Friday, February 15, 2013

Japan copies the US again

The prime minister wants a national security council, modeled on the US version, in order to facilitate better strategy and diplomacy in Japan. Good luck implementing that.

日本版NSC有識者会議が初会合 今 国会にも法案提出視野

2013/2/15 22:54

政府は15日、首相官邸で国家安全保障会 議(日本版NSC)に関する有識者会議の 初会合を開いた。安倍晋三首相が中長期の 外交・防衛戦略の立案や危機管理の司令 塔として創設を目指しており、今国会にも 関連法案を提出する方向で制度設計を急 ぐ。NSCを有効に機能させるには省庁の 縦割り主義を是正し、どれだけ情報を集 約できるかが課題だ。
議長を務める首相は「首相を中心に外 交・安全保障を戦略的観点から日常的に議 論する場を創設し、政治の強力なリーダー シップで迅速に対応できる環境を整えた い」と表明した。

有識者からは既存の情報 機関との関係を議論すべきだとの意見や「 情報分析と政策立案の機能は分けるべき だ」との指摘があった。 首相は第1次安倍内閣で関連法案を国会 に提出、その後に廃案になった。当時は与 野党ともに必要という認識が広がっていな かったが、環境は変わってきた。

今年1月にアルジェリア人質事件が発 生。中国とは沖縄県の尖閣諸島を巡る緊張 関係が続き、中国艦船が自衛隊の護衛艦に レーダー照射した。

省庁間の連携や情報共 有の重要性に注目が集まる。 首相は国会でNSCの意義について「情 報を集めて分析し、首相や官房長官に上げ る機関がない。

横ぐしの分析能力が日本は 劣っている」と説明。重要情報は関係省庁 が首相や官房長官に直接報告するが、集約 して分析し、戦略を立てられないのが問題 とみている。

これらはNSCをつくるだけでは解決し ない。最大の問題は関係省庁にNSCへの 情報提供を義務付けられるかどうかだ。第 1次安倍内閣の法案では、関係省庁からの 情報提供について「必要な協力を求めるこ とができる」と明記したにとどまってい た。

外務省や防衛省、警察庁の縄張り争いを 克服する必要もある。前回の構想では専任 の首相補佐官を新設して運営させる方針 だったが、今回は権限をはっきりさせるた め、官房長官を中心とした組織とする方向 だ。

参院では与党が過半数割れしており、簡 単に審議が進む保証はない。政府は国会状 況などを見ながら提出時期を探る。

Japan-style NSC expert panel holds first meeting with goal of submitting bill in this parliamentary session

The government opened the first meeting of a panel of experts regarding the establishment of a National Security Council (NSC) at the office of the Prime Minster on the 15 th . Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to establish to plan mid and long-term diplomacy and defense strategy and also lead in disaster response and is hurrying to submit a comprehensive proposal for its establishment in this parliamentary session. For an NSC to function effectively, the primary issues are revising the guiding principle of various deparments’ divided roles as well as how well it would be able to aggregate information.

The Prime Minister, who served as chairman of the panel said, “We will establish a place where diplomacy and national security can be discussed from a strategic perspective on a daily basis, focusing on the prime minister. We want to develop an environment where the government’s strengthened leadership can respond rapidly.” The experts were asked to discuss current information group and their relationships and opinions on them such that, “Our goal is to analyze the functions of information gathering and government policy.”

The Prime Minister submitted it as part of the first Abe cabinet bill to parliament but it was rejected. At the time, neither the governing or opposition parties had widespread acknowledgement of the need, but the environment has changed.

In January of this year, the Algerian hostage crisis happened. Tensions with China over the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa Prefecture continue, including a Chinese patrol vessel targeting a JDF helicopter with targeting radar. The importance of cooperation and information sharing among ministries has gathered much attention.

The PM explained to Parliament the purpose of the NSC by saying, “For gathering and analyzing information, there is no organization to bring this to the Prime Minister and the cabinet secretaries. Japan lacks the ability to do detailed analysis.” The problem is that there is that related ministries do directly report important information to the PM and cabinet secretaries but they are unable to consolidate and analyze it, and then build strategies.

This issue is can only be resolved by establishing an NSC. The biggest problem remaining is whether to require minsitries to share information with the NSC. In the first Abe cabinet bill, it was only written regarding ministry information sharing that, “it was the ability to seek necessary cooperation.”

Overcoming the silo-ed nature of the foreign ministry, defense ministry, policy ministry is another issue. In the previous verion, a Prime Minister’s aide had responsibility for establishing and running the council but but in this version, the the organization is focused on the cabinet secretaries in o rder to clearly define jurisdiction.

In the Upper House, the governing party doesn’t have a majority, and there is no evidence that deliberations will proceed smoothly. The administration will look for a time to submit based on the situation in parliament.

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