Monday, February 11, 2013

Just slightly repetitive

While not universally true, it seems like Japanese news stories are often very repetitive. The one I’ve translated below about an LDP goal of lower house election reform, they use some variation on the concept of election reform in the current parliamentary session no less than 4 times. Granted, that’s the focus of the article, but some things are just said, over, and over, and over. Maybe I’m making it up, but it sure feels like there’s a conspiracy or something to drive us to distraction with repeating oneself. Still, let’s reform that election system!

衆院選改革、自民・細田氏 「今国会で必要な法改正 を」

自民党の細田幹事長代行は、衆議院の定 数削減を含む選挙制度改革について、今の 国会中に必要な法改正を図りたいとの考え を示しました。

「できるだけ少数政党にとってもいい し、それから我々自由民主党にとってもい い、民主主義を体現する選挙制度をつくっ ていかなければなりませんので」(自民党 細田博之幹事長代行)

定数削減など衆議院の選挙制度改革で自 民・公明・民主の3党は、去年の衆議院解 散にあたり、今の通常国会中に結論を出 し、必要な法改正を行うことで合意してい ますが、講演で、細田幹事長代行は、この ように強調しました。

そのうえで講演の後、細田氏は記者団 に対し、「自民党と公明党の総裁と代表が 党首討論での野田総理とのやりとりで、こ の国会中にやると言っているので、それ を目標にして実現のために頑張ります」と 述べ、今の国会中に法律の改正を図りたい という考えを改めて示しました。

Lower House Election Reform: LDP’s Hosoda says “Let’s make the necessary legal changes during this parliamentary session”

The Liberal Democratic Party’s acting chief secretary Hosoda said that he would like to enact the necessary legal changes to reform the Lower House election system, including reducing the number of seats, in the current parliamentary session.

“If we’re able, our minority partners are for it. We, the Liberal Democratic Party are for it. We must build an election system that embodies democracy.” (LDP acting chief secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda)

As a condition of last year’s Lower House dissolution, the LDP, Komeito, and DPJ all agreed to put together conclusions on reducing the number of seats in the Lower House and other election system reforms and also to make the necessary legal changes and in his speech, Chief Secretary Hosoda emphasized this point.

After the speech, in talks with reporters, Hosoda said, “The LDP president and Komeito party leader held leadership discussions with then Prime Minister Noda and said that they would do it in this parliamentary session, so we are working hard to accomplish that goal,” reiterating his aim to revise the laws in this current parliamentary session.

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