Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let’s sit down and talk about it

So there’s a lot of discussion going on in politics in the LDP these days. Anyone surprised? It’s all about what items Japan will hold out as non-negotiables in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations that Prime Minister Abe is eager to kick off. It will be curious to see what comes out and how much sway Japan’s agriculture lobby has with the politicians. If like past history, that’s a lot.

自民、TPP交渉参 加を早くも容認=安 倍首相は正式表明先 送り

自民党の外交・経済連携調査会は27 日、環太平洋連携協定(TPP)に関する 決議を採択し、交渉参加を早くも容認し た。決議は反対派の主張を踏まえ「守るべ き国益」を列挙したが、あくまで言い値。 「聖域は農産物」との本音も漏れる。一 方、交渉参加を急ぐ安倍晋三首相は、正式 表明を当初想定より遅らせ、反対派に配慮 を示した。
「守るべき国益を列記した。政府は重く 受け止めていただきたい」。同調査会の会 合終了後、衛藤征士郎会長は記者団にこう 強調した。
決議はコメ、麦、牛肉などの農産物のほ か、国民皆保険制度の維持、混合診療全面 解禁の阻止など6項目を列挙。反対派の牙 城である「TPP参加の即時撤回を求める 会」(森山裕会長)の21日の決議をその まま引き写したものだ。調査会の会合で は、推進派から「交渉の手足を縛ってはい けない」(川口順子元外相)と異論も出た が、多数を占める反対派の声にかき消され た。
執行部が反対派の主張を丸ごと決議に取 り入れたのは、党所属議員が参加表明後に 地元で支持者を説得する材料をあらかじめ 用意する必要があると判断したためだ。石破茂幹事長は調査会で「全ての議員が選挙 区で説明がつかないような事態には絶対に しない」と強調した もっとも、決議に関わった党幹部は「交 渉事だからハードルは高めにした。絶対守 らなければならないのは農産物だ」と本音 を明かす。TPP交渉で最後まで関税撤廃 の例外扱いを求めるのは、決議に明記した コメ、麦、牛肉、乳製品、砂糖の5品目が 中心になるとみられる。 一方、首相は27日、決議の報告に首相 官邸を訪れた衛藤氏に「時間を取ってゆっ くり話をしましょう。相当な人数でも構い ませんよ」と、反対派の主張にじっくりと 耳を傾ける姿勢を示した。 首相は交渉参加に前のめりだったが、 ここにきて正式表明のタイミングを慎重に 計り始めた。政府関係者は「帰国後すぐ表 明するか、施政方針演説で表明するシナ リオもあったが、反対派の立場を考えてス ローダウンした」と明かす。首相としては 「何を聖域とするか冷静に議論したい」( 周辺)として、党側と協議しながら対象 品目を絞り込みたい考えだ。
(2013/02/27-20:55) pol_30&k=2013022700971

LDP gives speedy approval to entering TPP negotiations – Prime Minister Abe postpones formal announcement

The Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) Diplomacy and Economic Policy group met on the 27 th and quickly adopted a resolution concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), approving the start of negotiations. The resolution lists “national interests that must be protected” at all cost as the price exacted by those opposing it. It also reveals its true belief that “agriculture is sacred.” On the other hand, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo who is eager to enter negotiations, postponed a formal announcement later than first expected in consideration of the opposition.

Committee Chairman Seishiro Eto said after the meeting, “The national interests that must be protected are listed. We want the administration to respect these.” The resolution lists agriculture products like rice, wheat, and beef, maintenance of the national health insurance system, and obstacles to complete deregulation of integrated treatment among 6 categories. This list was copied from the resolution submitted on the 21 st by the opposition group, “Organization for immediate withdrawal from TPP participation” (leader Horishi Moriyama). At the meeting of the policy committee, the group pushing for the change (lead by former foreign minister Yoriko Kawaguchi) countered that “We must not slow down negotiations” but this was shouted down by the majority voice from the opposition.

The executives included the opposition’s argument in its entirety because it was judged necessary as a means of suading the suppporters back home for party lawmakers. Chief Party Secretary Shigeru Ishiba said at the committee meeting, “We can’t cause a situation where the explanation won’t be accepted in our legislators’ districts.” Party leadership showed their true feelings on the resolution, stating “It’s a negotiation so we have raised an additional hurdle. The one thing we must protect is agriculture.” It appears that the 5 items enumerated in the resolution, rice, wheat, beef, dairy products, and sugar, are the true focus that will be pursued for exclusion from tariff reductions in TPP negotiations. On the one hand, the PM showed a willingness to hear the opposition’s point of view on the 27 th when Eto visited the Prime Minsiter’s office, “Let’s take some time to talk about this. It doesn’t matter if it involved a number of people.” The PM is very to pursue negotiations but is very carefully considering the timing of a formal announcement. According to government sources, “Whether it will be immediately upon his return or in an administrative policy speech, he is slowing down the announcement timing to hear the opposition out.” The PM wants to “calmly discuss what our non-negotiables are” and narrow down the the items included in that list.

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