Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who says I can't team up with them?

The latest political party to pop out of the woodwork has a similar opinion to most other old school politicians in Japan. Surprise!

橋下市長:「集団自衛権 の行使認める」

毎日新聞 2012年09月13日 21時03分(最終更 新 09月13日 21時47分)

新党「日本維新の会」代表の橋下徹・大阪市 長は13日、日本の集団的自衛権行使について 「基本的に認めるべきだ。行使の在り方につい てルール化していく」と述べ、行使を容認すべ きだとの立場を初めて明言した。また、「日本 の歴史をつくってきた人に対して礼を尽くすの は当然」と述べ、靖国神社参拝の意向を示し た。

市役所で記者団の質問に答えた。新党の綱領 となる「維新八策」は「日本の主権と領土を自 力で守る防衛力と政策の整備」を掲げている が、集団的自衛権に言及はない。橋下氏もこれ まで踏み込んだ発言を避けてきたが、12日に 国政政党の結党を宣言したことを踏まえ、外交 や安全保障についても積極的に発言する姿勢を 打ち出したと見られる。

橋下氏は、集団的自衛権の行使は許されない とする政府の憲法解釈を「権利があるけど行使 できないなんて、役人答弁としか言えない。誰 も理解できない」と批判。「主権国家であれば 当然認められる。行使の在り方について、憲法 9条の観点からルール化していったらいい」と 述べた。

Mayor Hashimoto: “I recognize the exercise of collective defense rights.”

On the 13 th , Toru Hashimoto, representative for the new “Japan Restoration Party” and mayor of Osaka, stated that Japan’s exercise of its right to collective defense must be respected on a basic level. “We need to change the rules regarding this exercise,” he said, stating this position for the first time. He went on, “It is only natural to give all those who made Japan’s history,” indicating a desire to visit Yasukuni Shrine.

He was answering questions from reporters at the city offices. The new party’s platform, called “8 Principles for Restoration” contains the plank, “Prepare defense capabilities and government policies to protect Japan’s sovereignty and territory in our own strength,” though there is nothing about the right to collective defense. To this point, Hashimoto had avoided staking out a position on the issue. However, with the announcement of the establishing of a new national political party on the 12 th , it appears that he will begin working out positions on diplomacy and national security.

Regarding the government’s constitutional interpretation that does not allow for the exercise of the right to collective defense, Hashimoto said “For a government representative to say that we have the right but are not able to exercise that right is incomprehensible. If we’re a sovereign state, of course it is permissible. As to how that right is exercised, in terms of Section 9 of the Constitution, a rule change is required.”

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