Monday, January 7, 2013

Old people…pay more…later, maybe?

Regardless whether you call it a knife in the back or good fiscal sense, the elderly will not have to pay an increased percentage of their healthcare costs, at least until later this summer at the earliest. Even countries with a universal healthcare system, like Japan, are having conversations about the cost of healthcare, and so one wonders who will be the first country to tell the elderly that they have to help pay for the cost of living into older and older age?

高齢者医療「窓口1割」継 続へ 政府与党、負担増先 送り

政府、与党は7日、70~74歳の医療 費窓口負担を1割に据え置いている現行の 特例措置を当面継続する方針を固めた。1 5日に閣議決定する2012年度補正予算 案に、今年4月から1年間特例措置を続け るための経費約2千億円を計上する。

財政状況の改善や世代間格差の是正を図 るため、本来の2割に引き上げざるを得な いとの意見もあったが、負担増が高齢者の 反発を招くのは必至のため、夏の参院選後 に議論を先送りして批判を回避すべきだと 判断した。

財務省や厚生労働省は、団塊世代の高齢 化による医療費の増加に備え、70~74 歳の窓口負担引き上げを早期に実施したい 意向だった。

Healthcare for the elderly, continue “10% at reception” – Governing party, postpones increasing burden

On the 7 th , the governing party confirmed its policy to continue the special measure to require those aged 70-74 to pay 10% of the cost of their medical care at the time of service. On the 15 th , a cabinet resolution on the Fiscal Year 2012 supplementary budget bill will add a expense for approximately 200 billion yen to continue the special measure for another year starting on 4/1.

Because of efforts toward reform of the financial situation and efforts to lessen the gap between the generations, some had said that the rate paid must rise to 20% but the administration judged it necessary to postpone debate until after the summer Upper House elections to avoid opposition from the elderly as well as avoid criticism.

The Finance Ministry and Department of Health, Labor, and Welfare, both would like to see the rate paid at reception by 70-74 year old seniors rise quickly in order to prepare for the increase in healthcare costs coming from the aging of the baby boomer generation.

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