少なく、野菜 類は男性で1割近く少なかった。

Clearly liking meat more than vegetables or fish –2011 Ministry of Welfare population study shows

The 2011 Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor National Nealth and Nutrition study reports that compared to 10 years ago, Japanese eat less fish and vegetables and meat consumption has increased nearly 10 percent. The ministry said that “When vegetable intake decreases, the risk of exhibiting symptoms of lifestyle-related diseases increases.”

According to the ministry, in the average daily amount of fresh food consumption of an adult, seafood decreased in the 10 years since 2001 by 24 % to 78.6 grams, fruits decreased 17% to 110.3 grams, vegetables decreased 6% to 277.4 grams. Over the same period, meat increased by 9% to 80.7 grams.

When looking at intake amounts by age range, seafood consumption among 20-40 year olds is trending downward. Individuals in their 40s have decreased seafood consumption by nearly 40% in the past 10 years.

When looking at household consumption by income bracket, in households making less than 2 million yen, when compared to households making more than 6 million yen, both men and womens consume nearly 20 percent less fruit and men consumed nearly 10% less vegetables.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No coalition for you!

So the Restoration Party won’t play second fiddle to the LDP in any post-election governing coalition. Not shocking, but then again, it could turn out to be a non-issue if Restoration doesn’t get any MPs elected outside of its home-base in Kansai. This election could prove to be very interesting if any of the range of new parties that have come out of the woodwork manage to get any traction with the voting citizenry. Exciting times ahead!

維新:幹事長「自民と の連立与党ない」

毎日新聞 2012年12月05日 19時02分 (最終更新 12月05日 19時40分) 日本維新の会の松井一郎幹事長(大阪府 知事)は5日、大阪市内で記者会見し、衆 院選後の連立与党入りについて「まったく ない」と否定した。石原慎太郎代表は、選 挙後の自民との連立を「できると思う」と 積極姿勢を示しており、政局を巡っても幹 部間の温度差が浮き彫りになった。 松井氏は選挙後の自民党との関係につい て、「いかに政策を実現できるか、是々 非々で判断していく」と、政策ごとの部 分的な連携にとどめる考えを示した。さら に「与党になれば妥協が必要となるが、譲 れないところは譲れない」と指摘、自民党 の看板公約の「国土強靱(きょうじん) 化」を「完全な古いばらまきだ」と批判し た。また、「政府の要職に就きたいという 思いが石原代表にあるはずがない」と強調 した。 維新は当初、衆院選で単独過半数を掲げ ていたが、候補擁立は最終的に172人に とどまり、選挙後の政権への対応が焦点に なっている。【平野光芳】

Restoration Party: Party secretary says “No coalition government with LDP”

The Japan Restoration Party’s chief party secretary Ichiro Matsu (Osaka Prefecture’s mayor) said in an interview in Osaka on the 5 th flatly denied any talk of a coalition government with the LDP after the Lower House Elections saying, “Absolutely not.” Party representative Shintaro Ishihara showed an open mind towards post-election coalition with the LDP, saying “We could do it,” throwing his difference of opinion with the secretary into stark relief.

Regarding post-election relations with the LDP, Matsui said, “We will judge forthrightly what policies we can achieve,” indicating an inclination towards cooperation only on a piece-by-piece basis per piece of legislation. Furthermore, he pointed out, “If we come into government, compromise is necessary, but we will not yield on places where we can’t yield.” He criticized the LDP’s party platform where it states, “Strengthen our Homeland,” as “completely old-fashioned demagoguery.” Also, he called out that “One can’t expect Representative Ishihara to have thought of wanting to serve in a key government position.”

In this first time out, Restoration is aiming for a simple majority in the Lower House, but it’s final candidate count ended up at 172 individuals and its response to political power after the election has been a point of concern.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

High drama on the election’s opening day!

There was some opening night drama as parties scrambled to get their proportional representative lists in to the election committee on time. Note to self, if I ever decide to start a new Japanese political party two weeks before the election, make sure I have all my candidates lined up that first week and don’t dither around for a week trying to put together a manifesto. It’s all about personalities in politics anyway. Who needs a platform?

衆院選:未来の比例ト ラブル、全名簿受理 は深夜に

毎日新聞 2012年12月05日 00時54分 (最終更新 12月05日 01時17分)

衆院選比例代表の名簿を探す日本未来の党 副代表の森ゆうこ参院議員(奥右)ら関係 者=総務省で2012年12月4日午後6 時半、影山哲也撮影 衆院選が公示された4日、比例代表で日 本未来の党の届け出が遅れるトラブルが あった。午後5時の締め切り直前に総務 省の中央選挙管理会に全国11ブロック分 の書類を駆け込みで提出したものの、比例 名簿の審査に時間がかかり、全ブロックの 名簿が受理されたのは午後10時半だっ た。 中央選管では、届け出の締め切り後に未 来の森ゆうこ副代表が急きょ駆けつけ、選 管職員に「責任者に会いたい。話をさせて ほしい」と要求。一時、東北、中国、四国 ブロックの名簿がそろわない事態となり、 森氏が選管側に懸命に受理を求める場面も あった。 比例代表には政党要件を満たさない幸福 実現党を含む12党が届け出たが、未来の ほかにも自民党の四国ブロック、日本維 新の会の東北ブロックも届け出が午後にず れ込んだ。自民党はいったん比例近畿ブ ロックで届けた元職を名簿から外し、四国 ブロックに届け直す手続きに手間取っ た。維新は宮城1区と重複させる予定だっ た新人が当日になって出馬を断念し、名簿 の修正に追われた。【松尾良、朝日弘行】

Lower House Elections: JPF’s proportional trouble, full list of names accepted in late night

With the Lower House election campaign kicked off on the 4 th , the Japan Future Party (JPF) had trouble with its proportional representation list arriving late. Just before the cut-off time of 5 pm, the nationally divided 11-blocks worth of documents was hurriedly submitted to the Central Election Administration committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs but the review of the proportional list took several hours and the all-block list of names wasn’t accepted until 10:30 pm.

At the Central Committee, just after the deadline to submit, JPF’s Deputy Representative Yuuko Mori rushed in and requested to a Committee member, “I want to see someone in charge. I want to speak with them.” At the time, the Touhoku, Chuugoku, and Shikoku block lists were incomplete but Mori pleased with the Committee to accept them.

In all, 12 parties, including the “Achieve Happiness Party” which does not meet the requirements to be a national party, submitted proportional lists. Still, along with JPF, the LDP’s Shikoku block, Japan Restoration Party’s Touhoku block also arrived in the evening. The LDP removed some from its proportional Kinki block and moved them to its Shikoku block, which ended up taking significant time. Restoration had planned a replacement in Miyagi Prefecture’s 1 st District but the new candidate decided not to run this same day so it was forced to revise its list.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Will they pull it off this time?

No one knows, but you have to perhaps have some sort of begrudging respect for North Korea which continues to try and launch a long-ranged missile. So far, so many fails, but we’ll see what happens this time.

飛行経路判明 「衛星カ バーも落下」 北朝鮮、3 カ所を通告

2012.12.3 19:51 [北朝鮮] 北朝鮮による長距離弾道ミサイル発射予 告に関連し、韓国国土海洋省は3日、北朝 鮮が関係国に伝えた飛行経路を発表した。 北朝鮮北西部の東倉里から日本の南西諸 島上空を通過して南方に向かう経路。切り 離し後の1段目、2段目のほか、「衛星」 を保護するカバー「フェアリング」の落下 予定海域3カ所を通告している。 失敗した4月のミサイル発射に先立ち北 朝鮮が国際機関に行った通告では、カバー の落下予定海域は含まれていなかった。衛 星打ち上げだと強調する狙いとみられる。 同省によると、1段目は韓国全羅北道の 西方沖の黄海、カバーが同国南部の済州島 西方沖、2段目がフィリピンの東方沖の太 平洋に落下し、4月とほぼ同じ飛行経路。 ただ、2段目の落下予想海域の範囲は南北 方向に大幅に縮小された。 同省は、北朝鮮が中国やシンガポールに 通告した航空情報の内容としている。(共 同)

Flight path revealed = “Satellite cover will fall” –North Korea announces in three places

Related to the previously announced long range ballistic missile to be launched by North Korea, the South Korea Ministry of Land and Oceans announced the flight path that North Korea delivered to the related countries. The flight path starts at Tongchang-Ri in northwestern North Korea and passes over southeastern Japan heading in a southern direction. After the first stage separates, the “fairings” that cover the 2 nd stage carrying the “satellite” are expected to fall into the sea in 3 separate places.

In the notifications that North Korea delivered to international organizations related to the failed missile launch in April , it did not include expected locations for the covers to fall. It seemingly is still insisting that the purpose is to launch a satellite.

According to the Ministry, the first stage will fall in the Yellow Sea west of Jeollabuk-Do in South Korea, the cover will fall in the sea off the western coast of the southern South Korean island of Jeju, and the 2 nd stage will fall into the Pacific east of the Phillipines, marking roughly the same flight path as the Aprial launch. However, the 2 nd stage’s projected area of ground contact has shrunk greatly in the south.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where does it end?

The mess of new political parties that are forming, merging, and then mixing themselves up continues to confuse itself with the emergence of yet another party, that appears to already be merging with some existing fringe groups. It will truly be curious to see where things land on 12/16 when the election is over. Can someone else besides the LDP and DPJ finally come into power? Doubtful. 「日本未来の党」設 立=候補者・公約は 来月2日発表―小沢 氏は無役に【12衆 院選】

滋賀県の嘉田由紀子知事が「卒原発」を 掲げ結成を表明した「日本未来の党」は2 8日午後、東京都選管を通じて総務相に設 立を届け出た。未来には、国民の生活が 第一や「減税日本・反TPP・脱原発を実 現する党」(脱原発)、みどりの風の一部 が合流する。生活の小沢一郎代表について は、影響力を薄める狙いから無役となる 方向だ。 未来の本部は都内に置き、嘉田氏が代表 を務める。嘉田氏は同日、大津市内で記者 団の質問に答え「大変重い責任がある。身 を引き締めている」と述べるとともに、1 00人規模の候補者擁立を目指す考えを重 ねて示した。 未来は、「脱原発」の山田正彦共同代 表、生活の広野允士参院議員会長ら、前衆 院議員と参院議員計8人のメンバーで届け 出て、政党要件を満たす国政政党として 船出。生活などの合流が済めば70人超の 勢力に拡大する。12月4日公示、16日 投開票の衆院選に向け準備を急ぐ方針で、 党役員や公認候補、公約は同2日に嘉田 氏が都内で発表する方向で調整している。

“Party of Japan’s Future” established—Candidates and platform will be announced on 12/2—Ozawa will not lead [December Lower House Elections]

Shiga Prefecture’s governor Yukiko Kada notified the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications via the Tokyo election commission of the establishment of the “Party of Japan’s Future,” which she revealed would aim for “Death of Nuclear Power.” Future will join with People’s Life First (PLF), “The Party of Lower Taxes in Japan, Against TPP, and Elimination of Nuclear Power” (Escape Nuclear Power), and part of the Green Wind Party. It is aiming to dilute PLF’s party leader Ichiro Ozawa’s influence by giving him no party responsibilities.

Future’s headquarters will be in Tokyo and Kada will serve as party leader. In response to question from reporters in Ootsu City, Kada said “I have an extremely heavy responsibility. I am bracing myself for it.” She also mentioned that Future was aiming to field at least 100 candidates in the election.

Future has 8 members, including Escape Nuclear Power’s joint representative Masahiko Yamada, PLF member and Upper House Chairman Tadashi Hirono, as well as other prior members of both the Lower and Upper houses, and thus meets the requirements to be a national political party. If it completes its union with PLF and others, it’s membership will expand to more than 70. Facing an Lower House campaign start date of 12/4 and voting date of 12/16, it is hurrying to finish preparations. The party executive, candidate lists, and platform which are to be announced by Kada in Tokyo on the 2nd are currently being finalized.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Abe wants…

The LDP announces its agenda for a next governing term and well…just read for yourself.

衆院選:自民、公約に 「経済成長3%以 上」を明記

毎日新聞 2012年11月21日 21時45分 (最終更新 11月21日 23時02分) 自民党の安倍晋三総裁は21日、党本部 で記者会見し、衆院選の政権公約を発表し た。「デフレ・円高からの脱却を最優先 に、名目3%以上の経済成長を達成する」 と明記。2%の物価上昇目標を設定し、日 銀法改正も視野に政府と日銀が連携を強化 して大胆な金融緩和を行うことも盛り込 んだ。外交・安全保障、教育分野では、集 団的自衛権行使の明確化や「国家安全保障 会議」の設置、教科書検定基準の見直しな ど安倍氏の持論が色濃く反映された。 安倍氏は会見で「民主党のマニフェスト はほとんど実行されなかった。国民の政治 への信頼を取り戻すために、できることし か書かない」と強調した。 経済政策では、政権復帰後、速やかに緊 急経済対策を行い、大型補正予算を編成す ることを約束。経済財政運営の要として「 日本経済再生本部」を新設する。 また、「日米同盟強化のもと、国益を守 る、主張する外交を展開する」と宣言。沖 縄県・尖閣諸島国有化を念頭に、海上保 安庁の強化を盛り込んだ。自衛隊の人員、 装備、予算も拡充する。民主党政権のもと で冷え込んでいる中国、韓国、ロシアとの 関係改善にも取り組む。教育では「6・ 3・3・4制」の学制を見直し、大学の9 月入学を促進する。教育委員会制度も抜本 的に改革する。 一方、東京電力福島第1原発事故を踏ま えたエネルギー政策では、原発再稼働の可 否について3年以内の結論を目指し、10 年以内に「電源構成のベストミックス」を 確立するとの表現にとどめた。【犬飼直 幸】

Lower House Elections: LDP puts “Economic growth above 3%” in platform

The Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) president Shinzo Abe gave press interviews on the 21 st at party headquarters and announced the Lower House election party policy agenda. It states, “We put escape from deflation and the expensive yen as our highest priority, and aim to reach nominal economic growth of greater than 3%.” Also are included are a 2% inflation target, as well as reform of the Bank of Japan’s charter and strengthening cooperation between the BoJ and the government in order to achieve large-scale monetary easing. In the areas of diplomacy and national security, as well as education, it calls for a clear right to participate in collective defense actions as well as establishing a “National Security Committee,” revising the Basic Education Law, reflecting many of Abe’s personal policy aims.

In his interview, Abe said, “Almost none of the DPJ’s agenda was accomplished. In order to restore the public’s trust in politics, we are only writing what we are able to accomplish.”

With regard to economic policy, after their return to power, the LDP aims to quickly enact emergency economic measures and promises to revise the large-scale supplementary budget. It also calls for the establishment of a “Japan Economic Revitalization Agency” to manage economic and financial policy.

Also, it declares, “We will strengthen the Japan-US alliance, protect the national interest, and develop an assertive diplomacy.” Starting with the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, it aims to strengthen the Japan Coast Guard. It also calls for expanding the Self Defense Force’s personnel, equipment, and budget. It also aims to restore relationships with China, South Korea, and Russia that have markedly cooled during the DPJ’s term. In education, it calls for a revisiting of the “6-3-3-4” system and advancing the start of the university academic year in September. It would also perform a drastic overhaul of the Board of Education system.

On the other hand, in energy policy following on the Tepco Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, it aims for a decision on restarting nuclear reactors within 3 years, and establishment of a “Best mix of energy infrastructure” within 10 years.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The mountain of pigeons crumbles…

While Abe is on the rise, the eponymous Mountain of Pigeons, excuse me, former Prime Minister Hatoyama will not be on the rolls of the next Lower House of the Diet as a DPJ member. Is it the end of an era? At least if you’re one who likes his prime ministers to resemble the Greys, it surely is. Still, he’s had a pretty good run I imagine. Led a government, been an MP for a number of years. Not a job I’d take but still, bully for him. 鳩山元首相:衆院選に 出馬せず…後援会幹 部に意向

毎日新聞 2012年11月20日 21時51分 (最終更新 11月20日 22時08分) 民主党の鳩山由紀夫元首相(65)=衆 院北海道9区=は20日、衆院選(12月 4日公示、16日投開票)に同党公認で 立候補することを断念した。地元の後援会 幹部に電話で「もう出ない」と伝えた。民 主党北海道によると、鳩山氏は21日に野 田佳彦首相に不出馬を伝えたい意向で、 同日夕、北海道内で記者会見し正式表明す るという。無所属や他党からの立候補もせ ず、政界を引退するのかどうかは明らかに していない。 鳩山氏は消費増税法に反対して党員資格 停止の処分を受けたほか、野田首相の進め る環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TP P)交渉への参加にも反対を明言してい る。17日には衆院選出馬に意欲を示す一 方で「自分の信念を曲げるつもりはない」 とも強調。民主党執行部は消費増税やT PP推進に反対する候補者は公認しない方 針で、鳩山氏の対応が注目されていた。 鳩山氏は09年9月に誕生した民主党政 権の初代首相に就任したが、10年6月に 退陣。いったんは次の衆院選での政界引退 も表明したが、その後、撤回した。【斎藤 誠、竹島一登】

Former Prime Minister Hatoyama: Will not run in Lower House Elections…would like to serve on party election committee

The Democratic Party of Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (65), representing Hokkaido Lower House District 9, said on the 20 th , that he declined to be designated as a candidate by his party for the Lower House election (campaign begins 12/4, vote held on 12/16). He told the local election committee leadership by phone, “I will not run again.” According to the Hokkaido DPJ chapter, Hatoyama planned to notify Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda on the 21 st that he would not run again and will make a formal announcement at a press conference in Hokkaido that same evening. He will also not run as an independent or representing another party, but did not indicate whether this marked his retirement from politics or not.

Hatoyama’s party membership was suspended over his opposition to the consumption tax increase bill and he has also voiced opposition to Prime Minister Noda’s continued negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). On the 17 th , Hatoyama had indicated his desire to run in Lower House elections but declared that “I will not change my core beliefs.” The DPJ’s party leadership has set a policy of not approving candidates who oppose the consumption tax increase and TPP negotiations so Hatoyama’s response was highily anticipated.

Hatoyama ascended to the head of the DPJ administration in September 2009 and served as its first prime minister, but stepped down in June of 2010. At the time, he announced that he would retire from politics after the next Lower House election, but then retracted that intention.