Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No coalition for you!

So the Restoration Party won’t play second fiddle to the LDP in any post-election governing coalition. Not shocking, but then again, it could turn out to be a non-issue if Restoration doesn’t get any MPs elected outside of its home-base in Kansai. This election could prove to be very interesting if any of the range of new parties that have come out of the woodwork manage to get any traction with the voting citizenry. Exciting times ahead!

維新:幹事長「自民と の連立与党ない」

毎日新聞 2012年12月05日 19時02分 (最終更新 12月05日 19時40分) 日本維新の会の松井一郎幹事長(大阪府 知事)は5日、大阪市内で記者会見し、衆 院選後の連立与党入りについて「まったく ない」と否定した。石原慎太郎代表は、選 挙後の自民との連立を「できると思う」と 積極姿勢を示しており、政局を巡っても幹 部間の温度差が浮き彫りになった。 松井氏は選挙後の自民党との関係につい て、「いかに政策を実現できるか、是々 非々で判断していく」と、政策ごとの部 分的な連携にとどめる考えを示した。さら に「与党になれば妥協が必要となるが、譲 れないところは譲れない」と指摘、自民党 の看板公約の「国土強靱(きょうじん) 化」を「完全な古いばらまきだ」と批判し た。また、「政府の要職に就きたいという 思いが石原代表にあるはずがない」と強調 した。 維新は当初、衆院選で単独過半数を掲げ ていたが、候補擁立は最終的に172人に とどまり、選挙後の政権への対応が焦点に なっている。【平野光芳】

Restoration Party: Party secretary says “No coalition government with LDP”

The Japan Restoration Party’s chief party secretary Ichiro Matsu (Osaka Prefecture’s mayor) said in an interview in Osaka on the 5 th flatly denied any talk of a coalition government with the LDP after the Lower House Elections saying, “Absolutely not.” Party representative Shintaro Ishihara showed an open mind towards post-election coalition with the LDP, saying “We could do it,” throwing his difference of opinion with the secretary into stark relief.

Regarding post-election relations with the LDP, Matsui said, “We will judge forthrightly what policies we can achieve,” indicating an inclination towards cooperation only on a piece-by-piece basis per piece of legislation. Furthermore, he pointed out, “If we come into government, compromise is necessary, but we will not yield on places where we can’t yield.” He criticized the LDP’s party platform where it states, “Strengthen our Homeland,” as “completely old-fashioned demagoguery.” Also, he called out that “One can’t expect Representative Ishihara to have thought of wanting to serve in a key government position.”

In this first time out, Restoration is aiming for a simple majority in the Lower House, but it’s final candidate count ended up at 172 individuals and its response to political power after the election has been a point of concern.

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