Thursday, November 15, 2012

It’s all coming down!

Crazy times for Japan it seems. With the governing coalition now a minority in the lower house, everything seems to be coming apart for the DPJ. It will interesting to see what happens in the next few days as all these new parties start to compete for votes. We could truly have a 3 pole constellation in the Japanese parliament if this keeps up. May you live interesting times…

民主大揺れ=執行 部、離党にお手上げ

16日の衆院解散を前に、民主党から逃 げ出す議員が続出し、同党は大揺れとなっ た。世論の厳しい「逆風」を受け、民主党 に所属して衆院選は戦えないと判断してい るためだ。執行部は特に慰留せず、「去る 者は追わず」の姿勢を取るしかない状況 だ。 「民主党として戦うことはできな い」。野田佳彦首相の環太平洋連携協定 (TPP)交渉参加の姿勢に反発する山田 正彦元農林水産相(衆院長崎3区)は15 日午後、都内で記者団に離党を明言し た。同日夜は「新党を立ち上げたい」と述 べ、同志の糾合を急ぐ考えを強調。解散後 に離党届を提出する考えも示した。 同日は民主党衆院議員の中川治(大阪 18区)、富岡芳忠(比例北関東)、山崎 誠(比例南関東)各氏が離党届を提出。長 尾敬(大阪14区)、初鹿明博(東京1 6区)両氏も離党の意向を固めた。日本維 新の会に合流する小沢鋭仁元環境相(山梨 1区)と合わせ離党者は7人。国民新党 (3議席)を含む与党統一会派は事実上 238議席となり、過半数を割り込んだ。

富岡氏は離党の理由について「民主党は もはや官僚に依存するだけの自民党政治と 全く変わらないものになってしまった」と 強調したが、いずれも12月16日投開票 の衆院選をにらんでの行動だ。 相次ぐ離党の動きに、民主党執行部は お手上げ状態だ。輿石東幹事長は解散確定 前の13日の会合で「ドジョウは泥水の中 でも生きている。金魚は水槽から飛び出 せば死んじゃう」と、若手議員の落選を懸 念して解散に反対していたが、党幹部は周 囲に「出たいやつはほっておけばいい。金 魚とは、ああいう連中のこと」と突き放 した。 別の党幹部は「出て行くやつは箸にも棒 にも掛からないような者ばかりだ」と決め 込んだが、止まらぬ「離党ドミノ」になす すべがないのが実態だ。 pol_30&k=2012111501034

DPJ Crumbling: Leadership raising white flag due to party defections

Prior to the dissolution of the Lower House on the 16 th , members of parliament (MPs) continue to flee the DPJ and the party has been shaken. The defections are being driven by the judgment that there are severely strong headwinds in public opinion and that they won’t be able to compete in the Lower House elections if they stay in the DPJ. The party leadership is in the situation where they are not trying to dissuade the defectors, saying “We won’t pursue those who are leaving.” Saying “I can’t compete as a member of the DPJ,” former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Masahiko Yamada (MP, Nagasaki 3 rd District) announced his resignation at a press conference in Tokyo, citing opposition to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s plan to participate in negotiations related to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). He also stated, “I would like to start a new party,” emphasizing a desire to rally kindred spirits to his cause. He plans his letter of resignation after dissolution. This same day, Osamu Nakagawa (Osaka, 18 th district), Yoshitada Tomioka (north Kanto, proportional appointment), Makoto Yamazaki (south Kanto, proportional appointment), all members of the DPJ, submitted their letters of resignation. Kei Nagao (Osaka, 14 th district) and Akihiro Hajika (Tokyo, 16 th district) also confirmed their intention to resign. Former Environmental Minister Sakihito Ozawa (Yamagata, 1 st district) plans to join the Japan Restoration Society, bringing the total number of defectors to 7. The governing coalition, including the People’s New Party (3 members), has shrunk to 238 members, and no longer has a majority in the Lower House. Tomioka explained his defection, emphasizing that “the DPJ has come to rely solely on bureaucrats and nothing has changed from the LDP era. “ His actions are motivated with a view towards the snap Lower House elections scheduled for December 15. With the continuing defections, the DPJ leadership is in a helpless state. At a meeting on the 13 th before announcing of dissolution, chief party secretary Koshiishi said, “The loach can live even in muddy water. If a goldfish jumps out of its fishbowl, it will die.” He feared that young MPs might lose elections and opposed the dissolution but with the party leadership around him, said “Those who want to get out should do so and leave us be. Goldfish are those kind of people.” Another party boss took for granted that “those who are running away are completely useless” but in reality, the unstoppable “Party defection domino” has them at wits end.

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