Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Docomo can’t keep up.

And it’s pretty much all Apple’s fault, or maybe DoCoMo’s for not offering the iPhone. I’ll let you be the judge of that. Regardless, the bigger question is not who has the most customers or who can sign up the most new ones but who has the highest profit margins, and that, my friends…is something I don’t have the energy to find out right now.

NTTドコモ、過去最大の顧客流出 10月18万9800件 2012/11/7 20:54 NTTドコモは7日、電話番号を変えず に通信会社を乗り換えられる携帯電話のM NP(番号持ち運び制)による顧客流出 が10月は過去最大の18万9800件になった と発表した。KDDI(au)とソフトバ ンクが扱う米アップルのスマートフォン( 高機能携帯電話=スマホ)「iPhone (アイフォーン)5」の人気に押され た。 ドコモの転出超過数はMNPが始まっ た2006年10月以降で最多。アイフォーン 5が発売された9月以降、顧客離れが加速 している。11月以降に販売する新型のスマ ホや値下げ施策で歯止めをかける考えだ。 同日発表したKDDIのMNP は15万2700件、ソフトバンクは3 万7900件の転入超過。KDDIは06年11 月の21万7600件に次ぐ高水準となった。 アイフォーン5の通信料金を旧型の「4 S」から1050円引き上げたソフトバンク に対し、据え置いたKDDIに多くの顧客 が流れたとみられる。 携帯電話・PHSの新規契約数から解約 数を引いた純増数はソフトバンクが2 8万4200件と10カ月連続で最多。KDDI は23万8800件。7200件のドコモは過去5 年間で最も低かった。

NTT Docomo has largest ever volume of customer departures, 189,800, in October

NTT Docomo announced on the 7 th that customer outflow reached 189,800, the highest ever, in October, in large part due to their ability to change mobile provider while keeping the same telephone number under MNP (mobile number portability system). It is being closely pressured by the popularity of the Apple iPhone 5, offered by both KDDI (au) and Softbank.

DoCoMo’s service switching volume is the most seen since MNP began in October 2006. Customer departures have accelerated since the iPhone 5 went on sale in September. It is thought that they will seek to staunch the tide through new smartphone launches and price reduction starting in November. Also announced on the 7 th , KDDI’s MNP number was 152,700 and Softbank was 37,900. This is KDDI’s second highest period since November 2006 with its high-water mark of 217,600. Customers showed a preference for KDDI as opposed to Softbank, which raised communication charges by 1050 on the new iPhone 5 as opposed to the older 4S.

Softbank led net increases in mobile phone and PHS contracts (new contracts minus terminations) for a second month with 284,200 new contracts. KDDI had 238,800. Docomo hit a 5 year low at a net increase of 7,200.

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