Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bad prosecutor, very bad!

I got nothing on this one. Strange things happening in the public prosecutor's office, it seems.

最高検公判部長:電車 遅らせた問題で更迭 動機説明せず

毎日新聞 2012年10月16日 20時31分

最高検の岩橋義明公判部長(58)が電 車の運行を遅らせたとして警察に事情聴取 された問題で、最高検は16日、岩橋部長 を厳重注意とし、法務省は同日、岩橋部長 を最高検総務部付に異動させた。後任には 長谷川充弘(みつひろ)最高検検事(5 8)を充てた。

最高検によると、岩橋前部長は9月28 日午後11時25分ごろ、横浜市青葉区の 東急田園都市線あざみ野駅で、乗ってい た電車のドアが閉まる際に自分のかばんを 何度も挟み、発車を約4分遅らせた。運転 士が前部長を見つけ、警察に引き渡した。 庁舎内で酒を飲み、帰宅途中だったとい う。

調査した最高検は前部長の故意を認定す る一方、動機については「差し控えたい」 と説明しなかった。前部長が乗った電車で は前の駅でもドアが閉まらなかったが、最 高検は前部長の行為と断定できなかったと した。

渡辺恵一最高検次長検事の話 誠に遺 憾。国民の皆様に深くおわびしたい。


Public Prosecutor’s trial group chief: Dismissed after causing train to run late, without motive or explanation

Trial group chief Yoshiaki Iwahashi (58) of the Public Prosecutor’s office was questioned by the police about delaying a train. On the 16 th , the Prosecutor’s Office censured Iwahashi and the Ministry of Justice transferred him to the Public Prosecutor’s General Affairs department. His successor will be Supreme Prosecutor Mitsuhiro Hasegawa (58).

According the Prosecutor’s Office, on 9/28 around 11:25 pm, Iwahashi was aboard a train on the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line at Azamino Station in the Aoba ward of Yokohama when he put his bag in the door when it tried to close a number of time, causing the train to depart approximately 4 minutes late. The driver found Iwahashi doing so and handed him over to the police. He said he had been drinking at the office and was returning home.

Iwahashi acknowledged his guilt in an investigation by the Supreme Prosecutor’s office but refused to explain his motive. The train that Iwahashi was also not able to close its door at the previous station, but the Prosecutor’s Office could not confirm that Iwahashi caused that.

Deputy Prosecutor-General Keiichi Watanabe of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office stated, “This is truly regrettable. We deeply apologize to the public.”

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