Thursday, August 9, 2012

Posturing's thrilling conclusion

And, since I know you were all eagerly awaiting the outcome of the no confidence vote, here it is.

消費増税法案、10日 成立=内閣不信任案を 否決

衆院は9日夜の本会議で、新党「国民の生活 が第一」など野党6党が消費増税関連法案の成 立を阻止するため共同提出した内閣不信任決議 案を民主党などの反対多数で否決した。自民、 公明両党は棄権した。野田佳彦首相が「政治生 命を懸ける」とした消費増税法案は、10日に 参院で採決され、成立する。

内閣不信任案は生活のほか、共産、新党きづ な、社民、みんな、新党日本が提出。採決は記 名投票で行われ、賛成86票、反対246票 だった。自民、公明両党は8日の首相との党首 会談で増税法案の早期成立で合意したため、不 信任案には同調しなかったが、「野田内閣を信 任できない」との理由で採決前に退席した。

ただ、自民党からは中川秀直元幹事長ら7人 が党の方針に反して賛成票を投じた。また、消 費増税法案の衆院採決で反対した民主党議員の うち、9日に離党届を提出した小林興起、小泉 俊明両氏が賛成。鳩山由紀夫元首相らが欠席し た。

野党第1党を除く形で少数野党が不信任案を 提出したのは1982年以来。このときは公 明、共産両党が鈴木善幸内閣に対して出した不 信任案に最大野党だった社会党が加わらなかっ た。

一方、参院は9日午後の社会保障と税の一体 改革特別委員会理事懇談会と議院運営委員会理 事会で、増税法案を10日昼すぎの特別委とそ の後の本会議で採決することを決めた。与党と 自民、公明両党などの賛成多数で可決、成立す る運びだ。

Consumption tax increase bill passage on 10 th ; government no confidence measure voted down

At the general session of the lower house on the evening of the 9 th , the government no confidence measure submitted by 6 opposition parties, including the new “People’s Life First” (LF) party, that was aimed at hindering the passage of the consumption tax increase consolidated measure, was voted down by the DPJ majority. The LDP and Komeito abstained. The consumption tax increase bill, which Prime Minister Yoshihiro Noda “staked his political life on,” comes up for a vote on the 10 th , and is expected to pass.

In addition to LF, the government no confidence vote was jointly submitted by the Communist Party, New Kizuna Party, Socialist Party, Everyone’s Party, and the New Party Japan. The vote was conducted by roll-call with 86 votes for and 246 against. Due to their agreement with the prime minister at a meeting of party leaders to quickly pass the tax increase bill, the LDP and Komeito did not agree to the no confidence measure. That sais, they left before the vote, stating “We can’t trust the Noda government.”

However, contrary to their party’s policy, former chief secretary Hidenao Nakagawa and 6 other LDP members voted for the measure. Also, Kouki Kobayashi and Toshiaki Koizumi, DPJ members who turned in letters of resignation over opposition to the lower house vote on the consumption tax increase, voted for the measure on the 9 th . Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and his group were absent.

This is the first time since 1982 that a minority of opposition parties (i.e. excluding the largest opposition party) have submitted a no confidence measure. The last time it happened, the Komeito and Communist parties submitted a no confidence measure against the Zenko Suzuki government, with the largest opposition party, the Socialist party, not participating.

Meanwhile, on the afternoon of the 9 th , at a meeting of the board of directors of the special committee on integrated social security and tax reform and the directors of the lower house steering committee, the members decided to hold a vote at the special committee after lunch on the 10 th and then follow with a vote in the plenary session. With the government party, LDP, and Komeito voting for, it is expected to pass and be enacted.

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