Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where does it end?

The mess of new political parties that are forming, merging, and then mixing themselves up continues to confuse itself with the emergence of yet another party, that appears to already be merging with some existing fringe groups. It will truly be curious to see where things land on 12/16 when the election is over. Can someone else besides the LDP and DPJ finally come into power? Doubtful. 「日本未来の党」設 立=候補者・公約は 来月2日発表―小沢 氏は無役に【12衆 院選】

滋賀県の嘉田由紀子知事が「卒原発」を 掲げ結成を表明した「日本未来の党」は2 8日午後、東京都選管を通じて総務相に設 立を届け出た。未来には、国民の生活が 第一や「減税日本・反TPP・脱原発を実 現する党」(脱原発)、みどりの風の一部 が合流する。生活の小沢一郎代表について は、影響力を薄める狙いから無役となる 方向だ。 未来の本部は都内に置き、嘉田氏が代表 を務める。嘉田氏は同日、大津市内で記者 団の質問に答え「大変重い責任がある。身 を引き締めている」と述べるとともに、1 00人規模の候補者擁立を目指す考えを重 ねて示した。 未来は、「脱原発」の山田正彦共同代 表、生活の広野允士参院議員会長ら、前衆 院議員と参院議員計8人のメンバーで届け 出て、政党要件を満たす国政政党として 船出。生活などの合流が済めば70人超の 勢力に拡大する。12月4日公示、16日 投開票の衆院選に向け準備を急ぐ方針で、 党役員や公認候補、公約は同2日に嘉田 氏が都内で発表する方向で調整している。

“Party of Japan’s Future” established—Candidates and platform will be announced on 12/2—Ozawa will not lead [December Lower House Elections]

Shiga Prefecture’s governor Yukiko Kada notified the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications via the Tokyo election commission of the establishment of the “Party of Japan’s Future,” which she revealed would aim for “Death of Nuclear Power.” Future will join with People’s Life First (PLF), “The Party of Lower Taxes in Japan, Against TPP, and Elimination of Nuclear Power” (Escape Nuclear Power), and part of the Green Wind Party. It is aiming to dilute PLF’s party leader Ichiro Ozawa’s influence by giving him no party responsibilities.

Future’s headquarters will be in Tokyo and Kada will serve as party leader. In response to question from reporters in Ootsu City, Kada said “I have an extremely heavy responsibility. I am bracing myself for it.” She also mentioned that Future was aiming to field at least 100 candidates in the election.

Future has 8 members, including Escape Nuclear Power’s joint representative Masahiko Yamada, PLF member and Upper House Chairman Tadashi Hirono, as well as other prior members of both the Lower and Upper houses, and thus meets the requirements to be a national political party. If it completes its union with PLF and others, it’s membership will expand to more than 70. Facing an Lower House campaign start date of 12/4 and voting date of 12/16, it is hurrying to finish preparations. The party executive, candidate lists, and platform which are to be announced by Kada in Tokyo on the 2nd are currently being finalized.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Abe wants…

The LDP announces its agenda for a next governing term and well…just read for yourself.

衆院選:自民、公約に 「経済成長3%以 上」を明記

毎日新聞 2012年11月21日 21時45分 (最終更新 11月21日 23時02分) 自民党の安倍晋三総裁は21日、党本部 で記者会見し、衆院選の政権公約を発表し た。「デフレ・円高からの脱却を最優先 に、名目3%以上の経済成長を達成する」 と明記。2%の物価上昇目標を設定し、日 銀法改正も視野に政府と日銀が連携を強化 して大胆な金融緩和を行うことも盛り込 んだ。外交・安全保障、教育分野では、集 団的自衛権行使の明確化や「国家安全保障 会議」の設置、教科書検定基準の見直しな ど安倍氏の持論が色濃く反映された。 安倍氏は会見で「民主党のマニフェスト はほとんど実行されなかった。国民の政治 への信頼を取り戻すために、できることし か書かない」と強調した。 経済政策では、政権復帰後、速やかに緊 急経済対策を行い、大型補正予算を編成す ることを約束。経済財政運営の要として「 日本経済再生本部」を新設する。 また、「日米同盟強化のもと、国益を守 る、主張する外交を展開する」と宣言。沖 縄県・尖閣諸島国有化を念頭に、海上保 安庁の強化を盛り込んだ。自衛隊の人員、 装備、予算も拡充する。民主党政権のもと で冷え込んでいる中国、韓国、ロシアとの 関係改善にも取り組む。教育では「6・ 3・3・4制」の学制を見直し、大学の9 月入学を促進する。教育委員会制度も抜本 的に改革する。 一方、東京電力福島第1原発事故を踏ま えたエネルギー政策では、原発再稼働の可 否について3年以内の結論を目指し、10 年以内に「電源構成のベストミックス」を 確立するとの表現にとどめた。【犬飼直 幸】

Lower House Elections: LDP puts “Economic growth above 3%” in platform

The Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) president Shinzo Abe gave press interviews on the 21 st at party headquarters and announced the Lower House election party policy agenda. It states, “We put escape from deflation and the expensive yen as our highest priority, and aim to reach nominal economic growth of greater than 3%.” Also are included are a 2% inflation target, as well as reform of the Bank of Japan’s charter and strengthening cooperation between the BoJ and the government in order to achieve large-scale monetary easing. In the areas of diplomacy and national security, as well as education, it calls for a clear right to participate in collective defense actions as well as establishing a “National Security Committee,” revising the Basic Education Law, reflecting many of Abe’s personal policy aims.

In his interview, Abe said, “Almost none of the DPJ’s agenda was accomplished. In order to restore the public’s trust in politics, we are only writing what we are able to accomplish.”

With regard to economic policy, after their return to power, the LDP aims to quickly enact emergency economic measures and promises to revise the large-scale supplementary budget. It also calls for the establishment of a “Japan Economic Revitalization Agency” to manage economic and financial policy.

Also, it declares, “We will strengthen the Japan-US alliance, protect the national interest, and develop an assertive diplomacy.” Starting with the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, it aims to strengthen the Japan Coast Guard. It also calls for expanding the Self Defense Force’s personnel, equipment, and budget. It also aims to restore relationships with China, South Korea, and Russia that have markedly cooled during the DPJ’s term. In education, it calls for a revisiting of the “6-3-3-4” system and advancing the start of the university academic year in September. It would also perform a drastic overhaul of the Board of Education system.

On the other hand, in energy policy following on the Tepco Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, it aims for a decision on restarting nuclear reactors within 3 years, and establishment of a “Best mix of energy infrastructure” within 10 years.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The mountain of pigeons crumbles…

While Abe is on the rise, the eponymous Mountain of Pigeons, excuse me, former Prime Minister Hatoyama will not be on the rolls of the next Lower House of the Diet as a DPJ member. Is it the end of an era? At least if you’re one who likes his prime ministers to resemble the Greys, it surely is. Still, he’s had a pretty good run I imagine. Led a government, been an MP for a number of years. Not a job I’d take but still, bully for him. 鳩山元首相:衆院選に 出馬せず…後援会幹 部に意向

毎日新聞 2012年11月20日 21時51分 (最終更新 11月20日 22時08分) 民主党の鳩山由紀夫元首相(65)=衆 院北海道9区=は20日、衆院選(12月 4日公示、16日投開票)に同党公認で 立候補することを断念した。地元の後援会 幹部に電話で「もう出ない」と伝えた。民 主党北海道によると、鳩山氏は21日に野 田佳彦首相に不出馬を伝えたい意向で、 同日夕、北海道内で記者会見し正式表明す るという。無所属や他党からの立候補もせ ず、政界を引退するのかどうかは明らかに していない。 鳩山氏は消費増税法に反対して党員資格 停止の処分を受けたほか、野田首相の進め る環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TP P)交渉への参加にも反対を明言してい る。17日には衆院選出馬に意欲を示す一 方で「自分の信念を曲げるつもりはない」 とも強調。民主党執行部は消費増税やT PP推進に反対する候補者は公認しない方 針で、鳩山氏の対応が注目されていた。 鳩山氏は09年9月に誕生した民主党政 権の初代首相に就任したが、10年6月に 退陣。いったんは次の衆院選での政界引退 も表明したが、その後、撤回した。【斎藤 誠、竹島一登】

Former Prime Minister Hatoyama: Will not run in Lower House Elections…would like to serve on party election committee

The Democratic Party of Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (65), representing Hokkaido Lower House District 9, said on the 20 th , that he declined to be designated as a candidate by his party for the Lower House election (campaign begins 12/4, vote held on 12/16). He told the local election committee leadership by phone, “I will not run again.” According to the Hokkaido DPJ chapter, Hatoyama planned to notify Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda on the 21 st that he would not run again and will make a formal announcement at a press conference in Hokkaido that same evening. He will also not run as an independent or representing another party, but did not indicate whether this marked his retirement from politics or not.

Hatoyama’s party membership was suspended over his opposition to the consumption tax increase bill and he has also voiced opposition to Prime Minister Noda’s continued negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). On the 17 th , Hatoyama had indicated his desire to run in Lower House elections but declared that “I will not change my core beliefs.” The DPJ’s party leadership has set a policy of not approving candidates who oppose the consumption tax increase and TPP negotiations so Hatoyama’s response was highily anticipated.

Hatoyama ascended to the head of the DPJ administration in September 2009 and served as its first prime minister, but stepped down in June of 2010. At the time, he announced that he would retire from politics after the next Lower House election, but then retracted that intention.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Japan against free trade?

You might think so if the prime minister’s fight with his own party over the TPP is representative. Not that I would know. Reading one article of Japanese news a day is not what I would call an exhaustive knowledge of the subject.

野田首相「TPPが 公認の基準」 推進 への賛成が前提

【プノンペン=稲垣直人】カンボジアを 訪問中の野田佳彦首相(民主党代表)は1 9日夜、環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP) について「私が(9月の党)代表選で掲 げたことが基本。きちんと守っていただく ことが公認の基準だ」と述べ、TPP推進 方針への賛成が党公認の前提になるとの考 えを示した。 首相はTPP推進方針について「(党の 候補者が)大きく逸脱することは同じ党と しておかしい」と指摘。ただ、民主党内で はマニフェスト(政権公約)のとりまとめ をめぐってTPP推進方針への反発も出て おり、公認をめぐって党内が混乱する可能 性がある。 また、首相は総選挙の争点について「道 半ばの改革を前に進めるのか、昔の古い政 治に戻るのか。焦点となるのはエネルギー だ」と強調し、脱原発を争点にしたいとの 考えを示した。

Prime Minister Noda says “The TPP was part of the public platform,” defining agreement as a prerequisite for continuing

Prime Minister Yoshihiro (leader of the Democratic Party of Japan), who is currently visiting Cambodia, said about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) that, “I made this a main point in the [September party] leadership election. Carefully keeping that promise requires making it official policy,” indicating that the party must officially agree prior to advancing the TPP agenda.

Concerning the TPP advancement policy, the prime minister pointed out that, “It is strange to have [Party candidates] who deviate from the party standard.” Opposition to the inclusion of pursuing the TPP in the DPJ’s party platform has appeared and getting officially recognized could cause chaos wihthin the party.

Also, the prime minister said about the points of contention in the general election, “Will we continue down the path of reform? Will we return to the politics of the past? The critical point will be energy production,” desiring to make reductions in nuclear power a major issue.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Confused yet?

So I launched into this article without realizing what it was other than it was about baseball. Well, it helps to have watched the game in question if you’re trying to translate an article related to specific comments made by a club president about a specific player. Or maybe the reporter should have supplied more details. Either way, the translation for this one relies on some inferences about what the article is talking about and hoping that I conveyed the appropriate meaning. That said, I really couldn’t tell you what they are talking about in this one.

会長、キューバなめ たらアカン/強化試 合

2006年の第1回WBCで日本代表監 督を務めたソフトバンク王貞治球団会長 (72)は、7回の2点目につながったプ レーを評価した。「角中のツーベースも良 かったし、炭谷もいいバントだった」と笑 顔で話した。 キューバ相手に若手中心で臨んだ一戦 で、試合内容には満足した様子。それでも 「キューバがこんなもんだと思ったら大間 違い」と警鐘を鳴らすことも忘れなかっ た。 [2012年11月16日23時15分]

President – “Don’t put down Cuba”/ He strengthens the game

Sadaharu Ou, present of the Softbank baseball club who coached the Japan National team in the first World Baseball Classic in 2006, praised the play that led to the 2 nd point in the 7 th inning. “It was a nice two base run, and Sumiya had a nice bunt,” he said with a smile.

Approaching the game focusing on young players like Cuba, he was quite satisfied with the game. Even so, he wasn’t able to forget sounding the alarm, saying “I was quite mistaken when I thought ‘Cuba is that kind of guy’.”

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It’s all coming down!

Crazy times for Japan it seems. With the governing coalition now a minority in the lower house, everything seems to be coming apart for the DPJ. It will interesting to see what happens in the next few days as all these new parties start to compete for votes. We could truly have a 3 pole constellation in the Japanese parliament if this keeps up. May you live interesting times…

民主大揺れ=執行 部、離党にお手上げ

16日の衆院解散を前に、民主党から逃 げ出す議員が続出し、同党は大揺れとなっ た。世論の厳しい「逆風」を受け、民主党 に所属して衆院選は戦えないと判断してい るためだ。執行部は特に慰留せず、「去る 者は追わず」の姿勢を取るしかない状況 だ。 「民主党として戦うことはできな い」。野田佳彦首相の環太平洋連携協定 (TPP)交渉参加の姿勢に反発する山田 正彦元農林水産相(衆院長崎3区)は15 日午後、都内で記者団に離党を明言し た。同日夜は「新党を立ち上げたい」と述 べ、同志の糾合を急ぐ考えを強調。解散後 に離党届を提出する考えも示した。 同日は民主党衆院議員の中川治(大阪 18区)、富岡芳忠(比例北関東)、山崎 誠(比例南関東)各氏が離党届を提出。長 尾敬(大阪14区)、初鹿明博(東京1 6区)両氏も離党の意向を固めた。日本維 新の会に合流する小沢鋭仁元環境相(山梨 1区)と合わせ離党者は7人。国民新党 (3議席)を含む与党統一会派は事実上 238議席となり、過半数を割り込んだ。

富岡氏は離党の理由について「民主党は もはや官僚に依存するだけの自民党政治と 全く変わらないものになってしまった」と 強調したが、いずれも12月16日投開票 の衆院選をにらんでの行動だ。 相次ぐ離党の動きに、民主党執行部は お手上げ状態だ。輿石東幹事長は解散確定 前の13日の会合で「ドジョウは泥水の中 でも生きている。金魚は水槽から飛び出 せば死んじゃう」と、若手議員の落選を懸 念して解散に反対していたが、党幹部は周 囲に「出たいやつはほっておけばいい。金 魚とは、ああいう連中のこと」と突き放 した。 別の党幹部は「出て行くやつは箸にも棒 にも掛からないような者ばかりだ」と決め 込んだが、止まらぬ「離党ドミノ」になす すべがないのが実態だ。 pol_30&k=2012111501034

DPJ Crumbling: Leadership raising white flag due to party defections

Prior to the dissolution of the Lower House on the 16 th , members of parliament (MPs) continue to flee the DPJ and the party has been shaken. The defections are being driven by the judgment that there are severely strong headwinds in public opinion and that they won’t be able to compete in the Lower House elections if they stay in the DPJ. The party leadership is in the situation where they are not trying to dissuade the defectors, saying “We won’t pursue those who are leaving.” Saying “I can’t compete as a member of the DPJ,” former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Masahiko Yamada (MP, Nagasaki 3 rd District) announced his resignation at a press conference in Tokyo, citing opposition to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s plan to participate in negotiations related to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). He also stated, “I would like to start a new party,” emphasizing a desire to rally kindred spirits to his cause. He plans his letter of resignation after dissolution. This same day, Osamu Nakagawa (Osaka, 18 th district), Yoshitada Tomioka (north Kanto, proportional appointment), Makoto Yamazaki (south Kanto, proportional appointment), all members of the DPJ, submitted their letters of resignation. Kei Nagao (Osaka, 14 th district) and Akihiro Hajika (Tokyo, 16 th district) also confirmed their intention to resign. Former Environmental Minister Sakihito Ozawa (Yamagata, 1 st district) plans to join the Japan Restoration Society, bringing the total number of defectors to 7. The governing coalition, including the People’s New Party (3 members), has shrunk to 238 members, and no longer has a majority in the Lower House. Tomioka explained his defection, emphasizing that “the DPJ has come to rely solely on bureaucrats and nothing has changed from the LDP era. “ His actions are motivated with a view towards the snap Lower House elections scheduled for December 15. With the continuing defections, the DPJ leadership is in a helpless state. At a meeting on the 13 th before announcing of dissolution, chief party secretary Koshiishi said, “The loach can live even in muddy water. If a goldfish jumps out of its fishbowl, it will die.” He feared that young MPs might lose elections and opposed the dissolution but with the party leadership around him, said “Those who want to get out should do so and leave us be. Goldfish are those kind of people.” Another party boss took for granted that “those who are running away are completely useless” but in reality, the unstoppable “Party defection domino” has them at wits end.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

He actually did it!

Despite all the speculation to the contrary, it looks like Japan will finally get the election the opposition has been looking for. Hard to say from my perspective if things will really change. I’m guessing it’ll be just the two main parties swapping places, but who knows, maybe the “third pole” will actually manage to garner enough seats to be part of the political conversations. But enough of that, what do a couple of people have to say about the dissolution announcement? Let’s read and find out. I’m not 100% confident in my translation on this one. The people quoted talk in circles and vagueness so I tried to translate their overall points rather than word for word.

野田首相「16日解散」表明 政府、与野党からさ まざまな反応

野田首相は14日に行われた国会の党首討論で、自 民党などが議員定数削減の実現を確約することを条 件に、16日に衆議院を解散する方針を表明した。 政府、与野党はさまざまに反応している。 民 主党の輿石幹事長は、「踏み切っても、いいと か悪いとかじゃなくて、これは、総理の唯一最大の 権限ですから。それは、そういうことになったら、 そういう態 勢を早くつくるということしかな い」、「(首相の発言は解散が16日にあるというこ と?)そういうことでしょう。16日に解散をしたいと 言ったんだから、 それを撤回することはないで しょう」と述べた。 自民党の石破幹事長は「わが党として、総理の姿勢 を誠実に受け止め、協力するという方針を決定しま した。その手法などについては、今後、話し合うこ とになると思いますが、きょうの総理の提案をわれ われとして誠実に受け止め協力するということに、 合意を いたしました」と述べた。 前原国家戦略担当相は「総理がおっしゃったのは、 特例公債の成立と、それから0増5減、定数削減、 何らかの取りまとめを 16日までにするということ ですから。その前提で、16日の解散とおっしゃっ たことは、やはり、野党には重く受け止めてもらい たい。条件なしの16日解散 ではないということ は、重く受け止めてもらいたいと、わたしはそう思 います」と述べた。

Prime Minister Noda announces dissolution on the 16 th -- Reactions from various parties

At Prime Minister’s questions conducted at the Parliament on the 14 th , Prime Minister Noda announced a plan to dissolve the Lower House on the 16 th , contingent the Liberal Democratic Party and others making a firm promise to enact a reduction in the number of parliamentary members. There were various reactions from the government, and all parties.

The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)’s chief secretary Koshiishi said, “Even though it’s a bold start, it’s not that it’s good or bad but only that this is the prime minister’s unique and ultimate privilege. As it’s come to this, we have only to get ready as quickly as possible.” “If the Prime Minister said he wants to dissolve on the 16 th , there’s no point in resisting it.”

The LDP’s chief secretary Ishiba said, “Our party has sincerely received the Prime Minister’s position and agreed to cooperate. The exact method will be agreed upon hereafter, I believe. I full agree with the Prime Minister’s proposal today and our cooperating with it.”

State Policy minister Maehara said “What the Prime Minister said, the extraordinary sovereign debt issue, the reduction of the number of Lower House seats by 5, are things that must be done by the 16 th . With that as prerequisite, I would expect the opposition parties would thoughtfully receive what the Prime Minister has said about dissolution on the 16 th . I believe that they will understand that dissolution on the 16 th will not happen without these requirements.”

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

One step at a time

While traditional Japanese parties have traditional sounding names like “Liberal Democratic Party” or “Democratic Party of Japan” that have absolutely no bearing on the actual party policies represented thereby, some of the new parties that have formed in the past few years are way better. With glorious names like “Stand Up Japan!” or “Everybody’s Party,” “People’s Life First,” and now “Party of the Sun,” one can only hope for grandiose new times ahead for Japanese politics.

太陽の党結成 石原氏、 「既存政党との『関ヶ原』 に挑む」 2012.11.13 22:26 新党「太陽の党」の結成を発表する共同代 表の石原慎太郎前東京都知事=13日午 後、東京・紀尾井町のホテルニューオータ ニ(大里直也撮影) 石原慎太郎前東京都知事とたちあがれ日 本は13日、石原氏とたちあがれの平沼赳 夫代表を「共同代表」とする新党「太陽の 党」を結成した。石原氏は同日夕、都内 のホテルで記者会見を開き、次期衆院選前 に日本維新の会やみんなの党と合併するこ とを視野に入れた「大同団結」を急ぐ考え を改めて示し、「既存政党と新たな『関 ケ原の戦い』に挑む」と表明した。 石原氏は「かねがね国政に大きな不満を 抱いていたが、このまま衆院選になると、 自民、公明両党が過半数を取りかねな い。許せない」と発言。「太陽の党はほん の一過程にしかすぎない。必ず衆院選の前 に大同団結する。太陽の党が吸収され、 消えても構わない」とも述べた。自身の芥 川賞受賞作「太陽の季節」に似た新党名に ついては、「たちあがれの園田博之幹事長 の発案だ」と強調した。 綱領には、自主憲法の制定や国の危機管 理体制の立て直し、教育基本法に基づく 「国民の育成」を目的とした教育の振興な どを盛り込んだ。 記者会見に先立ち、たちあがれは、政党 名を太陽の党に、党の代表を平沼氏から石 原氏に変更すると総務相に届け出た。

At Party of the Sun’s formation, Ishihara says “I want to challenge the existing parties to a ‘Sekigahara’”

Former Tokyo Mayor Shintaro Ishihara and Stand Up Japan! party representative Takeo Hiranuma announced on the 13 th the formation of a new party, “Party of the Sun.” At a hotel in Tokyo, Ishihara held a press conference and reiterated his desire to quickly enter into a “united coalition” with the Japan Restoration Society and Everybody’s Party before the next Lower House elections. “I challenge the existing political parties to a ‘Battle of Sekigahara’,” he said.

Ishihara said, “I have lately come to hold a deep dissatisfaction with politics, but if I let the Lower House elections happen, the LDP and Komeito will take likely get a majority. I can’t allow that. The Party of the Sun is nothing more than part of the process. We must form a coalition before the next Lower House election. Even if the Party of the Sun is absorbed or disappears, it won’t matter.” Regarding the resemblance of the new party’s name to his own Akutagawa Prize-winning novel, “The Season of the Sun,” he explained that it was Stand Up Japan!’s Party Secretary Hiroyuki Sonoda’s idea.

The party platform contains the following planks: writing an autonomous constitution, reforming the country’s disaster response administration, promotion of “The People’s Education” based on basic education law.

Prior to the press conference, Stand Up Japan! notified the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications that its name was changing to Party of the Sun and its representative from Hiranuma to Ishihara.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Sun also rises?

BYIt does if you’re Ishihara. Stand Up Japan! is hitching it’s wagon to Ishihara so maybe there really will be a rash of new political movement in Japan in the next election. And the Hanshin Tigers might win the national pennant the next three years. Or Japan could win a gold medal in curling at the next winter games in Sochi. All are possible, but some less so than others.

石原新党「太陽の 党」結成へ…綱領案 に自主憲法

たちあがれ日本(平沼赳夫代表)は12 日、石原慎太郎前東京都知事を党首とする 新党を13日に結成すると発表した。 党名は石原氏の芥川賞受賞作「太陽の季 節」にちなみ、太陽の党とする。結成時の 国会議員はたちあがれ日本の5人(衆院2 人、参院3人)となる見通し。 12日判明した綱領案は、「自主憲法の 制定」を掲げるなど保守色を打ち出した。 「国・地方の財政運営と税のあり方を『見 える形』に抜本改革する」と明記し、消費 税の地方税化や地方交付税廃止を主張する 新党「日本維新の会」(代表・橋下徹大阪 市長)との連携に配慮した。 石原氏は民主、自民の2大政党に対抗す る「第3極」の結集を目指しており、次期 衆院選に向け、維新の会やみんなの党との 連携協議を加速させたい考えだ。

Ishihara’s new party “Party of the Sun” forms… includes autonomous constitution in platform

Stand up Japan! (representative Takeo Hiranuma) announced on the 12 th that it would combine with former Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara’s new party on the 13 th .

The new party’s name, “Party of the Sun,” is reminiscent of Ishihara’s Akutagawa Prize winning work, “The Season of the Sun.” At the time of party formation, the party’s MPs will include the 5 members of Stand up Japan! (2 in the lower house, 3 in the upper house).

In its party platform released on the 12 th , it struck a conservative stance with a call for “establishing an independent constitution.” In calling for radical reform of the national and local financial administration and tax systems into an “understandable form,” it also contemplates cooperation with the new party “Japan Restoration Society” (representative Toru Hashimoto, mayor of Osaka), which asserts a decentralization of consumption tax and abolishment of redistribution of local taxes.

Ishihara is aiming to become the “third pole” in opposition to the two majority parties, the LDP and DPJ, having voiced a desire to accelerate coalition discussions with the Restoration Society and Everybody’s Party.

Yea, we’re still friends!!!

400 years on and they’re still talking to each other. Not only that, their princes are going to be best friends. Japan may not get along with its nearer neighbors, but Spain and Japan are getting on famously 400 years on. 皇太子さま:日本スペ イン交流400周年 事業の名誉総裁に

毎日新聞 2012年11月12日 19時06分 (最終更新 11月12日 21時08分) 宮内庁は12日、皇太子さまが13年6 月14年7月に開催される「日本スペイ ン交流400周年」事業の名誉総裁を務 めると発表した。スペイン側はフェリペ皇 太子が就任する。江戸時代に仙台藩の伊達 政宗が慶長遣欧(けんおう)使節団をスペ インとローマに派遣して400年になる ことを記念し、両国で交流行事が行われ る。皇太子さまのスペイン訪問も検討され る見通し。 The Crown Prince to service as honorary chair of anniversary festival celebrating 400 years of Japan-Spain exchange

The Imperial Household Agency announced on the 12 th that the crown prince would serve as the honorary chair of the “400 Years of Japan-Spain Exchange” festival that runs from June 2013 to July 2014. Prince Phillip will represent Spain. Both countries are having events marking the 400 th anniversary of Masamune Date sending the Kenou Keicho delegation to Spain and Rome during the Edo Period. The possibility of the crown prince visiting Spain is also being considered.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The other soccer

It’s not soccer, but futsal, and Japan made it to the finals, woohoo! I didn’t know there was a futsal World Cup but I shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose. If there’s arena football, why can’t there be a world level competition for short field soccer, err, I mean, futsal. 日本、決勝T1回戦 はウクライナ/フッ トサル

フットサルのワールドカップ(W杯)は 9日、バンコクで1次リーグE組とF組の 最終戦を行い、C組を3位で突破して初の 決勝トーナメント進出を決めていた日本は 11日の1回戦で、A組1位通過のウクラ イナと対戦することが決まった。 日本は9日にバンコク市内で調整した。 8日を休養に充ててリフレッシュした選手 は、強豪に挑む決勝トーナメントに向けて 短期間でコンディションを上げ、連係を高 める。ロドリゴ監督は「格上相手だが、こ こまでやってきたことを信じて戦う」と意 気込んだ。(共同) The Futsal World Cup, with the finals of Tier 1, E and F group being held in Bangkok, announced on the 11 th that C group, 3 rd place Japan, who is making its first appearance in finals tournament play, will square off against A group, 1 st place Ukraine in the first round on the 11 th ..

Japan did some fine tuning in Bangkok on the 9 th . After setting aside the 8 th for resting, the refreshed players worked on short-term conditioning and improving teamwork in preparation for taking on the league heavyweight in the finals tournament. Coach Rodrigo declared that “Our opponent is better ranked, but we’ve come this far and we believe we can compete.”

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new!

With Ishihara moving on to newer things, the new folks are starting to think about running for the Tokyo mayorship. We now know at least one candidate. It will be curious to see who else runs.

都知事選 松沢成文前神奈 川県知事が出馬表明(11/08 20:32)

東京都の石原前知事の辞職を受けて来月行われる都 知事選挙に、神奈川県の松沢前知事が立候補する意 向を明らかにしました。

松沢成文氏(54):「東京都知事選挙に立候補 する決意を固めました。石原前知事の後継を選ぶ選 挙ではなく、新しい東京のリーダーを選ぶ選挙」 松沢氏は、神奈川県知事を2期8年務め、前回の 都知事選挙では一度は立候補を表明しましたが、石 原前知事の出馬を受けて立候補を見送っています。 松沢氏は 会見のなかで、民間委託などを導入した 行政サービスのスリム化を訴えたほか、新銀行東京 の清算や受動喫煙を防止する条例の制定などを公約 として掲げまし た。都知事選挙を巡っては、これ までにご覧の方々が立候補を表明し、民主党、自民 党も独自候補者の擁立を検討しています。

Tokyo Mayor Race – Shigefumi Matsuzawa, previous governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, announces candidacy

Shigefumi Matsuzawa, the former governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, announced his intention to stand for election in the Tokyo Mayoral race, to be conducted next month after the retirement of former mayor Ishihara.

Shigefumi Matsuzawa (54) said, “I have cemented my intention to run in the Tokyo Mayoral race. This election is not about selecting a successor for Mayor Ishihara but about selecting a leader for a new Tokyo.”

Matsuzawa served as the governor of Kanagawa Prefecture for 2 terms over 8 years. During the last mayor election, he announced his candidacy but withdrew it when Mayor Ishihara stood for office. In an interview, Matsuzawa promised to lead in commissioning the private sector to provide services and slim down government. He also pledged to liquidate the New Tokyo Bank and further restrictions on public smoking. Besides him, members of the Democratic Party of Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party, and independent candidates are also studying the possibility of running in the mayoral race.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Docomo can’t keep up.

And it’s pretty much all Apple’s fault, or maybe DoCoMo’s for not offering the iPhone. I’ll let you be the judge of that. Regardless, the bigger question is not who has the most customers or who can sign up the most new ones but who has the highest profit margins, and that, my friends…is something I don’t have the energy to find out right now.

NTTドコモ、過去最大の顧客流出 10月18万9800件 2012/11/7 20:54 NTTドコモは7日、電話番号を変えず に通信会社を乗り換えられる携帯電話のM NP(番号持ち運び制)による顧客流出 が10月は過去最大の18万9800件になった と発表した。KDDI(au)とソフトバ ンクが扱う米アップルのスマートフォン( 高機能携帯電話=スマホ)「iPhone (アイフォーン)5」の人気に押され た。 ドコモの転出超過数はMNPが始まっ た2006年10月以降で最多。アイフォーン 5が発売された9月以降、顧客離れが加速 している。11月以降に販売する新型のスマ ホや値下げ施策で歯止めをかける考えだ。 同日発表したKDDIのMNP は15万2700件、ソフトバンクは3 万7900件の転入超過。KDDIは06年11 月の21万7600件に次ぐ高水準となった。 アイフォーン5の通信料金を旧型の「4 S」から1050円引き上げたソフトバンク に対し、据え置いたKDDIに多くの顧客 が流れたとみられる。 携帯電話・PHSの新規契約数から解約 数を引いた純増数はソフトバンクが2 8万4200件と10カ月連続で最多。KDDI は23万8800件。7200件のドコモは過去5 年間で最も低かった。

NTT Docomo has largest ever volume of customer departures, 189,800, in October

NTT Docomo announced on the 7 th that customer outflow reached 189,800, the highest ever, in October, in large part due to their ability to change mobile provider while keeping the same telephone number under MNP (mobile number portability system). It is being closely pressured by the popularity of the Apple iPhone 5, offered by both KDDI (au) and Softbank.

DoCoMo’s service switching volume is the most seen since MNP began in October 2006. Customer departures have accelerated since the iPhone 5 went on sale in September. It is thought that they will seek to staunch the tide through new smartphone launches and price reduction starting in November. Also announced on the 7 th , KDDI’s MNP number was 152,700 and Softbank was 37,900. This is KDDI’s second highest period since November 2006 with its high-water mark of 217,600. Customers showed a preference for KDDI as opposed to Softbank, which raised communication charges by 1050 on the new iPhone 5 as opposed to the older 4S.

Softbank led net increases in mobile phone and PHS contracts (new contracts minus terminations) for a second month with 284,200 new contracts. KDDI had 238,800. Docomo hit a 5 year low at a net increase of 7,200.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Where’s the beef from, you ask?

Soon to be from the US, Canada, Holland, and France, and up to 30 months of age! Yea for 牛丼 at lower prices, perhaps….!

米国産牛など輸入規 制緩和を了承…厚労 省審議会

BSE(牛海綿状脳症)対策として実施 されている米国産など輸入牛肉の月齢規制 について、厚生労働省の薬事・食品衛生審 議会は6日、現在の「月齢20か月以下」 を「同30か月以下」に緩和する同省の方 針を了承した。

輸入牛肉の規制緩和の対象は、米国と同様に 月齢20か月以下に限定されているカナダと、現在 は禁輸のフランスとオランダで、いずれも同30か 月以下となる。同省は今後、各国と2国間協議を実 施して具体的な緩和の時期などを決める。 この日は、国産牛の食肉検査の対象を 「同21か月以上」から「同31か月以 上」に引き上げることについても了承され た。国産牛についてはパブリックコメント などを実施し、来年4月からの緩和を目指 す。 (2012年11月6日21時02分 読売新聞)

American beef import restrictions to ease, approved by Labor and Welfare ministry commission

The Ministry of Welfare, Health, and Labor’s Pharmaceuticals & Foodstuffs Hygiene Commission approved an easing of the age restriction on imports of US beef due aimed at BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) raised from the current “20 months and under” to “30 months and under” on the 6 th .

The beef imports included in the regulatory loosening are American, Canadian beef that is currently limited to 20 months and under, imports from France and Holland that are currently banned, all of which are now allowed up to 30 months of age. The Ministry will hold discussions with each country to decide a concrete timeline for enacting the new rules.

The commission also approved a raising of the age at which all domestic meat is required to be inspected from “21 months and above” to “31 months and above.” The commission plans to gather public comment on domestic beef and then enact the looser rules in April of next year.

Where’s the beef from, you ask?

Soon to be from the US, Canada, Holland, and France, and up to 30 months of age! Yea for 牛丼 at lower prices, perhaps….!

米国産牛など輸入規 制緩和を了承…厚労 省審議会

BSE(牛海綿状脳症)対策として実施 されている米国産など輸入牛肉の月齢規制 について、厚生労働省の薬事・食品衛生審 議会は6日、現在の「月齢20か月以下」 を「同30か月以下」に緩和する同省の方 針を了承した。

輸入牛肉の規制緩和の対象は、米国と同様に 月齢20か月以下に限定されているカナダと、現在 は禁輸のフランスとオランダで、いずれも同30か 月以下となる。同省は今後、各国と2国間協議を実 施して具体的な緩和の時期などを決める。 この日は、国産牛の食肉検査の対象を 「同21か月以上」から「同31か月以 上」に引き上げることについても了承され た。国産牛についてはパブリックコメント などを実施し、来年4月からの緩和を目指 す。 (2012年11月6日21時02分 読売新聞)

American beef import restrictions to ease, approved by Labor and Welfare ministry commission

The Ministry of Welfare, Health, and Labor’s Pharmaceuticals & Foodstuffs Hygiene Commission approved an easing of the age restriction on imports of US beef due aimed at BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) raised from the current “20 months and under” to “30 months and under” on the 6 th .

The beef imports included in the regulatory loosening are American, Canadian beef that is currently limited to 20 months and under, imports from France and Holland that are currently banned, all of which are now allowed up to 30 months of age. The Ministry will hold discussions with each country to decide a concrete timeline for enacting the new rules.

The commission also approved a raising of the age at which all domestic meat is required to be inspected from “21 months and above” to “31 months and above.” The commission plans to gather public comment on domestic beef and then enact the looser rules in April of next year.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sometimes I wonder…

Is my comprehension just imperfect and therefore my translation or is the original article just written in a confusing manner? I’m going to go with a combination of the two in this case. I made a couple of interpretative, shall we say…guesses in this one, arising from some lack of clarity around the meaning and connection between a couple of phrases in the middle of this article on new active faults. The question is: is the active fault in my understanding or just in the original writing?

名古屋中心部、高速 直下に活断層

[2012年11月05日20:18] 名古屋市内を南北に縦断するこれまで知 られていなかった活断層が2本存在すると の分析結果を、名古屋大と広島大のチーム が5日までにまとめた。一部は約5キロに 渡り高速道路の直下を走るとみられ、防災 計画にも影響する可能性がある。 大都市部は商業施設や住宅が密集、高速 道路や鉄道などのインフラも集中してお り、地表のずれにもろい側面がある。調査 手法の進歩などにより隠れた活断層を見つ けやすくなっており、名古屋市以外の大都 市圏でも調査が今後の課題となりそうだ。 今回確認された全長はそれぞれ約10キ ロだが、さらに延長することも考えられ る。 Active fault under highway in center of Nagoya

A team from Nagoya University and Hiroshima University reported research on the 5 th showing two, hitherto unknown, active faults running north-south under the center of Nagoya. One runs about 5 kilometers beneath a highway and may have an impact on disaster recovery planning. Large cities are full of commercial and residential structures and highway and railway infrastructure is also focused in these areas and these are susceptible to shifts in the earth’s surface. Due to advances in research methodology, previously hidden faults are now easier to find and it seems like this kind of investigation will be a focus in other large cities besides Nagoya.

The faults found this times were approximately 10 kilometers in length but could be longer.

Friday, November 2, 2012

They’ve gone and done it again.

What is with Chinese boats and invading our territorial waters, over and over and over again???!!? You have to think someone in the Foreign ministry gets really annoyed when he has to call the Chinese embassy for the 9 th time. I’m imagining something like…“Hey, this Sugiyama. Yep, your boys went and did it again. Please tell them to stop sailing by our piles of rocks out there off Okinawa. My boss wants me to tell you to tell your boss that it’s really getting old.”

中国海洋監視船、尖 閣沖の領海侵入 外 務省が抗議

海上保安庁によると、2日午前、沖縄県 の尖閣諸島沖で、中国の海洋監視船「海 監」4隻が日本の領海に相次いで侵入し た。正午現在、いずれも魚釣島の北西から 北北西の16~18キロ付近にいたが、午 後0時半から同1時20分ごろにかけ、領 海を出た。 監視船の侵入は、9月11日に日本政府 が尖閣を国有化してから9回目。 中国の海洋監視船4隻が日本領海に侵 入した問題で外務省の杉山晋輔アジア大洋 州局長は2日、駐日中国公使に電話で抗議 した。

Chinese ocean patrol boats invade Senkaku territorial waters….Foreign Ministry complains

According to the Japan Coast Guard, on the morning of the 2 nd , 4 Chinese ocean patrol vessels violated Japan’s territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture. Around noon, they passed within 16-18 kilometers of Uotsuri Island going from northwest to north by northwest. Between 12:30-1:20, they all left the territorial waters.

Since the Japanese government nationalized all of the Senkaku Islands on 9/11, this is the 9 th time patrol vessels have invaded.

Also on the 2 nd , Shinsuke Sugiyama, chief of the Foreign Ministry’s Asia-Pacific States Group, called the Chinese embassy and lodged a complaint regarding the issue of 4 Chinese ocean patrol vessels invading Japanese territorial waters.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A gift for you...

But we’re not telling why!

楽天三木谷氏、予告なく「kobo Touch」送付した狙いに「お答 えできない」


一部の楽天プレミアムカード会員のもと にKoboの電子書籍リーダー「kobo Touch」が予 告なく送付された件で、楽天の三木谷浩史代表 が1日の記者会見でコメントをした。

同氏に投げかけられた質問は、一部の楽天プレ ミアムカード会員向けにkobo Touchを送付した 狙い、いつまで続けるのか、どの程度送付した のか、というもの。この件に関して同氏は「ど ういう販売促進をしているかということについ ては残念ながらお答えすることができません。 申し訳ございません」とし、販売促進の一環で あること以外に何も明らかにされなかった。

本件は、10月24日頃から、一部の楽天プレミア ムカード会員向けに、何の予告もなく突然kobo Touchが届いたとして、ネット掲示板やTwitter上 で盛り上がった話題。既報のとおり「条件に あった楽天プレミアムカード会員向けのプレゼ ント」として、楽天側でも送付の事実を認める も、狙いなどは不明のまま。今回の会見でも三 木谷代表の口から明らかにされずに終わった。

Rakuten’s Mikitana says “I can’t answer” as to aim for sending “kobo touch” unannounced

Some of Rakuten’s premium account holders received Kobo’s e-reader “kobo Touch” unannounced, and Rakuten’s spokesman Hiroshi Mikitani commented regarding it to reporters on the 1 st .

Mikitani was asked what the aim of sending some Rakuten premium account holders the kobo Touch was, how long it would continue, or how many had been sent, etc. In response, he said “As for what kind of sales promotion this is, while it is regrettably, I cannot provide any answer” and offered no explanation other than it was linked to sales promotion.

Beginning on October 24, without any sort of forewarning, some Rakuten premium account holders suddenly received the kobo Touch and it became a big topic on internet bulletin boards and Twitter. As previously reported, “a present for Rakuten premium account holders who meet certain conditions,” Rakuten acknowledged the fact that it sent the e-reader, but the motive remains unclear. The press release ended without any details being revealed by Mikitani.