Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting ready to run!

Today's article is yet another in my regular visits to the inner workings, however inane, of Japanese political party leadership elections. Enjoy!

安倍氏勉強会に47人 =町村氏、7日出馬表 明―自民総裁選

自民党総裁選(14日告示、26日投開票) への出馬に意欲を示す安倍晋三元首相は5日午 後、自らを代表世話人とする勉強会「新経済成 長戦略勉強会」の設立総会を党本部で開いた。 安倍氏を含め衆参両院議員47人が出席。有力 候補の乱立で混戦模様となる中、安倍氏は勉強 会を足掛かりに支持を広げたい考えだ。

一方、町村派会長の町村信孝元官房長官は同 日夕、都内で同派議員と総裁選への対応を協議 し、7日に記者会見して立候補を表明すること を決めた。町村氏周辺は「推薦人20人を確保 するめどはついた」としている。同派は安倍、 町村両氏が出馬すれば分裂選挙となる。

安倍氏は勉強会の冒頭のあいさつで、「民主 党政権はどうやって(経済の)パイを大きくす るかに興味がない。自民党はデフレを脱却し、 力強く経済を成長させる道筋を国民に示す責任 を持っている」と強調。終了後、「民主党との 違いをクリアにしていく必要がある」と記者団 に述べ、民主、自民、公明3党の連携を重視す る谷垣禎一総裁らと一線を画す考えを示した。

勉強会には、発起人の中川秀直元幹事長や小 池百合子元防衛相ら安倍政権を党幹部・閣僚と して支えた議員や、保守色の強い中堅・若手が 顔をそろえた。ただ発起人の出席は61人中3 9人にとどまった。また、総裁選出馬の意向を 固めている石破茂前政調会長が主宰する「さわ らび会」メンバーの鴨下一郎元環境相ら10人 も出席した。安倍、石破両氏は安全保障政策に 共通点も多く、両陣営間で支持者を奪い合うこ とも予想される。


LDP leadership race: 47 attend Abe’s study session; Machimura will announce candidacy on 7 th

On the afternoon of the 5 th , former prime minister Shinzo Abe, who has stated his desire to run in the LDP leadership race (start date 9/14, voting date 9/26), opened the inaugural meeting of his new working group, the “New Economic Strategic Study Group.” Including Abe, 47 members of the Diet attended. In the midst of a crowded race with many prominent candidates, Abe is trying to cement a foothold to widen his support through the study group.

At the same time, former party secretary Nobutaka Machimuru, leader of the Machimuri faction, discussed his response to the leadership race with members of his faction and decided to announce his candidacy at a press conference on the7th. Sources close to Machimura stated that he had secured the support of 20 recommenders. If both faction members Abe and Machimura run, it will be a divisive election.

In his opening remarks to the study group, Abe declared, “I have no interest in how the DPJ administration will make the economic pie bigger. The LDP has a responsibility to show the nation a clear path to remove deflation and bring about strong economic growth.” In conclusion, he told reporters, “We must make our differences with the DPJ clear.” He drew a clear link with current LDP head Sadakazu Tanigaki emphasizing cooperation between the DPK, LDP, and Komeito parties.

Party secretary Hidenao Nakagawa and former defense minister Yuriko Koike, who supported Abe’s administration as party executive and government officials respectively, gave a strong conservative, and youthful flavor as sponsors of the study group. Still, of the original 61 sponsors, only 39 ended up attending. Also, former environmental affairs minister Ichiro Kamoshita and 9 other members of the “Sarawabi Group” attended, a group chaired by LDP policy chief Shigeru Ijiba who is also firming up a desire to run in the leadership race. Abe and Ijiba share many common points, including national security policies a struggle between the two sides for supporters is expected.

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