Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Foreign policy challenges

Today, I borrow a page from Foreign Policy magazine.

中国軍の太平洋進出 が「常態化」


森本敏防衛相は31日の閣議で2012 年版防衛白書を報告、了承された。中国に 関し海軍艦艇部隊の太平洋進出が「常態化 しつつある」と懸念を表明、共産党指導 部と人民解放軍との関係が複雑化している との見方があり「危機管理上の課題」と指 摘した。一方、北朝鮮については弾道ミサ イル発射を「今後も行う可能性が高い」 と警戒している。

中国については、海軍艦艇が沖縄本島と 宮古島の間を通過して太平洋に出て訓練を 実施した例や、海軍以外の公船による沖縄 県の尖閣諸島付近の領海侵入などの事案を 列挙。「わが国近海と南シナ海で活動領域 の拡大と活動の常態化を図る」との見通し を示した。


Chinese military’s Pacific deployment achieves normalization

Defense minister Satoshi Morimoto reported the 2012 Defense White Paper at a cabinet meeting that was then approved on the 31 st . It expresses fears that the advancement of China’s naval forces into the Pacific have fully normalized and displayed a viewpoint that relations with the Communist Party leadership and the People’s Liberation Army are growing more complex, pointing it out as a crisis management challenge. Also, it cautions the possibility that North Korea may conduct further ballistic missile launches.

With regard to China, the paper notes the examples of Chinese naval forces passing between Okinawa and Miyako and deploying to the Pacific for training exercises and also the intrusion into the territorial waters of surrounding the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture by non-military official vessels. It forecasts, “They are aiming to expand their active operational area and normalize activities in our domestic waters and in the South China Sea.”

Monday, July 30, 2012

Just another phone

Sony tries again to launch an exciting new Android phone. I couldn't tell you if it's any good or not, but I think I did at least a halfway coherent job of translating its technical specs. Let me know if you disagree.

ドコモ、3.7型の軽量スマホ 「Xperia SX SO-05D」の予約受 付を8月2日から


NTTドコモは30日、3.7型の軽量Androidスマート フォン「XperiaTM SX SO-05D」の事前予約 を8月2日から開始すると発表した。全国のドコ モショップで受付を行う。「ドコモマイショッ プ」会員向けに行うWEBからの受付は同日正午 より。受付はMy docomoのドコモマイショップ 情報ページで実施する。発売日は8月10日を予 定。

同製品は、1.5GHzのデュアルコアCPUを採用 し、LTEサービス「Xi」に対応したAndroid 4.0搭 載のスマートフォン。「WALKMAN」アプリケー ションを搭載し、クリアオーディオテクノロ ジー、バーチャルサラウンド技術(VPT)、 xLOUD、マニュアルイコライザーなども装備。 再生中の音楽を解析しさまざまなイメージで画 面を彩るVisualizer(ビジュアライザー)や、 Facebookの友達がすすめる楽曲一覧を自動で生 成する機能もあわせて搭載している。

カメラは約810万画素(メイン)と約31万画素(サ ブ)のCMOSカメラ。裏面照射型CMOSセンサー 「Exmor R for mobile」の採用により、うす暗い 場所でも撮影が可能となっている。オート フォーカス機構、高速起動機能を搭載し、 シャッターチャンスを逃さない。さらに撮影し た写真の月別表示や、地図上に撮影場所を表示 できるアルバム機能も搭載する。

3.7インチのTFT液晶(540×960ドット)を採用し た、高精度・高細密な「Reality Display」では写 真や動画だけでなく、小さな文字も見やすく表 示するという。また、文字入力をサポートする 「POBox Touch 5.1」を搭載している。

バッテリーの容量は1,500mAh。3G回線での最 大連続通話時間は約340分。内蔵 のROMは8GB、RAMは1GB。外部メモリとし て、microSDカード(最大2GB)とmicroSDHCカー ド(最大32GB)を利用可能。そのほか、おサイフ ケータイ、ワンセグ、赤外線通信に対応してい る。

サイズは約54(W)×115(H)×9.4(D)mm、重量は前 述の通り、約95g。カラーはBlack、White、 Pink、Orangeの4色を用意している。


Docomo begins preorders for 3.7 type light-weight smartphone “Xperia SX SO-05D” on 8/2

NTT Docomo announced on the 30 th that it will begin taking preorders for the 3.7 type light-weight Android smartphone “Xperia SX SO-05D” starting on August 2 nd . Preorders will be accepted at Docomo Shops nationwide. Docomo My Shop members can preorder online starting at noon the same day. Preorders can be placed from the Docomo My Shop information page. The first day of sales is set for August 10 th .

The new phone has a 1.5 Ghz dual core CPU, uses the Xi LTE service, and is loaded with Android 4.0. It also has the Walkman application, Clear Audio technology, Virtual Surround tech (VPT), xLOUD, and a manual equalizer. There is also the Visualizer that analyzes music during music and displays various images on the screen as well as functionality to automatically suggest music liked by your Facebook friends.

The phone has 8.1 megapixel (main) and 0.31 megapixel (front-facing) CMOS cameras. Using the back illuminated “Exmor R for mobile” CMOS sensor, it can take pictures even in very dim light. With autofocus and quick start features, you will never miss another photo opportunity. Also, the photo album application can show photos by month or on a map by location.

The screen is a 3.7 inch TFT liquid crystal (540x960 pixel). The high-precision, finely detailed “Reality Display” shows not only pictures and movies, but also small characters in a clear and easy to see manner. The POBox Touch 5.1 application with character input support is also loaded.

The battery is 1,500mAh with a maximum talk time of 340 minutes over 3G. The phone has 8 GB of internal ROM and 1GB internal RAM, and supports microSD (2GB max) and microSDHC (32GB max) for external memory. It also supports WalletKeitai, OneSeg, and infrared communication.

The size of the phone is approximately 54(W)x115(H)x9.4(D) mm and weighs in at 95 grams. It’s available in black, white, pink, and orange.

Friday, July 27, 2012

When it's hot, it's hot.

Definitely not the most exciting article ever, but everyone needs a story about how hot it is these days in Japan, right?

岐阜・多治見で3 8.5度=観測点8 割で真夏日-各地で 熱中症相次ぐ

日本列島は27日、太平洋高気圧に覆わ れ、各地で気温が上昇した。岐阜県多治見 市では全国最高の38.5度を観測。全国 927地点のうち猛暑日(最高気温35 度以上)は123地点で、真夏日(同30 度以上)は744地点で観測された。気象 庁は引き続き熱中症対策を呼び掛けた。 ほかに高温だったのは、群馬県館林市3 7.9度、埼玉県熊谷市と群馬県伊勢崎 市、茨城県大子町で37.8度。 この暑さで、熱中症の被害が各地で相 次いだ。奈良県香芝市の民家では無職女性 (82)が、埼玉県蕨市のアパートでも住 人の女性(72)が、同日朝にベッドの 上で苦しんでいるところを発見され、2人 とも搬送先の病院で死亡が確認された。佐 賀市では26日深夜、80代の女性が自宅 のトイレ前で意識不明の状態で見つか り、病院に搬送されたが、27日に死亡し た。いずれも、熱中症が原因とみられる。 一方、東京消防庁によると、都内では午 後3時までに、熱中症のため少なくとも4 0人以上が救急搬送され、うち49歳の男 性1人が重症という。男性は新宿区内のホ テルの宿泊客で、意識がもうろうとした状 態で客室で倒れているのが見つかった。 江戸川区の私立江戸川女子中学・高校で は、グラウンドでバトン部の練習をしてい た女子生徒10人が体調不良を訴え、うち 5人が搬送された。熱中症とみられるが、 症状は軽いという。 主な都市の最高気温は札幌32.5度、 仙台32.3度、東京34.2度、名古屋 36.6度、大阪35.7度、福岡34. 5度。(2012/07/27-20:41)

http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g= soc_30&k=2012072700913

38.5 recorded at Tajimi, Gifu – 80% of measuring points recorded “hot summer days” – Heatstroke continues in all areas

On the 27 th , the Japanese archipelago was covered by a Pacific high pressure system, and all regions saw the temperatures soar. The highest temperature was recorded nationally was in Tajimi city in Gifu prefecture at 38.5 degrees. Of the 927 measuring stations across the country, 123 recorded “super hot days” (highest temperature above 35 degrees) and 744 recorded “hot summer days” (temperature above 30 degrees). The National Weather Agency called for continued vigilance against heatstroke.

Other places with high temperatures were Tatebayashi, Gunma Prefecture with 37.9 degrees, Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture and Isesaki, Gunma Prefecture with 37.8 degrees.

In the midst of the heat, heatstroke related injuries continued across all areas. An 82 year old woman at a house in Kashiba, Nara Prefecture and a 72 year-old woman residing at an apartment in Warabi, Saitama Prefecture were discovered suffering in their beds in the morning, transported to local hospitals where their deaths were later confirmed. In Saga late in the night of the 26 th , an 80 year old woman was discovered unconscious in front of the toilet, transported to the hospital, and died on the 27 th . In all three cases, heatstroke was the cause.

Also, according to the Tokyo Fire Department, up till 3 pm, at least 40 people had been transported to the hospital due to heatstroke, and one 49 year old man is reported in critical condition. A customer at a Shinjuku hotel, he was discovered collapsed in his room with faint signs of consciousness.

In Edogawa at the Edogawa Private Girls Middle/High School, the baton club was practicing outside and 10 students complained of not feeling well. 5 of these were transported to the hospital. Heatstroke was their diagnosis but symptoms were judged to be mild.

The highest temperatures recorded in major cities were Sapporo at 32.5 degrees, Sendai at 32.3, Tokyo at 34.2, Nagoya at 36.6, Osaka at 35.7, and Fukuoka at 34.5 degrees.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Big Brother is watching

Today, we learn that starting in 2015, the Japanese government will be watching you more closely, or at least able to provide a more uniform set of data regarding your taxes and social welfare benefits. Oh, Happy, Day.

「マイナンバー」民 自公合意へ 納税と 社会保障の情報管理 15年運用へ今国 会成立の公算大

(07/26 19:53、07/26 19:55 更新)

国民一人一人に番号を割り振って、納税 と社会保障の情報を一元管理する共通番号 制度を導入する「マイナンバー法案」につ いて、政府内に最高情報責任者(CIO) を置くなどの修正を行うことで、民主、自 民、公明の3党が合意する見通しになった ことが26日分かった。

法案は2月に政府が今国会に提出し、こ れまで3党の実務者が水面下で協議してい た。来週にも各党内で合意に向けた了承手 続きに入る。政府は2015年1月からの 運用を予定しており、今国会で成立する公 算が大きくなった。

修正は、政府の情報管理体制を強化する ことが柱。


DPJ, LDP, and Komeito agree on “My Number” program for managing of tax and social welfare information -- High probability of passing this Diet session and going into effect in 2015

It was learned on the 26 th that the “My Number” bill, which proposes to assign an individual number to every citizen to allow for centralized management of tax and social welfare information, is projected to be approved by the DPJ, LDP, and Komeito based on revisions that include creating a Chief Information Officer role within the government.

The bill was submitted in February by the party in power and party officials had been holding behind the scenes discussions up to this point. Each party will enter proceedings to approve the measure next week. The government plans to implement the policy in January 2015 and the likelihood of it passing this session have improved.

The revisions focused on strengthening the government’s information management structure.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

For something completely different..

The world of Japanese entertainment, especially manufactured pop stars, aka idols, is a complete mystery to me.  That said, let it never be said that I shy away from translating things I don't understand. Without further ado, the latest AKB48 member graduates! Truthfully, I've never heard an AKB48 song, but enjoy, none the less.

指原、ラストAKB公 演で涙

AKB48からHKT48へ移籍した指原莉乃が、 秋葉原・AKB48劇場での最後のステージに 立った。特別公演「指原莉乃 壮行会」と銘打 ち、前田敦子らチームAメンバーとパフォーマ ンス。HKTのメンバーも駆け付け、指原の新 たな門出にエールを送った。同じ“地方組”の友 人・北原里英からの手紙がサプライズで読み上 げられると、思わず涙した指原。「AKBを離 れるのはすごく寂しいけど、もうHKTメン バーとも仲良くなっている。悲しいけど、すご く前向きです」と話した。

http://www.jiji.com/jc/c?g= ent2_ent2&k=g120398

Sashihara cries at last AKB concert

RINO Sashihara who is transferring membership from AKB48 to HKT48, made her last appearance at the AKB48 Stage in Akihabara. She performed with Atsuko Maeda and Team A in a special concert labeled “RINO Sashihara Send-Off.” HKT’s members also rushed out, raising their voices in support of her new life. When a surprise letter from her same regional group member and friend Rie Kitahara was read, Sashihara cried involuntarily. “I’m really going to miss AKB, but I’m already becoming friends with the other HKT members. I’m sad but super positive at the same time,” said Sashihara.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Beer too cheap?

Taking a break from pedantic political commentary, today's article is a shot across the bow of those who would seek to deliver beer to the Japanese masses at cheaper prices. I'm not one to judge on how cheap said beer is from my vantage point this side of the Pacific but part of me is rooting for the guy with his can of Asahi Super Dry sitting on the street corner outside of Aeon, worrying whether or not he'll be able to afford a whole six-pack of his favorite brew next week or just 4, with the minuscule affluence his wife gives him for beer each week. Enjoy! 公取委の協力要請あっ ても、ビール仕入れ価 格引き上げには応じず =イオン<8267.T> 2012年07月23日19:24 JST [東京 23日 ロイター] 酒卸大手3社が 原価割れでビール類を卸売りしていたとされる問題 でイオンは23日、公正取引委員会からの協力要請 があったとしても、仕入れ価格の値上げに応じる意 向はないとの見解を示した。 横尾博専務執行役は会見で「原価を下回る価格で の納入を要請した事実はない」と述べた。仕入れ価 格は、卸売3社と十分に協議し、合意した条件で 取引しており、一方的に取引条件を決めているもの ではないという。公正取引委員会からも、独占禁止 法違反(優越的地位の濫用)の疑いがあるのではな いかとして調査を受けたものの、その事実は認めら れないとの判断を受けているという。 このため、公正取引委員会から仕入れ価格を適正 な価格とするよう、事実上の値上げ要請があったと しても「取引条件を変更し、仕入れ価格の値上げに 応じる意向はない」との姿勢を示した。 公正取引委員会に対しても、こうした見解を伝え ている。現時点で、公取委からの協力要請は口頭で 伝えられたものの、文書では受け取っていないとい う。 複数の報道によると、伊藤忠食品、三菱食品、日 本酒類販売の3社がイオンに仕入れ値を下回る価格 で卸した疑いがあるとして、公正取引委員会は独 占禁止法違反(不当廉売)で警告する方針を固め た。また、イオンとビール4社に対しても、適正な 価格で取引するように協力要請を行うと報じられ た。 http://jp.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idJPTK085548420120723 Aeon won’t raise the purchase price of beer, even with a request for cooperation from the Fair Trade Commission Aeon, who has been accused by the largest three alcohol wholesalers of selling beer below the wholesale price, indicated it had no intention of raising the purchase price of beer, even though it had received a request for cooperation from the Fair Trade Commission. Senior managing executive officer Hiroshi Yoko stated in an interview that “A price below the cost of supply was never requested.” He maintained that the purchase price of beer was sufficiently discussed with the 3 wholesalers and transaction terms were agreed upon and were not decided unilaterally. Responding to a notice from the Fair Trade Commission of an investigation into whether or not an anti-monopoly law violation (abuse of dominant market position) had been committed, Aeon denied any wrongdoing. Even if the Fair Trade Commission requests a price increase on the basis of establishing a fair purchase price, “We have no intention of changing transaction terms or increasing our purchase price.” Aeon conveyed this sentiment to the Fair Trade Commission. At present, the FTC has delivered a verbal request for cooperation, but no written request has been received by Aeon. According to several news outlets, Itochu Shokuhin, Mitsubishi Foods, and Japan Alcohol Sales accused Aeon of selling beer below wholesale price and the Fair Trade Commission delivered a warning of an anti-monopoly law violation (dumping). Also, it is reported that Aeon and 4 beer makers received a request for cooperation to conduct transactions at fair prices.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Riding safer than ever

Today's article is much more straight forward than yesterday's, with none of the existential questions of translation methodology that played me then.  And...it's probably no more interesting to your average man on the street.  Still, it's keeping my brain active. And, given that I've ridden on overnight busses on a number of occasions in Japan, including to and from Shinjuku station, it's good to know that busses may be a tad safer than previously.

国交省、ツアーバス一斉点検 新 基準適用開始

高速ツアーバスの夜間運行について運転手の 1日の走行距離の上限を原則400キロに改めるな どした新基準が20日から適用になり、国土交通 省は同日、全国の主要なバスの発着所で一斉点 検を実施した。利用客が増える8月にかけて全 国で順次実施する。

新宿駅西口周辺の発着所では、関東運輸局の 職員ら8人が発車前のバスに乗り込み、運行指 示書の内容や行き先までの距離を調べた。走行 距離が840キロの四国行きのバスでは「交代の運 転手はいますか」と尋ね、2人体制を確認し た。

娘2人と高知県に帰省する東京都小金井市の 主婦(40)は、新基準について「これまで以上 に安心して利用できる」と話していた。


Transportation Ministry, simultaneous tour bus inspection begins based on new standards

New regulations that set the maximum distance a driver can operate an overnight tour bus in a single day at 400 kilometers went into force on the 20 th . This same day, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism conducted inspections of all busses at major departure points around the country. These inspections will go through a phased implementation through the country in the month of August when the number of riders increases.

At departure points near Shinjuku Station West Exit, 8 staff from the Kanto Department of Transportation boarded busses prior to departure, checking the contents of driving instructions and distance to destinations. On one Shikoku bound bus with a travel distance of 840 kilometers, they asked whether there was a replacement driver present and confirmed that there were two present.

One house wife (age 40) from the town of Koganei in Tokyo Prefecture who was visiting her home Kochi prefecture with her two daughters said, “We can ride with greater peace of mind than before.”

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Power to the people!

So today's article is the people of Osaka winning over the reformist mayor of the city in terms of who decides what services are offered where, I think anyway. I confess that the latter half of this article is a little bit vague, at least to my reading, and consequently so is my translation. 

This plays to the question to which I do not have a firm answer in that, as a translator, am I more responsible to capture the exact words of the translation or go for a more "dynamic equivalence" approach where meaning is captured at the phrase, sentence or even paragraph level? To date, I've bounced back and forth between the two approaches, since some times it seems like translating a word literally loses some of the feeling of a sentence that might be captured by a different word in English than is written in Japanese but corresponds to the obvious overall meaning of the sentence. The problem is where the overall intent of a sentence is not quite clear and translating literally leaves you with entirely correct but  impenetrable in terms of meaning. Whether this is due to my lack of overall comprehension or the original writer's lack of a well written sentence...hard to say.

All that said, my approach is becoming to try and capture meaning first at the sentence level while keeping the translation lively and not too dry and wooden sounding, which allows for more creativity while hopefully preserving the integrity of the original author's intent. Only if I'm not understanding overall intent do I fall back on literal word for word translations, adjusted only to make the grammar work out properly.

So, anyway, on to the article and my slightly wooden translation.

橋下市長:男女共同セ ンターなど一部存続

毎日新聞 2012年07月19日 23時02分 (最終更新 07月19日 23時32分)

大阪市の橋下徹市長は19日、市民サー ビスを大幅に削減する市政改革プランで全 館廃止を決めていた男女共同参画セン ター(クレオ大阪、5カ所)と生涯学習セ ンター(5カ所)について、一部を存続さ せる方針を表明した。全廃に市民の反発が 強く、市議会第2会派の公明党の強い要 望を受け、方針転換した。

市議会常任委員会で、公明党議員の質問 に答えた。クレオ大阪は、女性の社会進出 支援を目的に、93年から女性向けの語 学講座や育児、DV(ドメスティックバイ オレンス)相談などを実施。市政改革プラ ンでは全5カ所を廃止し、区民センターな どの施設に機能を集約するとしていた。

橋下市長はこの日、「DVなどの相談は 身近な施設ではしにくい」として、「複合 化、多機能化を図りながらオール大阪のセ ンター館として1カ所を存続させる」と話 した。


Mayor Yamashita: Some gender equality centers to continue

Osaka mayor Toru Yamashita announced on the 19 th that some gender equality centers would remain open, after a reform planned to drastically cut down the number of citizen service centers including the closure of all gender equality centers (Creo Osaka – 5 locations) and lifelong education centers (5 locations). The policy was changed due to strong public outcry against the closures and the strongly voiced desires of the #2 Komeito Party in the city council.

Hashimoto answered questions from Komeito council members at a standing committee meeting of the city council. Creo Osaka supports the advancement of women in society, and since 1993 has offered classes on language study and child-rearing as well as offering domestic violence counseling. Under the city reform plan, the 5 locations would all close and these functions would be centralized at ward resident service centers.

Mayor Yamashita explained, “Counseling on things like domestic violence in familiar facilities is difficult” and therefore “the All Osaka Center will be one location that continues to serve as a combined, multifunctional facility.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More bad news for Tepco.

I confess that today's article is kind of ho-hum, content-wise but it was the first one on my news roll and Tepco is big news in Japan these days. Read...and do something, like sell your shares in Tepco.

東電値上げ、8%台後半で調 整 公的資金は月末に延期へ

東京電力の家庭向け電気料金値上げをめ ぐる政府内の協議が18日、大詰めを迎え た。これまでの審査では人件費や修繕費な どの一部を削減し、値上げ幅を東電が申請 した平均10・28%から少なくとも8% 台後半に圧縮する方向で調整している。利 用者への周知期間を確保するため、実施は 9月1日になる見通しだ。

一方、審査が長引いていることから、政 府は東電への公的資金1兆円の資本注入 を、当初予定の7月25日から31日に延 期する検討に入った。金融機関からの計3 700億円の融資も、26日から8月1日 に先送りになる見込み。月末に社債償還を 控える東電の資金繰りは厳しくなる。


Tepco price increase adjusted down to upper end of the 8% range, and postponement till month end of public capital investment

Tepco’s negotiations with the government on the electricity price increase for household customers reached the homestretch on the 18 th . Till now, the discussion has focused on things like reductions in personnel expenses maintenance costs but now have turned to adjusting the requested price increase from an average of 10.28% to a maximum of the upper end of the 8% range. In order to allow for a notification period to customers, the increase is projected to start September 1.

Due to the review lingering on, the government is studying the option of delaying the injection of 1 trillion yen into Tepco from 7/25 to the 31 st . It is also expected that approximately 370 billion yen in capital from financial institutions will also be postponed from 7/26 to 8/1. With bonds coming due at month end, Tepco’s financial position can only get worse.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ozawa strike out on his own

Today's article is a follow on to yesterday's regarding the fallout from the split in the Democratic Party of Japan over a vote on a tax hike. Today, Japanese politics could be that much more divisive!  See below.

小沢新党、11日発足 約50人が 「反増税」掲げ

民主党を除名された小沢一郎元代表らは11日 夕、都内の憲政記念館で新党の設立総会を開く。消費増税に反対し民主党を離れた衆参両院 の約50人が参加する見通し。代表には小沢元代 表が就き、選挙対策委員長を兼務する。反増税 と脱原発を掲げて野田政権を追及し、衆院解 散・総選挙に追い込みたい考えだ。

設立総会では新党の名称や綱領を発表し、小 沢元代表が基本政策について説明。終了後に小 沢元代表が記者会見する。党名には「国民の生 活が第一」などが挙がっている。

小沢元代表らが設立した衆院会派は37人、参 院会派は12人。新党を旗揚げした後、衆院では 小沢元代表と近い議員による新党きづな(9 人)との統一会派を結成する。

新党は野田政権を「消費増税のみを先行して いる」と批判し、徹底的な行財政改革やデフ レ脱却のための施策を求める構え。原子力エネ ルギーへの依存度を減らす「脱原発」も訴える 見通しだ。

国会対策委員長に就く鈴木克昌氏は10日、新 党の国対役員会で「解散は先送りといわれてい るが、我々の行動いかんによっては直ちに解 散・総選挙に持ち込める」と強調。重要課題と して(1)衆院選挙制度改革(2)赤字国債発行法 案(3)内閣不信任決議案への対応――を挙げた。

小沢元代表ら37人は6月26日の消費増税関連 法案の衆院本会議採決で反対票を投じ、離党届 を執行部に出した。民主党は7月9日、37人の 除籍(除名)処分を正式に決定。参院議員12人 は離党届を提出し、承認された。


Ozawa’s new party launched on the 11 th , 50 members offering up “Against taxes!”

Ichiro Ozawa, former Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) representative and expelled party member, will open the inaugural general meeting of his new party at the Constitutional Government Memorial Hall in Tokyo on the 11 th . An estimated 50 members of the Diet attended, all former DPJ members who opposed the consumption tax increase. Ozawa will serve as party leader and also as election campaign policy chief. With a stance of opposition to taxes and nuclear power, the new party is criticizing the Noda administration, pressing for dissolution of the lower house of Parliament and calling a general election.

The new party’s name and platform will be announced at the opening meeting, with Ozawa explaining its governing principles. Afterward, Ozawa will hold a press conference. The appellation “The People’s Lifestyle is Number 1” is being touted as the party’s name.

The lower house members of Ozawa’s founding group number 37, with 12 in the upper house. After the new party launches, Ozawa’s group in the lower house will join with the Kizuna party (9 members) to form a unified parliamentary group.

The new party criticized the Noda administration for only focusing on the consumption tax increase, and is positioning itself as seeking policies designed to thoroughly reform government finances and avoid deflation. It also espouses itself as against nuclear energy, seeking to decrease the country’s reliance on it.

Katsuaki Suzuki, the new party’s policy chief, said on the 10 th at the party policy leadership meeting, “While it is said that dissolving parliament will be delayed, we will focus all our efforts on expediting dissolution and holding a general election.” He delineated three primary goals of the party: 1) Reform the lower house electoral system; 2) a deficit debt issuance bill; 3) a response to a no-confidence bill aimed at the current administration.

Ozawa’s group of 37 lower house members voted against the consolidated consumption tax increase bill in Lower House deliberations on 6/26 and submitted their resignation to party leadership. The DPJ formalized the expulsion of the 37 members on 7/8. The resignation of 12 Upper House parliamentarians was also submitted and accepted at the same time.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Obscure party rulings

I admit it's been quite a while since I've posted anything here but I've been otherwise occupied with duties.  That said, enjoy, if you can, today's article on some politicians in a kerfuffle over a moderately big deal. There are some seeming discrepancies in the article that I'm not sure if I'm just misunderstanding something or the article was just written incorrectly but maybe you'll see what I mean.

鳩山氏は資格停止3カ 月=小沢氏らの除籍決 定―民主

民主党は9日午後、国会内で臨時の常任幹事 会を開き、消費増税関連法案の衆院採決で反対 し、新党を結成するため離党届を提出した小沢 一郎元代表ら37人を除籍(除名)とすること を正式決定した。一方、反対したが党にとどま り、執行部から党員資格停止6カ月の処分方針 が下っていた鳩山由紀夫元首相については、倫 理委員会(委員長・北沢俊美元防衛相)の答申 を踏まえ、停止期間を3カ月に短縮した。

常任幹事会に先立つ倫理委では、小沢氏らの 除籍を「妥当」と判断。鳩山氏と同じく採決で 反対したが、離党届を出していない17人につ いては、党員資格停止2カ月とした執行部の処 分方針を「妥当」と結論付けたが、鳩山氏に関 しては「同一行為に対し処分の量定に大きな差 があることはバランスを欠く」と再考を促す答 申をまとめた。

倫理委が執行部の処分方針の見直しを求めた のは異例。鳩山氏や周辺議員から処分内容に不 満の声が上がっており、野党が野田内閣不信任 決議案を提出した場合、鳩山氏らが同調する可 能性が取り沙汰されていたことにも配慮し、緩 和したとみられる。


Hatoyama’s party membership suspended for 3 months and Ozawa’s group removed from party rolls – DPJ

The DPJ held an extraordinary meeting of party leadership on the afternoon of the 9 th and formally removed Ichiro Ozawa and his bloc of 37 members from the party rolls after the group opposed the enactment in the lower house of the consolidated consumption tax increase bill and submitted their party resignation with the aim of establishing a new one. On the other hand, former prime minister Yukio Hatoyama, who received a 6 month suspension of party membership judgment from the party enforcement division after his opposition, had his suspension reduced by 3 months at the request of the Ethics committee (chaired by Toshimi Kitazawa, a former defense minister).

The Ethics committee did judge Ozawa’s expulsion by the party leadership committee appropriate. Hatoyama also opposed the bill’s enactment, but his group of 17 did not submit letters of resignation, so the Ethics committee deemed the enforcement division’s judgment of 2 month suspension of party membership appropriate. That said, regarding Hatoyama himself, the ethis committee requested a reconsideration of their judgment, noting “The scale of the assessed penalty for his same action lacks balance.”

It is quite the exception that the Ethics committee would request a review of an enforcement division ruling. Hatoyama and his group have expressed dissatisfaction with the ruling and in the event that the opposition parties propose a no confidence vote on Prime Minister Noda, it seems that the committee considered the rumors of possible willingness by Hatoyama to support such a vote and relaxed the punishment.