Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Abe wants…

The LDP announces its agenda for a next governing term and well…just read for yourself.

衆院選:自民、公約に 「経済成長3%以 上」を明記

毎日新聞 2012年11月21日 21時45分 (最終更新 11月21日 23時02分) 自民党の安倍晋三総裁は21日、党本部 で記者会見し、衆院選の政権公約を発表し た。「デフレ・円高からの脱却を最優先 に、名目3%以上の経済成長を達成する」 と明記。2%の物価上昇目標を設定し、日 銀法改正も視野に政府と日銀が連携を強化 して大胆な金融緩和を行うことも盛り込 んだ。外交・安全保障、教育分野では、集 団的自衛権行使の明確化や「国家安全保障 会議」の設置、教科書検定基準の見直しな ど安倍氏の持論が色濃く反映された。 安倍氏は会見で「民主党のマニフェスト はほとんど実行されなかった。国民の政治 への信頼を取り戻すために、できることし か書かない」と強調した。 経済政策では、政権復帰後、速やかに緊 急経済対策を行い、大型補正予算を編成す ることを約束。経済財政運営の要として「 日本経済再生本部」を新設する。 また、「日米同盟強化のもと、国益を守 る、主張する外交を展開する」と宣言。沖 縄県・尖閣諸島国有化を念頭に、海上保 安庁の強化を盛り込んだ。自衛隊の人員、 装備、予算も拡充する。民主党政権のもと で冷え込んでいる中国、韓国、ロシアとの 関係改善にも取り組む。教育では「6・ 3・3・4制」の学制を見直し、大学の9 月入学を促進する。教育委員会制度も抜本 的に改革する。 一方、東京電力福島第1原発事故を踏ま えたエネルギー政策では、原発再稼働の可 否について3年以内の結論を目指し、10 年以内に「電源構成のベストミックス」を 確立するとの表現にとどめた。【犬飼直 幸】

Lower House Elections: LDP puts “Economic growth above 3%” in platform

The Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) president Shinzo Abe gave press interviews on the 21 st at party headquarters and announced the Lower House election party policy agenda. It states, “We put escape from deflation and the expensive yen as our highest priority, and aim to reach nominal economic growth of greater than 3%.” Also are included are a 2% inflation target, as well as reform of the Bank of Japan’s charter and strengthening cooperation between the BoJ and the government in order to achieve large-scale monetary easing. In the areas of diplomacy and national security, as well as education, it calls for a clear right to participate in collective defense actions as well as establishing a “National Security Committee,” revising the Basic Education Law, reflecting many of Abe’s personal policy aims.

In his interview, Abe said, “Almost none of the DPJ’s agenda was accomplished. In order to restore the public’s trust in politics, we are only writing what we are able to accomplish.”

With regard to economic policy, after their return to power, the LDP aims to quickly enact emergency economic measures and promises to revise the large-scale supplementary budget. It also calls for the establishment of a “Japan Economic Revitalization Agency” to manage economic and financial policy.

Also, it declares, “We will strengthen the Japan-US alliance, protect the national interest, and develop an assertive diplomacy.” Starting with the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, it aims to strengthen the Japan Coast Guard. It also calls for expanding the Self Defense Force’s personnel, equipment, and budget. It also aims to restore relationships with China, South Korea, and Russia that have markedly cooled during the DPJ’s term. In education, it calls for a revisiting of the “6-3-3-4” system and advancing the start of the university academic year in September. It would also perform a drastic overhaul of the Board of Education system.

On the other hand, in energy policy following on the Tepco Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, it aims for a decision on restarting nuclear reactors within 3 years, and establishment of a “Best mix of energy infrastructure” within 10 years.

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